Home > Dragon Throne, Part Two(80)

Dragon Throne, Part Two(80)
Author: Stephany Wallace

Here, it was a ceremony devoted only to the couple’s love and their future together. A journey of spiritual cleansing, physical purification, and holding on to the person who would be by their side for the rest of their lives. It was simple, but as explained, the most beautiful thing I’d heard.

With magic flowing freely from my essence, I lifted my hands towards the veil of space just like Raithian had taught me in our second session. My mind’s eye focused on the arena, and the magic effortlessly followed, connecting with the energy all around me. It poured out of me, thinning the veil until a site-warp opened, giving us direct access to the ancient stage.

Evanna and I crossed side by side, with Kingston, Willow, Asher, and Harper flanking us. The ruins and arches of the stage had been decorated with flowery vines and oil lanterns that both hung from the arches’ ruins and spread along the edges of the platform. A long, yet very shallow pool filled with water extended horizontally along the center, perhaps the most important part of the ceremony, which they referred to as the walk to our future.

Two sets of chairs were placed at either end of the walk. The two at the beginning were simple wooden chairs, each with a basin placed next to it. The others, set at the end, were beautifully carved thrones depicting the circular symbol of the Dragon on the top. They were new thrones made just for us, and the sight brought a smile to my face.

The warp closed behind us just as Evanna and I began to walk up the stone steps, led by Kingston and Willow while Asher and Harper guarded our backs respectively. The instant we finally entered the stage, becoming visible to our people, excitement erupted from the crowd, waves of cheers, applause, and even songs filled the air.

Evanna waved at them graciously, like the queen she had always been, then waved to the side of the platform where a band I hadn’t noticed before was set. That was where the singing originated. Grinning, I waved at everyone too, seeing our guards take their places along the back of the stage. This was our red-carpet moment, and I had to admit, it was fun. To have over two thousand people rooting for us, sincerely happy, and wishing us the best was seriously humbling, but also, very inspiring.

Those were our family, our kin, and there was nothing we wouldn’t do for them.

Willow and Kingston guided us straight to the chairs at the start of the walk, and Willow stood next to the first basin. Placing a kiss on her cheek, Kingston took his place on the other side while Asher, and Harper joined Imogen and the Elevated Warriors.

Kingston motioned for me to sit on the chair by his side, so I did, watching Evanna take the one next to Willow. The loud merriment of our people immediately subsided, the music ebbing to leave only a couple of people singing. No words formed their song, but the melodies their vocals created were ancient, eerie, and simply stunning. Like the echo of angels.

There was no need for an announcement that the ceremony had begun, no introduction. Instead, both Kingston and Willow knelt before Evie and me, pulling off the moccasin style shoes that came with our outfits. They placed the basins between them and us and dipped our bare feet in the mud inside it, making sure to cover them whole. The mud represented the “impurities” of our individual pasts.

Glancing up at me briefly, Kingston smiled and stood, offering me his hand to help me step out of the mud while Willow did the same with Evie. Tradition decreed that this part of the ritual be performed by the mother of the bride and the father of the groom, but since our parents were no longer with us, our friends took their place, and we were eternally grateful for them.

Once the mud dried on our skin, Evanna and I stepped towards the water walk, leaving our friends behind. Stopping at the entrance, we turned to face each other.

“Today, we begin to walk together,” I recited the words Kingston had taught me, taking her hand in mine. “And let the blessed waters of the Ocean Guardian’s Sanctuary cleanse us, purifying our souls for each other. I choose you, Evanna Skyborne, to join me in body, heart, and spirit.”

Lips trembling, Evie squeezed my hand, her loving gaze holding mine while she recited the words in return. Emotion fought to be set free, but she strengthened her resolve, effectively holding it back like only she could. “I choose you, Braxton Skystorm, to join me in body, heart, and spirit.”

Smiling, we turned around and took our first step into the water. With each slow stride, the mud dissolved, falling off our skin and taking with it any mistakes, uncertainty, self-doubt, pain, guilt, and loss we had clung to in our pasts. Our souls were washed clean by the blessed water, taking away anything that could hold us back, and prevent us from being the best versions of ourselves for each other.

Hand-in-hand, Evanna and I walked along the shallow path, ripples spreading around our feet, water swaying in all directions. From the first step, our capes, skirts, and my pants submerged in the water, and the sacred skin eagerly absorbed it, slowly changing color. As softly as the waves that reached the shore, the change spread from the bottom upwards, reflecting the shimmery aquamarine hue of the ocean guardian who had gifted me his sacred skin for protection.

In a way, it felt like he had blessed us too.

Gasps of awe and surprise danced all around us while our wedding outfits transformed, both from the stage and from the bleachers in the arena until we reached the other end of the walk.

Stepping out of the water, Evanna and I faced each other once more. Her dress was a beautiful aquamarine now, but silver shimmered along the scales wherever the waning sunlight hit it, making Evanna look like a true goddess.

A brilliant smile filled with all-consuming happiness curved her lips as she looked up at me, and her hand cupped my cheek. “May the journey that we began together today, never end with one of us alone.”

Though the sentiment was perfect, her words burned through my heart because I knew that wish would not come true for us. When all of this was over, I would no longer walk by her side.

I forced the pain down as far as it would go, and smiled at her, tears stinging my eyes. “May the journey that we began together today, never end with one of us alone.”

The words barely made it out of my mouth, my voice betraying me, but once our pledge was sealed, I pulled her into my arms, my mouth crashing over hers. A new wave of ovation and elation erupted in the arena, many crying and hugging in celebration. The fervor of our peoples’ happiness washed over us, taking the ache away.

It was done. Evanna and I were married.

When Evie and I finally pulled out of the kiss, Willow, Kingston, and Imogen were there.

“Did you know the sacred skin would do this when it got wet?” Evie asked her best friend, who shook her head in wonder.

We exchanged a heartfelt hug with them and proceeded to dry our feet, putting on our shoes once more before we were guided to the thrones, where Skylar and Asher waited for us.

“We have a gift for you,” Skylar began, opening the wooden box Asher held. Two circlet style crowns rested on the velvet fabric. “I melted gold coins from the fountain,” she confessed with a shrug, making us all laugh.

“They are stunning, thank you,” Evie offered, a finger caressing the scale-like indentations along the band, accompanied with flowery symbols.

The crowns were identical and simple, but similar to what royalty would wear in medieval times in the Mirror World. Definitely more my jam than the Dragon Crown.

Taking one of them, Kingston lifted it, showing it to the crowd. “With this crown we bequeath you with the future, prosperity, safety, and the love of your people.” He placed the circlet on Evanna’s head, taking her hand and showing her off to everyone who could see. “May the Sky Gods bless Queen Evanna, ruler of the Skyborne Clan!”

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