Home > Dragon Throne, Part Two(21)

Dragon Throne, Part Two(21)
Author: Stephany Wallace

“A lot of things happened that prevented me from learning about my origins while I was growing up in the Mirror World,” I explained. “I have only just begun, so please go easy on me.”

Understanding rushed through her, and her head lowered, sadness entering our connection, accompanied by duty. “I shall protect you and your loved ones, young wizard, until you can protect all yourself.”

Her vow brought the smile back to my lips. Her loyalty was humbling.

I had protected the others, even if by sheer reflex.

Exhilaration returned to Ardor’s expression, her feet dancing on the grass again. So, I followed her gaze to find Evie, Imogen, and Kingston finally joining us. It was still hard to believe how much faster Ardor was than all other Dragons. When I faced them, I expected them to be pissed off at what had occurred, but their smiles rivaled the brilliance of my golden power.

Evie jumped me, her arms wrapping around my neck a second before her mouth crashed against mine.

I stumbled a couple of feet back from the force of her enthusiasm, chuckling. “What was that for?”

“You saved me with your Devenish magic.” Her lashes fluttered dramatically as she said it, making my lips twitch.

“Oh. You liked that, did you?” I teased, enjoying her playful nature. “I have no idea what the hell I did for that whip to catch you all, but I’m not above claiming full credit and getting a few extra kisses for saving the princess.”

Laughing, she leaned in for another smooch, just as a loud thump resounded behind her.

We both turned to find Ardor had jumped on Tharion, pinning the fierce Dragon to the ground. I guessed she was also excited to see him again.

“Always a happy time to reunite with an old girlfriend,” Imogen added, a naughty gleam illuminating her features.

“Girlfriend?” I frowned, turning to Tharion to see that he had rolled over Ardor, and they were now nuzzling each other in a way that said this was more than a friendly reunion. My eyes widened. “Leave it to grumpy Tharion to find love again with a young, hot little thang,” I joked.

Honestly, he kind of needed an energetic, force-to-be-reckoned-with kind of partner to get him out of that cranky mood he always had. My attention shifted to Kingston when he stopped beside us… Tharion wasn’t the only one.

The chief scowled at me like he knew exactly what I was thinking, and I grinned, unashamedly.

“Well done, Prince,” Imogen offered with a satisfied nod. “Now, do that again… on purpose.”

My smile turned into a frown, and it was Kingston’s turn to smirk.



I woke up feeling heavy and drowsy a few hours later, yet Evie was no longer lying beside me.

Honestly, I thought I couldn’t possibly sleep after having so much adrenaline rushing through my veins, even if I’d been up all day and all night. Yet, the second my back hit the bed; I was gone. It was regrettable, considering I truly wanted to cash in on that sexy teasing Evie made me endure while on Tharion’s back, on our way to see my mother.

My mother…

·Retrieve my father’s sword from Skylar’s forge.

·Pull the ring out of the drawer where I left it.

·Talk to Asher so we can go see the Truth Teller.

·Find the Dragon Crown.

My to-do list just kept getting longer, and I was going to need A LOT of coffee if I was expected to accomplish any of that today.

Also, that train of thought was weird as fuck.

Pounding echoed in my head when I sat up. Yep, I was definitely hungover, but without any of the fun stuff. A grunt left me when I reached for the water on the night table.

“Drink the juice I prepared for you instead. It will take away the sting in your mind and muscles from lack of rest.”

Willow’s voice called from the front of the room, and I turned to see her lovingly combing Evie’s wet hair while she sat at the vanity in a plum-colored, silk top and skirt. She’d obviously been here for a while if she’d helped Evie bathe and get into the embroidered dress already.

“Okay.” A bright red liquid in a covered glass jar sat on the night table, and I began to unscrew the lid.

“No!” both Willow and Evie shouted, making me jump from the scare.

WTF? My gaze snapped towards them, perplexed.

They didn’t explain their outburst, instead gesturing for me to cover my nose.

“What’s in it?”

Evie’s nose wrinkled. “Believe me, you don’t want to know.”

“Just drink it,” Willow ordered. “Trust me, you’ll feel good as new after.”

“And you need your strength if you plan to search for the Truth teller with Kingston today,” Evie added. “I already drank mine.”

With a defeated sigh, I pinched my nose, downing the weird concoction. To my surprise, it didn’t taste half bad… only like rotten corpses, sweat, and blood. Fighting the gag instinct, I forced myself to swallow. My eyes watered, my throat burned, my stomach protested, but the pounding in my head gave one last desperate thump before it miraculously dissipated.

I blinked, feeling a wave of relief sweep my entire body the next second. It was freaking magic, literally leaving me feeling renewed and refreshed, like I’d just woken from the best damn nap of my entire life. I bounced to my feet, full of energy and vigor.


“I know.” Evie chuckled.

“Thanks so much, Willow.” I walked up to her, leaning in to kiss her cheek, but she recoiled before I could.

“Brush your teeth first!” Willow scolded.

My gaze fell to Evie, who covered her mouth just in case I got any crazy ideas.

Smirking, I did as instructed, then returned with a vengeance. Willow squealed when I pulled her off the floor, kissing the hell out of her cheek in what Little Suzie used to call a smooching attack. Damn, how I missed the little princess.

Evie’s laughter rang around us while Willow tried to push me off her, halfheartedly. Placing her down again, I chuckled, enjoying the flush that adorned her cheeks and the sparkle of mirth and love in her eyes.

“If you ever do that again, I’ll turn you into the contents of that juice.” Her eyes narrowed with the threat, but the smile fighting to capture her lips said otherwise.

“Understood, Sis,” I offered, leaning down to kiss her cheek again. She tilted it with a huff, meeting me halfway. Willow totally loved me.

“Is it my turn now?” Evie asked, pulling a grin out of me before I claimed her lips.” You should take a quick bath; the others are waiting.”

With her statement, I realized something else. She had a dress on, not her riding suit. “You are not going with me?”

“I’m sorry. I can’t. I have an audience with our people. I need to make sure they are taken care of and feel safe, especially after everything that has happened.”

Of course. “I’m sorry I can’t be there with you.”

Her hand cupped my cheek, a small smile curving Evie’s lips. “I know, but you are doing this for them. Your mission is important for all of us, for our future.”

Nodding, I kissed her again.

“Enough. We all know you love her,” Willow scolded, pulling me away from Evie. “Go bathe. Your meal will be here short—”

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