Home > Courtship's Conquest(75)

Courtship's Conquest(75)
Author: Abigail Kelly

Viktor sealed his mouth over hers in a deep, possessive kiss as he brought her down sharply, burying himself to the hilt. His spine arched as he came, bowing that gorgeous, shifter’s body beneath her own.

Gradually, the kiss softened. Viktor clasped the back of her neck with one hand and smoothed a path up her spine with the other as he lavished her with reverent nips and licks. He was not a man who gave pecks, or who would ever be content with the vanilla kind of kissing.

When Viktor kissed her, it was like he wanted to take as much of her in as possible. She loved it.

Eventually, as their hearts began to slow and the sweat began to cool on their flushed bodies, they turned to lie on their sides. Viktor softened inside her, but they didn’t separate. Instead, he hooked her leg over his hip and held her closer, until it felt like they might blend into one seamless being.

Burying her face against his sweat-slicked throat, she whispered, “You’re not allowed to leave me, Viktor Hamilton. Do you understand? You’re mine.”

His arm tightened around her back. “I lost you once, Cam. Never again.”

She pressed her nose against his pounding jugular, willing tears away. “Promise.”

“I promise, sweetheart. I’m yours, from now until the day we’re too old for this world. Even then, I’ll belong to you.”

Incapable of speech, she clung to him, desperate to hold him close, as if her grip alone could stop the creep of sour dread in her gut.



Chapter Thirty-Five



Viktor didn’t let himself worry. He had too much to live for to bother with it.

But he wasn’t a fool. He was young, and perhaps he hadn’t taken his mortality very seriously before his near-assassination, but he was not reckless.

He wouldn’t leave his pack vulnerable if something happened to him. In between reveling in his mate and setting their move into motion, he’d made sure every member of his pack was prepared for what could happen and understood what they would need to do if he didn’t make it back to them.

I will, though.

It didn’t matter that Andreas was a damn big cat and he was a lean coyote. Muscle did not count for everything.

It certainly didn’t make a difference when he fought his father.

As they boarded the m-jet that would take their party of shifters and elves to St. George, Viktor’s mind lingered on memories he’d long ago left behind. He didn’t enjoy violence, and he didn’t relish his father’s death, no matter how big of a bastard he was. Like the fight with Andreas, it was simply something that had to be done.

It was a fact of shifter life that sometimes death was the only option. If an animal was not smart enough to back down when cornered, it died. Full stop.

In many ways, the moment felt almost identical to when he finally challenged his father. Again, the future of his pack rested on his shoulders. Again, he was forced to fight someone he had no wish to. Again, he wondered if he would live to see his loved ones.

But as he pulled his mate into his lap and tucked her head into the crook of his neck, Viktor acknowledged that things were also entirely different. He looked around the cabin of the m-jet with clear eyes, taking in the sight of his second sitting beside Kaz and the strange tableaux that was his other senior packmates mixing with jewel-toned elves. It was a visually baffling party, but when he looked at the entourage that had come to support him, he felt… strong. Stronger than he ever had.

Theodore couldn’t come, as it would be seen as direct interference by another territory, but Valen had come in his place. His second was with him. His packmates were there. Even the elves he hadn’t spoken to in decades had quietly volunteered to act as Valen’s security detail.

And I have my mate.

Camille clutched him close. The tip of her nose was cool when it skimmed the warm skin of his throat, and a soft, heartbreaking sound hummed from her chest. It was the softest purr he’d ever heard.

Never had he been more supported than he was at that moment. The Solbournes couldn’t be there for him when he challenged his father, though they had endorsed his claim after the fact. Even his pack, wary of retribution should he lose and traumatized by their alpha, hadn’t fully stepped up to support him before Dominic took his last breath.

Now, though, he had more trust, more support than he could have ever dreamed of.

The trick would be making sure he didn’t lose it.

Though the air was thick with tension and Camille damn near vibrated with worry, Viktor didn’t let doubt steal his calm. He had not come this far only to lose his life to an old, bitter alpha in the rocky desert of Alliance Landing.

Time passed too quickly as he held his mate, praying that he would not let her down. It was early afternoon when they stepped off of the m-jet to meet the Alliance entourage.

As they approached the small group of shifters waiting by the tram that would take them to Alliance Landing, he and Camille stiffened. They glanced at one another before he cleared his throat and called out, “Where’s Lee?”

Alphas Taisia and Asbury stood with a small group of Alliance security, all dressed in the signature Alliance white with an orange insignia on their biceps. It was Taisia, a deceptively soft-looking bear shifter, who answered, “He had to take an emergency call just before we got on the tram. He’ll meet us at the Landing.” She eyed Valen and Kaz with a hard, suspicious look. “We weren’t told that there would be elves with you. This is shifter business.”

“My mate’s an elf,” Viktor coolly reminded her.

Taisia waved a hand dismissively. “She’s got a bite. It’s different.”

Viktor felt Camille start with surprise. He smoothed his hand up her back to settle it between her shoulder blades and let out an almost imperceptible sigh of relief. He had hoped that they would react that way, and he had even explained how important the bite was, but he couldn’t be sure they would accept her until that moment.

It was a different story with Valen, though.

Adjusting the fit of his suit jacket over his trim waist, the old elf said, “Considering one of yours attacked our sovereign’s own cousin, we have a vested interest in seeing the outcome of the fight, Alpha Taisia.”

Damn, but the man could manage cold contempt like no one else. Viktor rolled his shoulders, shaking off the instinct to wither under that familiar censure. I really don’t miss being on the receiving end of that look.

Taisia and Asbury shared a telling glance. He could see them weighing the benefits of pushing the issue, but Viktor knew they would not fight it and risk adding an offense to what was already a grave situation.

Asbury, a dark-skinned wolf shifter with an intense, reserved mien, was the one to sigh and gesture to the tram over his shoulder. “Fine. Just know that if you try to interfere with anything, the entire Alliance will have a problem with it.”

Valen stepped toward the tram’s open doors, but paused briefly to stand beside the wolf shifter. With a cutting smile, he said, “Boy, I’m older and meaner than your Alliance. You want a fight, I’ll be happy to give it to you.”

Clapping one heavy, jewel-toned hand on the alpha’s shoulder, he strolled into the tram.

Asbury scowled after him, but didn’t say anything before he turned and followed the old general in. The Alliance guards and, after a moment of clear reluctance, Taisia followed.

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