Home > The Dangerous One(52)

The Dangerous One(52)
Author: Lori Foster

   “Probably not.” Opening a drawer, she dug out a notepad and pen, then wrote down her personal cell phone number. “Use this, but share it with anyone and I’ll make you sorry.”

   A brief smile touched his mouth. “I’ll call if I hear any definitive plans. Stay cautious.”

   “Don’t go overboard on the bragging,” she warned, but she was still amused. After closing and locking the door behind him, she went to check on Turbo to make sure he hadn’t been disturbed. Stretched across her bed, the dog slept on.

   Turning from the room, she almost ran into Hunter. And wow. He still looked really, really dangerous.

   Now maybe more so than ever.

   Funny thing, but that only made her want him more. Today. This minute, in fact. Given the way she lived her life, who knew how much time she’d have with him? Whether it was a day or a lifetime, she wanted every single second possible.

   Stepping up against him, she put her hands on his chest. “I don’t take orders.”

   “Neither do I.”

   Huh. He countered instead of objecting. Interesting. “Someone has to be in charge,” she pointed out.

   “Not in a partnership. Not where two people trust and respect each other. The answer is to work together, hold back nothing and be honest.”

   That was part of her problem—she’d dished out all the honesty. “I can handle that. Can you?”

   “Yes.” Hunter held her face as he lowered to take a long, deep, tongue-thrusting kiss that left her on her tiptoes, leaning in for more. “Come home with me and I’ll tell you everything.”

   Of all the offers he could have made, all the arguments he might have offered or reasons he might have given, that was the one she couldn’t refuse.



* * *


   NEVER IN HIS life had Hunter wanted to do something as old-fashioned as stake a claim on a woman. But now, with Jodi, that’s exactly what he wanted.

   He tugged her up the hall so they wouldn’t wake Turbo, then turned her to the wall and caged her in with his forearms braced at either side of her head.

   Instead of seeming bothered by that, Jodi lifted one hand to his jaw, her gaze searching.

   She was his.

   Down to the marrow of his bones, he knew it. He’d probably known it within minutes of meeting her. It didn’t make sense, it had happened too fast and he didn’t care. “It’ll be dark before too much longer. I’d rather we get settled into my place for the night.”

   She said, “All right.”

   Damn, he wasn’t used to Jodi being so agreeable. “There are things we’ll need to do here...”

   “Tomorrow,” she whispered, her fingers sliding along his scalp with a singular fascination, as if she’d never stroked a man’s hair before.

   Every masculine instinct he possessed urged him to rush her out of there now, before she changed her mind, but his heart also told him that he needed to prioritize her safety. “Your family, would they be able to do a deep dive on King?”

   “I can put Madison on it. Within twenty-four hours, I imagine she can tell us all there is to know.”

   Relief coursed through him, leaving more room for the lust. Wanting her agreement, needing it, Hunter said, “Can you get together enough belongings for a few days at least?”

   Her gaze softened. “I can grab some things for tonight. Tomorrow, we can sort out the rest.”

   He put his forehead to hers. “Jodi, do you understand what I’m asking you?” With her, he could never make assumptions. She saw the world differently than others might, just as she saw herself differently.

   “I think so.” Her busy little hands went down to his waist, then up his back as she explored him. “You want me safe—”

   “I want you, period. Safe. Now and tomorrow. Next week. I want you with me. I want your complete trust. I want...everything.”

   In a carefully neutral voice, she asked, “Do I get everything in return?”

   “Yes.” He gathered her close, his arms around her, his body shielding her. It was an uneasy thought, but Hunter knew he’d die for her without hesitation. Hell, he’d almost died for a total stranger. For Jodi? He’d do whatever was needed to keep her from harm.

   She was his...and he was hers, whether she realized it yet or not. “Anything and everything you want.”

   “That sounds perfect. I think I want sex first, though.”

   He choked on a laugh. “I’m with you a hundred percent, but you want to tell me why?”

   She tucked her face against his chest, her nose nuzzling him, and he heard her draw in a slow breath. “I could live without knowing your past, but this body? That’s asking too much. I’m suddenly way too curious to wait.”

   That suited him just fine, assuming she dealt okay with the intimacy. That was a concern, given everything she’d told him and what he’d witnessed of her reluctance to get too close. He’d like to think that things were different with him, but he wasn’t willing to risk her feelings for it.

   Despite how desperately he wanted her, he’d go as slowly as she needed him to. “If at any point you feel uneasy—”

   “You already know me better than anyone.” She didn’t wait for him to answer, just stared up at him earnestly, her gaze unblinking, almost a challenge. “If I have something to say, I’ll say it, and I want you to do the same. I mean, if there’s something I should be doing that I’m not doing, or if I should be doing it differently.”

   Could she be more lovable? He didn’t think so. He gave her a soft, gentle kiss and promised, “It’ll be good between us.” He’d make it so.

   Running her hands over his shoulders, she said, “I believe you.”

   Thinking out loud on how they should progress, he murmured, “I need a shower.” Despite her willingness to rush to bed, she probably needed dinner, and he had to get Turbo settled back home where he could really rest.

   She plucked at the front of her sweaty shirt. “I need a shower more than you do.”

   He thought about offering to shower with her, but he wasn’t at all certain of his control. And speaking of control... “Damn.” It only just occurred to him. “I don’t have a condom.”

   Blinking fast, she asked, “For real?”

   “I haven’t touched a woman since I moved here.”

   “Oh.” She half smiled. “Guess you’re all bottled up?”

   Another choked laugh escaped him. “Definitely bottled up since meeting you.” Once he’d realized how special she was, he should have picked up protection right away. Although, the small drugstore in town wasn’t really the place to do it. Too many nosy people would have noticed, and they all considered him a recluse. Immediately, they would have speculated on Jodi.

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