Home > Then You Came Along(80)

Then You Came Along(80)
Author: Debbie Macomber

   “So you eavesdrop, as well?”

   He was certainly eager to tally her less than sterling characteristics.

   “Yes, but in this case, I’m glad I did because I learned that you’d resigned because of me.”

   Southworth hesitated. “Not exactly. I questioned James’s judgment.”

   “About our marriage?” she pressed.

   Once again he seemed inclined to dodge the subject. “I don’t really think...”

   “I do, Mr. Southworth. This election is extremely important to James. You’re extremely important to him. When he first mentioned your name to me, he said you were the best man for the job.”

   “I am the best man for the job.” The banker certainly didn’t lack confidence in his abilities. “I also know a losing battle when I see it.”

   “Why’s that?”

   “Mrs. Wilkens, please.”

   “Please what, Mr. Southworth? Tell me why you question James’s judgment. Until he married me, you were ready to lend him your full support. I can assure you I’ll stay right here until I have the answers to these questions.” She raised her chin a stubborn half inch and refused to budge.

   “If you insist...”

   “I do.”

   “First, you’re years younger than James.”

   “Nine years is hardly that much of a difference. This is a weak excuse and unworthy of you. I do happen to look young for my age, but I can assure you I’m twenty-eight, and James is only thirty-seven.”

   “There’s also the fact that you’re a showgirl.”

   “I’m an actress and singer,” she countered. “Since I worked at Disneyland, I hardly think you can fault my morals.”

   “Morals is another issue entirely.”

   “Obviously,” she said, finding she disliked this man more every time he opened his mouth. It seemed to her that Ralph Southworth was inventing excuses, none of which amounted to anything solid.

   “You’re pregnant.”

   “Yes. So?”

   “So...it’s clear to me, at least, that you and James conveniently decided to marry when you recognized your condition.”

   Summer laughed. “That’s not true, and even if it were, all I need to do is produce our marriage certificate, which I just happen to have with me.” Somehow or other she knew it would come down to this. She opened her purse and removed the envelope, then handed it to the man whom her husband had once considered his friend.

   Southworth read it over and returned it to her. “I don’t understand why the two of you did this. No one meets in Vegas, falls in love and gets married within a few days. Not unless they’ve got something to hide.”

   “We’re in love.” She started to explain that she and James had known each other for a year, but Ralph cut her off.

   “Please, Mrs. Wilkens! I’ve known James for at least a decade. There had to be a reason other than the one you’re giving me.”

   “He loves me. Isn’t that good enough for you?”

   Southworth seemed bored with the conversation. “Then there’s the fact that he kept the marriage a secret.”

   Summer had no answer to that. “I don’t really know why James didn’t tell anyone about the wedding,” she admitted. “My guess is that it’s because he’s a private man and considers his personal life his own.”

   “How far along is the pregnancy?” he asked, ignoring her answer.

   “Three months,” she told him.

   “Three months? I don’t claim to know much about women and babies, but I’ve had quite a few women work for me at the bank over the years. A number of them have had babies. You look easily five or six months.”

   “That’s ridiculous! I know when I got pregnant.”

   “Do you, now?”

   Summer drew in her breath and held it for a moment in an effort to contain her outrage. She loved James and believed in him, but she refused to be insulted.

   “I can see we aren’t going to accomplish anything here,” she said sadly. “You’ve already formed your opinion about James and me.”

   “About you, Mrs. Wilkens. It’s unfortunate. James would’ve made an excellent superior court judge. But there’s been far too much speculation about him lately. It started with the black eye. People don’t want a man on the bench who can’t hold on to his own temper. A judge should be above any hint of moral weakness.”

   “James is one of the most morally upright men I know,” she said heatedly. “I take your comments as a personal insult to my husband.”

   “I find your loyalty to James touching, but it’s too little, too late.”

   “What do you mean by that?” Summer demanded.

   “You want your husband to win the election, don’t you?”

   “Yes. Of course.” The question was ludicrous.

   “If I were to tell you that you could make a difference, perhaps even sway the election, would you listen?”

   “I’d listen,” she said, although anything beyond listening was another matter.

   Southworth stood and walked over to the window, which offered a panoramic view of the Seattle skyline. His back was to her and for several minutes he said nothing. He seemed to be weighing his words.

   “You’ve already admitted I’m the best man to run James’s campaign.”

   “Yes,” she said reluctantly, not as willing to acknowledge it as she had been when she’d first arrived.

   “I can help win him this September’s primary and the November election. Don’t discount the political sway I have in this community, Mrs. Wilkens.”

   Summer said nothing.

   “When James first told me he’d married you, I suggested he keep you out of the picture until after the election.”

   “I see.”

   “I did this for a number of reasons, all of which James disregarded.”

   “He...he really didn’t have much choice,” she felt obliged to tell him. “I turned up on his doorstep, suitcase in hand.”

   Ralph nodded as if he’d suspected this had been the case. “I can turn James’s campaign around if you’ll agree to one thing.”

   Her stomach tightened, knowing before the words were out what he was going to say. “Yes?”

   “Simply disappear for several months. Stay away from Seattle, and once the November election is over, you can move back into his house. It won’t matter then.”

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