Home > Courtship's Conquest(92)

Courtship's Conquest(92)
Author: Abigail Kelly


Arrant: someone born without m-paths, or the ability to channel and use magic.


Change: an elvish term for a sudden shift into adulthood. This is marked by 5-14 days of “madness”, usually triggered by some stressful event around the age of 16-18. The elvish body is flushed with hormones to the point where sudden growth, overwhelming hunger, and aggression take over. Viewed as an incredibly vulnerable time, only immediate kin are charged with the care of their loved ones — which includes isolating them, preventing harm to themselves/others, and feeding them. The change marks the second phase of an elf’s life, when they are no longer coddled children but young adults who can accept challenges and family responsibilities. Formal adulthood is attained at 30.


Changeling: a term first used to refer to fey children fostered out to non-fey homes, now more widely used to mean any person raised by people who are not the same beings. Ex: A dragon couple raising a human child.


Chosen: the formal term for a dragon’s mate. The act of finding a mate is called Choosing, and is considered sacred.


Consort: an elvish mate. A term used exclusively by elves to refer to someone they are biologically compelled to pair up with. This usually involves intense sexual attraction, but can vary from person to person.


Dragon: a person with a dual form. In their bipedal form, they have claw-tipped wings, horns, and a tail. In their quadrupedal form, they are roughly the size of a standard SUV and can fly at extremely high altitudes for weeks at a time. They come in a variety of extremely saturated colors that shift with the time of day (light to dark). They breathe cold blue fire and can see the Earth’s magnetic field. Identifying mating feature is marked change in behavior, including the overwhelming urge to nest.


Elemental: a being created by a spontaneous magical eruption. They often take on the attributes of whatever weather they happen to be born into, i.e. a lightning storm might produce a lightning elemental, or a blizzard might make a snow elemental.


Elf: someone born with jewel-toned skin, claws, pointed ears, and four fangs. Very secretive and considered apex predators who require a strict hierarchy to function. Average height of 6-7ft. Identifying mating feature is the retraction of claws.


Fever: shifter mating imperative triggered by the “animal’s” choosing of a mate. Marked by a perpetual near-shift — elevated body temperature, increased aggression, build-up of magic, and the compulsion to mark. A shifter displays their readiness to find a mate by creating a den.


Fey: a person with nearly vestigial, insect-like wings, small fangs, and claws. Usually live in large groups. Identifying mating feature is bioluminescence.


Foresight: the ability to see multiple possible futures. The average number is between 2-4, with the likelihood mental instability increasing with each subsequent possible future.


Halfling: the elvish term for an elf with mixed heritage.


Healer: a person who possesses the ability to see into and heal bodies through touch.


Isand: the title of the leader of the Draakonriik. Pronounced ee-zah-nd


M- : M- is frequently used as shorthand to denote when something is infused or otherwise combined with a magical element.


Marriage Sigil: a custom symbol branded into the foreheads of spouses (pairs or multiples). Each one is unique and infused with a small amount of magic as a reminder of the power love holds. They are typically sought out by worshippers of Glory — mainly witches and arrants. Elves, though worshippers, don’t usually take a marriage sigil when they find their consort or form a union with another elf.


Mate: a catchall term for a significant other. Used by many cultures, it has varying degrees of weight. To shifters, orcs, and demons, the word mate is synonymous with family, monogamy, and dependence. It is much more loosely used within arrant society, as well as amongst elves, who generally prefer the term consort.


Met: acronym for magically enhanced tech. A branded home assistant that can do everything your Alexa can, as well as small, low-level magic to help around the house.


Metallurgic Inoculation: a vaccine given to all elves within hours of birth to make them immune to iron poisoning.


M-siphon: a containment device used to imprison a magical being and siphon off their magic. Highly illegal.


R-siphon: also known as reverse siphon. New technology that redistributes magic away from the siphon instead of into it.


M-lev: a play on maglev, meaning a high speed train that levitates using magnets. In this case, magnets and magic.


M-weather: magic weather. Very common, but can result in “clusters” or storms that wreak havoc if not properly contained. In rare circumstances, it can also produce a sapient being known as an elemental.


Orc: a person with green, gray, russet, or blue skin, two fangs, and claws. Widely renowned for their strength and beautiful voices. Identifying mating feature is “the kohl”, or altered, dark pigmentation of the hands and feet developed after meeting their mate.


Pixie: a small, winged creature with compound eyes with about the same level of intelligence as a rat. In the wild they live in trees and in burrows, but have adapted to living in walls, pipes, mailboxes, etc.


Pull: elvish mating imperative. A sudden hormonal shift caused by exposure to a compatible partner’s pheromones, marked by the retraction of claws and volatile mood shifts. The pull is only “satisfied” when hormone binding occurs — the term for long term exposure to a mate, resulting in permanent biological dependence on their pheromones. This process increases fertility and often results in the conception of multiples. Lack of exposure to a mate can cause severe physical reactions (lack of appetite, muscle pain, headaches, insomnia) as well as the deterioration of mental stability.


Shifter: a person who can shift into an animal form. They can partially shift (changing only parts of their bodies at will) and often take on characteristics of their other half. Famous for their strength and tenacity, as well as their dual-voiced “shifter purr” which many people find deeply attractive. Usually found in packs.


Sigil: a symbol used to channel magic. Western countries use the alchemical alphabet formally codified in the 1800’s, though many, many variations are used all over the world.


Sovereign: the title of the ruler of the Elvish Protectorate. It is capitalized when used in place of a name.


Turbo Virgin (c): Theodore Thaddeus Solbourne, Sovereign of the Elvish Protectorate and Head of the Solbourne Family.


Union: an elvish marriage. Usually done for financial, political, or procreational benefit. The parties involved are not fated or biologically compelled to be with one another, and might have many lovers or even a consort outside of their union.


Vampire: a person who drinks blood to survive and cannot go out in sunlight. Vampirism can only be “caught” with the exchange of fresh blood, and as of 2045 is much more widely spread through procreation. Vampires can only breed with their anchors. Identifying mating feature is marked change in behavior, including overwhelming desire and need for total isolation.

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