Home > Crath(32)

Author: Laurann Dohner

The humans had a saying that popped into his head. Two birds but only one stone to take them down. He was pretty sure that was correct. At least, the meaning behind it applied.

His Kelsey needed a purpose in life, and he knew just the one. He’d approach her about it after they woke. His brothers, cousin, and the rest of the crew would be supportive. They all had the common goal of keeping the human females safe.

Now that he had a plan, he closed his eyes to sleep. His dreams would definitely be about Kelsey and their future. He wanted to have litters with her. Just the thought of her belly swollen with his offspring had his shaft growing hard. He ignored it since she needed rest more than sex at that moment.

Kelsey started to make low noises in her sleep. He thought even her snoring was adorable. She couldn’t be a more perfect female, practically tailored to his needs and wants. Even if it meant she was going to drive him insane until she agreed to becoming his life-lock. He had faith that she’d allow him to become her partner in everything.



Chapter Thirteen


Kelsey had woken with a big, sexy alien curled against her backside, his strong arms wrapped around her. She’d just lain there for a while, enjoying how right it felt. The need to use the bathroom finally drove her to wiggle out of his hold.

Crath woke right away. “My Kelsey?”

“Be right back. Bathroom.” Crath had shown her how to use that room right before their meal had arrived. She finished tending to her needs fast but took the time to finger-comb her hair and brush her teeth before returning to the main part of the cabin.

Crath waited just outside the door, holding a white shirt in one of his hands. He smiled, his gaze raking down her body. “One of my clothing items, unless you wish to make me extremely happy by remaining bare.”

She snatched the soft material from him and pulled it over her head. It was her turn to study his body, since he stood there naked. He almost preened, adjusting his stance to give her a better view.

She laughed. “You’re totally owning how sexy you are, but it’s distracting. As much as I love the view, put something on.”

All teasing humor vanished from his face. “You love looking at me?”

“You’re gorgeous, Crath. You’d have every rich woman on Earth offering you anything to see what I’m looking at for free at this moment.” She winked.

His expression hardened. “I don’t want them giving me anything. You are all I want.”

“Sexier by the second. And I like how you think. But cover up. You make it hard to concentrate when you have no clothes on. Can you reach out to those Pods again to see if we slept through them trying to give us any updates?”

Crath reached out, caressing her cheek. “Of course, but I’m a light sleeper. I would have woken if they’d pinged our quarters. The chime sound can’t be missed. It’s the same one that sounds when someone is at our door.”

“Oh.” The confirmation of no news worried her.

“Are you ready to meet the rest of the crew and my family?” He touched his wristband. “They are having the evening meal soon. We could join them.”

Kelsey felt torn. Also, confused. “Evening meal? How long did we sleep?”

“They rescued us during our normal sleep cycle on The Vorge. It was at the end of that shift when we slept. Smaller-crewed vessels keep three cycles. Sleep, work, and downtime.”

“Right. So you’re saying we went to bed when they were starting their day and now it’s almost dinnertime.”

“Yes. The choice is yours. Do you want more time before meeting everyone? They will understand.”

She was torn between wanting to get it over with and putting off her new reality a little longer. But…this was her life now. Kelsey took a deep breath. “Let’s shower and go to dinner. It’s better to rip the bandage off fast. I just hope you’ve got more than a shirt to lend me or I’ll feel severely underdressed.”

Crath gave her a confused look. “Bandage?”

It make her laugh. “It’s best to see what an alien werewolf actually looks like than let my mind turn it into something way more frightening that what it may be.”

“I’ll contact Nara to bring your clothing and leave it outside the door. Do you wish us to get clean together or separately? I have a preference.” He smiled widely.

“Get my clothes. I’ll shower first, if that’s alright with you. I have a feeling we’d never leave this apartment if you were to help me wash.”


“Sorry. Your cabin.”

“Our cabin. It’s our home.”

Kelsey nodded.

“I’ll contact them now.” He turned away, striding toward another part of the large room. She couldn’t help but admire his ass as he did so. He activated something and a woman’s voice sounded in the room.

“It’s about time! You’re being a dick, Crath. You remember that expression from Earth, right? Quit hiding her away and share. I’m saying this as your favorite sister-in-law.”

Crath chuckled. “We are coming to dinner, Nara. Can you bring my Kelsey her new clothing but leave it in the corridor?”

“It’s already waiting there. I knew you’d have to let her out at some point. Tell her that we’re all excited to get to know her.”

Crath turned his head and grinned at Kelsey. “I will tell her. See you soon, sister.”

Kelsey backed into the bathroom, removed the borrowed shirt and stepped into the bathing stall. Alien tech meant instant hot water, great pressure, and she finished in a hurry. The stall even had the option to blast her with air to dry her skin, which she used now.

Crath once again waited just outside of the bathroom door. “Clothing is neatly folded on the bed. I’m hoping most of it is pleasing to you. Don’t worry if there are items you do not like. They will be recycled to make something else. I won’t be long.”

They switched places so he could shower. Kelsey realized that Crath had made the bed, and the amount of clothing waiting for her inspection on the pristine surface was shocking. There were eight stacks, each over a foot tall. She realized quickly that they’d been sorted. One pile contained folded short-sleeved shirts, the next long-sleeved. There were four pairs of pants, four skirts, and even three different styles of dresses. One neat pile contained underwear and stretchy exercise-style bras.

After donning undergarments, Kelsey chose a pair of black pants and a matching long-sleeve shirt. She almost tripped on a pair of shoes next to the bed that she hadn’t noticed. They were white slip-ons. One thing became apparent. She owed Nara some gratitude for picking soft, comfortable materials on everything she’d delivered.

Crath emerged from the bathroom and quickly dressed in black pants and a short-sleeved shirt with boots. “We could still stay here.”

“Nope. My mind is set. I want to meet everyone. This is my new life and these people helped save me. The least I can do is thank them and let them get to know who they’ve let on their spaceship. We’re going to be like family, right? I mean…” She bit her lip, hating that she might have overstepped in her nervousness.

Crath was in front of her in a heartbeat, cupping her face. “They are your family. I’m glad that you realize that. And yes, this is your new life.” He looked really happy. “I am your future.”

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