Home > The Dangerous One(66)

The Dangerous One(66)
Author: Lori Foster

   Wow, they had more in common than she’d realized.

   After admiring the cabinet and wondering what weapons he kept inside, she decided to get a few towels for Memphis. In Hunter’s linen closet, she also found washrags and an extra shampoo, though Memphis might have brought his own. She set all that, with a bottle of water, on the bathroom sink.

   Memphis would have what he needed, and she’d be at the other end of the house getting busy with Hunter. His brother would have no need to interrupt.

   She considered going outside with the guys but decided they might enjoy a few minutes to talk, so instead, she headed back into the kitchen. She’d now seen every inch of the house and knew he had great security.

   She no sooner had the thought than her gaze landed on the basement door. An innocuous door, the same as any other in his house, except that this door sent a cold chill running along her spine.

   She liked his house, she really did, more and more every day.

   The basement, not so much.

   Half a minute later, both men came in. Memphis, trailed by Turbo, carried his bag to the guest room he’d use, and Hunter stepped into the kitchen. On his way to rehang the leash, he paused. “What’s wrong?”

   Jodi shook her head. “Nothing.” To hide her rioting thoughts, she turned away and busied herself at the sink, folding and refolding the dishcloth.

   There was a moment of silence, then Hunter gently turned her. “You can tell me anything, remember?”

   Yeah, she knew she could, but it still bothered her to admit to weaknesses. “It’s nothing.”

   “Jodi.” Bending his knees, he looked into her eyes. “Tell me.”

   Knowing he wouldn’t let up, she rolled one shoulder. “I don’t like your basement, that’s all.” She glanced past him at that door, knowing it opened to stairs that would lead down, down... She fought off a shudder. “It’s dumb, but it gives me the creeps.”

   Drawing her in, Hunter folded his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head. “It’s our first time together. I shouldn’t have left you alone for so long. I’m sorry.”

   Yeah, right. “I don’t need a babysitter. I just need to get over...” She nodded at the door. Whatever that pesky reaction might be. Memories? Cowardice? She wasn’t sure what to call it, but she hated how vulnerable it made her feel.

   “Why?” Hunter asked. “I’m not over the shit I dealt with. You heard my brother. I was gone for almost two years. We each have a right to our demons, honey.”

   “We’re fighting them, though.” Of that, she was certain. Never would she give in to stupid fears.

   “When and how we want. There’s not a timetable.” He pressed his lips to her temple. “I’ll put a padlock on the door if you want. Would that help?”

   Probably not, but she smiled. “Eventually, I’ll have to make myself go down there.”

   Hunter frowned. “Not without me, okay? Promise me.”

   Now, that pricked her pride. “I can—”

   He kissed her again, more demandingly this time.

   Wow, she loved that.

   He held her close, his mouth moving over hers, his tongue doing wicked things to her pulse.

   By the time he let up, she wasn’t sure she could get her eyes open.

   “Not without me,” he insisted softly.

   Jodi figured she had to give in to him every now and then since he’d so often given in to her. Resting against him, she whispered, “Okay, fine.”

   “Thank you.”

   Silly Hunter. “What’s it like down there?”

   Another kiss, this one on her forehead. “It’s like up here, really. Well-lit, neat shelves, a clean floor with a runner or two so my feet don’t get cold in the winter.” His hand curved around her jaw, his thumb touching her bottom lip. “I promise you, it’ll be very different from where you were kept.”

   The way he described it, she probably could tolerate it. “We could go down there soon.”

   “Soon, but not tonight.” Voice lower, Hunter added, “Tonight, we’re going to clear up a few things.”

   “Yeah, like what?”

   “Ground rules. For both of us.”

   To Jodi, that sounded like a promise. “Ground rules. I can handle that.” She took his hand, ready to lead him back to bed...and her stupid phone rang.





   SITTING AT THE kitchen table with Hunter beside her, Jodi set the phone down and said to Madison, “I have you on speaker.”

   “No problem.” In the background, the tapping of keys could be heard. “So, how are you kids doing?”

   Chitchat? That’s what Madison wanted? “You about stopped my heart with that damned text.”

   Laughing, Madison said, “Baloney. I bet you went all lethal and loved it.”

   “She did,” Hunter confirmed. “But she ran out of the room without panties.”

   While Jodi stared at him, aghast, Madison hooted.

   “Next time,” Hunter said, “be more specific—for my sake, if not for hers.”

   “All right, all right.” More tapping. “Will you forgive me for keeping an eye on your outside cameras?”

   “Under the circumstances, I’m glad for the extra precaution.” He reached for Jodi’s hand, and after a few more glares, she gave in.

   With that accomplished, Hunter went on to another priority—one she should have addressed as soon as they got to his house—but yeah, she’d been a little distracted with first-time lust.

   “Jodi said you could research Russ King for us.”

   “I can research anyone. He’s the local bigwig, right? I’ve done some preliminary searching on everyone that popped. He and his goofy poker nights drew my interest.”

   It was Hunter’s turn to be surprised. “You don’t miss much.”

   “Jodi’s one of us.”

   She said it so simply, Jodi’s heart softened.

   While Hunter explained the situation to Madison, Memphis stepped into the kitchen. He saw they were on the phone and started to leave, but Jodi waved him on in.

   Clearly glad to be included, he dropped the reserve and, leaning against the counter, arms crossed, muttered, “I could have researched King.”

   Jodi shrugged. “Apparently, Hunter has decided to run the show.”

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