Home > Archangel's Legion (Guild Hunter #6)(46)

Archangel's Legion (Guild Hunter #6)(46)
Author: Nalini Singh

That brutal act would’ve made Elena want to cut off the hands in question, but according to Raphael’s own experience in Astaad’s territory, while the other male was a harsh and often cruel ruler, he adored his women, spoiling them to outrageous levels. No one had ever before seen him raise so much as his voice to any one of them, and the general belief was the aberration had been connected either to the Cascade or to the disruption caused by Caliane’s Awakening. So while it wasn’t easy, Elena tried to keep an open mind when it came to the male archangel.

As soon as the formalities were complete, she turned her attention to the vampire by his side. The woman’s eyes were a haunting darkness, her rich brown skin and striking features placing her ancestry in the Pacific Islands that were Astaad’s domain, her beauty so refined as to be unearthly. An old vampire, her exquisiteness the result of centuries of subtle change.

Smiling, she said, “I’m Elena.”

The other woman’s eyes widened. “I am Mele,” she responded after a quick glance at Astaad that put Elena’s instincts on alert—except that Mele didn’t look again in the archangel’s direction.

They ended up speaking for over a half hour, discovering common ground between Mele’s long-term study of vampiric soldiers and Elena’s experience as a hunter. At one point, Elena confessed, “I feel like an idiot.”

“If I have said a—”

“No.” Elena shook her head. “I had this mental image of a ‘concubine’”—she’d asked Raphael if it was polite to use that term, been told yes—“and you just smashed it to smithereens.” The other woman was a scholar who spoke languages Elena hadn’t even known existed until Mele mentioned them.

“Ah.” An open smile that made her more stunning than Michaela would ever be. “You’ll no doubt meet others who are the ornamental pieces you expected, but my archangel has always valued intelligence and spirit. All his women are thus.”

Comfortable with the other woman, Elena whispered, “Do you ever get jealous of one another?”

A laugh. “They are my sisters of the heart. I cannot be jealous of myself.”

Raphael, in case you’re getting ideas—I won’t be this civilized if you decide you need a concubine. In fact, it’s a good bet I’ll turn homicidal.

He didn’t look up from his conversation with Astaad as he said, A pity, in that cool “Archangel” tone of his. I will now have to ask the pilot to empty the hold of my chosen females.

We’re going to have to talk about this new sense of humor of yours. Smiling in spite of her private warning, she continued chatting to Mele, while Raphael and Astaad subtly tried to extract each other’s secrets while giving away none of their own.

After they parted ways, Raphael placed his hand possessively on her lower back, her wing below his arm. “I think you have made a friend of Astaad.”

“Astaad? I spent the whole time talking to Mele.”

“You are consort to an archangel, and yet you treated his most favored concubine with true respect. Even many mere angels consider concubines beneath their notice.”

So many layers to angelic society, she thought, so much that made no sense to her. “Astaad and Mele are obviously attached to one another.” Love existed there, perhaps not love as she and Raphael understood it, but love nonetheless. “I’m guessing they have a healthier relationship than Neha had with her consort.”

“No doubt.” His eyes focusing on someone up ahead, his lips curving in a way that went well beyond simple politeness. “Tasha.”






“Raphael.” The angel in front of them had slanted eyes of vivid green and wings of silken copper against hair of darkest scarlet, her nearly translucent skin showcasing her otherwise vivid coloring to dramatic effect. Reaching up as Raphael bent down, the act appearing familiar to them both, the stranger pressed her lips to Raphael’s cheek in a soft caress.

“And this,” she said, turning to Elena with a deep smile, “must be your consort. I am honored to meet you.”

“Tasha is a friend from long ago,” Raphael explained, a warmth to him she hadn’t seen with any other female angel. “We played in Amanat as children.”

“Do you remember when we decided to raid every fig tree in the city?” Musical laughter, sparkling eyes. “Your mother was so cross, she made us plant ten fig trees each. I can still see you with the shovel, your face streaked with dirt and leaves stuck in your hair.”

The gorgeous image of Raphael as a mischievous boy made Elena smile, even as her instincts cautioned her to be wary. Unlike Michaela, who made no effort to hide her desire for Raphael and contempt for Elena, Tasha was all warmth and laughter . . . while subtly reminding Raphael they had a history together that Elena couldn’t match.

The depth of her sudden dislike made Elena pause, wonder if she was being fair . . . but then Tasha put her fingers on Raphael’s forearm as she brought up another shared memory. Elena didn’t play games like this, and in any other situation, she would’ve called the woman on it, but there were far more important things in play tonight. Still, she wasn’t sorry to see the back of Tasha when the other angel was called away by a friend.

Raphael’s head jerked up without warning a second later. “Lijuan is here.”

Looking up, Elena saw nothing but starlight. “You can sense her?”

It appears my ability has another aspect.

An instant later, the sky kind of . . . rolled overhead, akin to a heat wave in a desert. Then an angel with wings of flawless dove gray and hair of pure white, her dress an ethereal black, was landing in the center of the courtyard in a graceful descent. The crowd gasped, tension crawling across the large space like the blood Lijuan so often brought with her.

Stay with me, Elena. Raphael cut through the frozen mass of guests, his target not Lijuan but Caliane.

The blade from her thigh sheath already discreetly in hand, Elena made sure to keep Lijuan in her line of sight as they moved through the gathering. Will your mother take this as a hostile act? Elena wouldn’t blame her if she did.

It’s a possibility. She may, however, decide upon chill politeness.

Here’s hoping for a win for angelic etiquette. Two seconds later and they were there.

Caliane’s face a mask of icy fury, she acknowledged Raphael with a glance before stepping out into the now empty—but for the single uninvited guest—center of the courtyard.

“You do not observe the rules of Guesthood.” Caliane’s words were coated in frost and when Elena’s breath misted in front of her, she realized the drop in temperature wasn’t only metaphorical.

Lijuan smiled, her hair flying back from her face in a wind that affected nothing else. “On the contrary.” She raised a hand. “I bring you a gift.”

Ten winged warriors landed behind her with military precision, all dressed in dark gray with Lijuan’s red symbol on their chests.

Raphael stepped toward his mother. Elena.

Understanding the message, she came to a stop slightly behind and to the left of Caliane, while Raphael flanked the Ancient on her right. As if they’d been waiting for exactly that, a squadron of fighters in the midnight blue of Caliane’s forces landed behind them.

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