Home > Then You Came Along(27)

Then You Came Along(27)
Author: Debbie Macomber

   They pulled out chairs at one of the small tables in the supermarket’s deli section.

   “I feel like throwing my arms around you,” Joyce said with a grin. “I saw Cole Camden at Balboa Park the other day and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was like seeing him ten years ago, the way he used to be.” She glanced at Robin. “Jeff was with him.”

   “Cole came to his first game.”

   “Ah.” She nodded slowly, as if that explained it. “I don’t know if anyone’s told you, but there’s been a marked difference in Cole lately. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see it. Cole’s gone through so much heartache.”

   “Cole’s been wonderful for Jeff,” Robin said, then swallowed hard. She felt a renewed stab of fear that Cole was more interested in the idea of having a son than he was in a relationship with her.

   “I have the feeling you’ve both been wonderful for him,” Joyce added.

   Robin’s smile was losing its conviction. She lowered her eyes and studied the lemon slice floating in her tea.

   “My husband and I knew Cole quite well before the divorce,” Joyce went on to say. “Larry, that’s my husband, and Cole played golf every Saturday afternoon. Then Jennifer decided she wanted out of the marriage, left him and took Bobby. Cole really tried to save that marriage, but the relationship had been in trouble for a long time. Cole doted on his son, though—he would’ve done anything to spare Bobby the trauma of a divorce. Jennifer, however—” Joyce halted abruptly, apparently realizing how much she’d said. “I didn’t mean to launch into all of this—it’s ancient history. I just wanted you to know how pleased I am to meet you.”

   Since Cole had told her shockingly little of his past, Robin had to bite her tongue not to plead with Joyce to continue. Instead, she bowed her head and said, “I’m pleased to meet you, too.”

   Then she looked up with a smile as Joyce said, “Jimmy’s finally got the friend he’s always wanted. There are so few boys his age around here. I swear my son was ready to set off fireworks the day Jeff registered at the school and he learned you lived only two blocks away.”

   “Jeff claimed he couldn’t live in a house that’s surrounded by girls.” Robin shook her head with a mock grimace. “If he hadn’t met Jimmy, I might’ve had a mutiny on my hands.”

   Joyce’s face relaxed into another warm smile. She was energetic and animated, gesturing freely with her hands as she spoke. Robin felt as if she’d known and liked Jimmy’s mother for years.

   “There hasn’t been much turnover in this neighborhood. We’re a close-knit group, as I’m sure you’ve discovered. Heather Lawrence is a real sweetie. I wish I had more time to get to know her. And Cole, well... I realize that huge house has been in his family forever, but I half expected him to move out after Jennifer and Bobby were killed.”

   The silence that followed was punctuated by Robin’s soft, involuntary gasp. “What did you just say?”

   “That I couldn’t understand why Cole’s still living in the house on Orchard Street. Is that what you mean?”

   “No, after that—about Jennifer and Bobby.” It was difficult for Robin to speak. Each word felt as if it had been scraped from the roof of her mouth.

   “I assumed you knew they’d both been killed,” Joyce said, her eyes full of concern. “I mean, I thought for sure that Cole had told you.”

   “I knew about Bobby. Jimmy said something to Jeff, who told me, but I didn’t have any idea that Jennifer had died, too. Heather Lawrence told me about the divorce, but she didn’t say anything about Cole’s wife dying....”

   “I don’t think Heather knows. She moved into the neighborhood long after the divorce, and Cole’s pretty close-mouthed about it.”

   “When did all this happen?”

   “Five or six years ago now. It was terribly tragic,” Joyce said. “Just thinking about it makes my heart ache all over again. I don’t mean to be telling tales, but if there’s any blame to be placed I’m afraid it would fall on Jennifer. She wasn’t the kind of woman who’s easy to know or like. I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, and I don’t mean to be catty, but Jen did Cole a favor when she left him. Naturally, he didn’t see it that way—he was in love with his wife and crazy about his son. Frankly, I think Cole turned a blind eye to his wife’s faults because of Bobby.”

   “What happened?” Perhaps having a neighbor fill in the details of Cole’s life was the wrong thing to do; Robin no longer knew. Cole had never said a word to her about Jennifer or Bobby, and she didn’t know if he ever would.

   “Jen was never satisfied with Cole’s position as a city attorney,” Joyce explained. “We’d have coffee together every now and then, and all she’d do was complain how Cole was wasting his talents and that he could be making big money and wasn’t. She had grander plans for him. But Cole loved his job and felt an obligation to follow through with his commitments. Jennifer never understood that. She didn’t even try to sympathize with Cole’s point of view. She constantly wanted more, better, newer things. She didn’t work herself, so it was all up to Cole.” Joyce shrugged sadly.

   “Jen was never happy, never satisfied,” she went on. “She hated the house and the neighborhood, but figured out that all the whining and manipulating in the world wasn’t going to do one bit of good. Cole intended to finish out his responsibilities to the city, so she played her ace. She left him, taking Bobby with her.”

   “But didn’t Cole try to gain custody of Bobby?”

   “Of course. He knew, and so did everyone else, that Jennifer was using their son as a pawn. She was never the motherly type, if you know what I mean. If you want the truth, she was an alcoholic. There were several times I dropped Bobby off at the house and suspected Jen had been drinking heavily. I was willing to testify on Cole’s behalf, and I told him so. He was grateful, but then the accident happened and it was too late.”

   “The accident?” A heaviness settled in her chest. Each breath pained her and brought with it the memories she longed to forget, memories of another accident—the one that had taken her husband.

   “It was Jennifer’s fault—the accident, I mean. She’d been drinking and should never have been behind the wheel. The day before, Cole had been to see his attorneys, pleading with them to move quickly because he was afraid Jennifer was becoming more and more irresponsible. But it wasn’t until after she’d moved out that Cole realized how sick she’d become, how dependent she was on alcohol to make it through the day.”

   “Oh, no,” Robin whispered. “Cole must’ve felt so guilty.”

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