Home > Scholar of Magic (Art of the Adept #3)(122)

Scholar of Magic (Art of the Adept #3)(122)
Author: Michael G. Manning

   Will was also in pain, though probably only Arrogan could see it. It felt as though he had lost something vital, something important, something he couldn’t live without. For a while he had been more, and now Will felt alone—more alone than he had ever realized. The intensity of his solitude was crushing. For a moment his only desire was to go back, and it took all his willpower to resist the urge.

   Arrogan was watching him carefully with a steady gaze. After a moment, the old man spoke. “Come on.” He snapped his fingers and opened his arms.

   Will focused on his own face and felt himself rushing forward. A split second later, he felt himself once again encased in flesh, and he sensed the warmth of Arrogan’s presence. Desperate to end his loneliness, Will tried to cling to the other spirit.

   No, god damn it! That’s what got you in this trouble to begin with! Arrogan admonished him. Seconds later, Will found himself driven into a dark place, locked and sealed, bereft of his senses, as he had been before he escaped.

   His only contact with his body, or the outside world, was the old man’s voice, echoing through the void. Get ahold of yourself. I have to return to the ring before you can have your body back, but when I go Ethelgren will return with a vengeance.

   Where is he now? asked Will, struggling to regain his composure.

   Locked away, just as you are. The moment I leave, the two of you will be on your own. You have to be ready.

   Do you really think I can win?

   Listen, boy, I know you better than you think, and I’ve already tested that fool personally. You’re stronger and more stubborn. Back when I was still alive you were already getting to be a problem when I needed to restrain you. This is your body. You have the advantage here. You won’t lose to some half-baked enchanter.


   Someone who relies too much on creating magic items, rather than improving their innate skills, explained Arrogan. From what I know of the man, he fits the stereotype.

   You didn’t see the spells he was casting, countered Will. They were unbelievable.

   Almost all of them were built into the rod, said Arrogan. I doubt he could cast them at will on his own.

   Will still felt unsure.

   You took his spell away from him. You. You’re hardly more than an apprentice. He was a wizard for hundreds of years before he was murdered. If that isn’t a clue regarding how much he actually practiced, I don’t know what is. You can do this, just don’t let your confidence waver.

   That made him feel better, but something else occurred to him then. Arrogan had referred to a memory of teaching him, giving lie to his previous statements that he couldn’t remember the most recent years before his death. Not only that, but the old man had managed to take control of his body, even though it was being vigorously defended by another wizard.

   Will hadn’t even suspected that that was possible, and it cast serious doubt on the foundation of their relationship. Thanks, he responded. After this is over, assuming I win, we need to talk about some things.

   Arrogan’s response was delayed, but eventually he replied, Yeah. You’re right. We do.



Chapter 45

   Tiny stood behind the body of his best friend. He had rejected the idea of using a club and instead merely had handheld in a fist. It was his job to knock Will out if he lost his battle with Ethelgren.

   “Neither of them can see or hear at the moment, so they don’t know you’re back there,” Arrogan reassured them. Then he locked eyes with Laina, who stood in front of him. “You know your part, right?”

   She nodded. Laina still wasn’t fully recovered from the trauma of separation, but there was a sense of tenacity about her. “If it isn’t him, I knee him in the groin,” she repeated.

   “That’s right,” said Arrogan. “Just don’t overdo it. If you rupture a testicle, he’ll wind up having to use a regeneration potion, and those things are too valuable to waste.”

   “Maybe I should do it,” suggested Darla. “I have extensive experience.”

   Will’s face took on a thoughtful expression, then Arrogan replied with a chuckle, “Nah, you might kill him. Besides, if it’s Laina there might be some therapeutic value.”

   “What does that mean?” asked Tiny.

   Laina nodded immediately, determination and earnestness showing in her eyes. “That makes sense.”

   “All right, here goes,” Arrogan said. Internally, he warned Will to hopefully give him and advantage, and then he retreated back into the ring.

   Will’s world burst into a cacophony of light and sound as his senses flood back, but he tried to ignore the sudden overload while he clamped down on his source and his body. Half a second later, he felt Ethelgren’s presence. The old wizard had been surprised by the sudden change and he was scrabbling to do the same, but this time it was him trying to play catch up.

   It was still a tough fight. The old wizard’s will was as tough as nails and more tenacious than boiled shoe leather. Despite what Arrogan had said, Ethelgren had still been a practitioner for hundreds of years, and the strength of his will was nothing to sneer at.

   His body tensed and seemed to vibrate under the strain of the intense struggle taking place within, but eventually Will felt Ethelgren’s struggle begin to slacken. That raised his own morale, and his victory began to pick up speed as he pushed the ancient wizard back, corralling him into the rod from which he had originally emerged.

    A minute later and it was over. With a thought, Will stored the relic in the limnthal, and he felt relief that he could finally relax. He opened his eyes and realized that his body had been so tense that he wasn’t breathing. With an explosive rush, he opened his mouth and let the air out so he could take a deep breath. “Pfhaahhh!”

   Laina’s nose was just below his own, her eyes studying him watchfully, and as he exhaled, it startled her. Pain exploded through Will’s groin and up his spine. With a faint scream, he folded over and collapsed sideways. From the ground, he saw Tiny hovering over him, fist raised, ready to pound him into oblivion. “It’s me, Tiny!” he managed to squeak.

   Tiny looked at Laina, who shrugged. “I can’t tell. Maybe you should hit him anyway.”

   Still in agony, Will’s brain struggled to think of something, anything, that might save him. In the end only one word came to him. “Janice!”

   Tiny froze, then after a moment he nodded and straightened up. “I think it’s him. It wouldn’t have occurred to the other one to mention her, not without some time to think about it anyway.”

   Laina wasn’t convinced. “Prove yourself,” she demanded.

   Will stared at her for a moment, then he glanced at her bodyguard. “Darla. That’s something I didn’t know before we shared a body.”

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