Home > Scholar of Magic (Art of the Adept #3)(128)

Scholar of Magic (Art of the Adept #3)(128)
Author: Michael G. Manning

   Another servant fell into place a few steps behind, and when they came to the door, the man helpfully opened it for him. Will carried Laina inside and laid her gently on the bed. Then he went to the front room and looked out the window, remembering happier moments.

   He frowned. They seem happy now, but at the time we were scared to death. Funny how time changes one’s perspective. He wished desperately that Selene was with him now. He needed her calm resolve. Having been raised by a madman, she always seemed unflappable.

   A few minutes later, a knock came at the door. “Your companions are here, sir. Shall I let them in?”

   Will grunted an affirmative, and Darla and Tiny came in. Darla looked past him and immediately became more alert when she didn’t see her ward. “Where is she?”

   “Sleeping in the other room,” said Will soothingly. “Our meeting with the king was rather traumatic, but physically she is fine.”


   He gave them a quick description of what had happened, including the king’s bizarre games and cruel humor but omitting their philosophical discussion near the end.

   “You put her to sleep?” asked Darla, seeming offended.

   Will nodded. “I snapped. I killed all three and when she turned to me, the look of horror on her face… I just—I put her to sleep. She could have tried to resist the spell, but she didn’t.”

   “You shouldn’t coddle her,” said the former assassin. “She will be a great lady someday, but death and killing are things she must become comfortable with.”

   Not if I have any say in it, thought Will. Then he saw Darla head for the bedroom, and he moved to interpose himself. “Stop.”

   “I will wake her.”

   “Let her sleep. She’s been through as much as any of us. She may as well rest since we’re safe and she’s already out.”

   Darla’s eyes measured him. “And if I disagree?”

   “Then we’ll have words.” He pointed at one of the chairs. “Make yourself comfortable instead.”

   She lifted her chin. “I will guard the door. I do not trust the king’s men not to eavesdrop.” Moving away, the Arkeshi went to the outer door and stepped outside, closing it behind her.

   Tiny looked at him and shook his head. “I’m not sure I’d be so casual about offending that woman. She seems like she could just as soon cut your head off as look at you.”

   She’s a good kisser, though, Will remembered with a half-smile. He shook his head to clear away the thought. Was that a remnant of Laina, or had he been unfaithful in his thoughts? Will sighed. For the rest of his life he would likely be uncertain. He guessed it would be the same for Laina as well.

   “What now?” asked Tiny, glancing around to take in the room.

   Will noticed his friend slap his stomach a few times unconsciously. “Why don’t you and Darla see about having some food sent up?”

   “Sent up?”

   “The kitchens here are always busy. Get word to one of the servants, and they’ll send up enough food to feed even you.”

   Tiny was out the door before Will could say another word. Will laughed, then activated the limnthal. “Are you ready to talk?”

   “I’m at your beck and call,” said Arrogan in an uncommonly cooperative tone.

   “You lied to me. Repeatedly. Why?”

   “I was selfish,” said the ring.

   “Selfish? You could have told me you remembered everything. You could have told me you were really my grandfather, not just some magical copy. What could you possibly gain from hiding that?”

   “Peace,” said Arrogan. “For you and me. It hurts to remember, and I only have to do it when the limnthal is active. You’re still alive. I didn’t want you to know it was really me trapped in this ring.”

   “Well I know now, and I’m ticked off,” spat Will.

   “Is that all you’re upset about?”

   “Should there be something else?”

   The ring issued an audible sigh. “Just when I think you might not be utterly stupid.”

   Will snorted. “You must be referring to the fact that you’re not just a spirit of pure intellect, but the fact that you retained your will as well.”

   “It makes me dangerous,” said his grandfather.

   “Because you could attempt to steal my body, the way Ethelgren did?”


   “But you wouldn’t do that,” insisted Will.

   Arrogan lost his temper. “How do you know that, you little shit? Do you have any idea how tempting it is? I’m dead!”

   Something occurred to Will then. He remembered their previous conversation regarding Aislinn and her dual motivations, helpful and murderous. “She made you as a trap for me,” he said aloud as his thoughts clarified.

   “Damn right. And I’ve felt terrible about it ever since.”

   “But you didn’t have a choice, except not to do it,” countered Will. “And you didn’t.”

   “I could have told you,” said the ring. “But I didn’t. Do you know why?”


   “Because I was afraid you’d get rid of me.”

   That didn’t fit with the ring’s constant begging to melt him down. “That’s not true. You were always begging me to put you out of your misery.”

   “I knew you wouldn’t, not unless I told the truth. And secretly, deep down, I’ve been keeping my options open.”

   “Options…,” muttered Will, tasting the word and finding it unsavory.

   “Yeah, options. As long as you keep calling on me, I could always change my mind. A new life waits for me, in your body. All I have to do is throw aside my scruples and do what Ethelgren did.”

   He mulled it over for a minute, then shrugged. “Oh well. I guess I’ll take that risk.”

   “You really are a fool.”

   “Not at all,” said Will confidently. “I trust you. We’re family.”

   “Did Laina kick you in your balls or your brain? Wait, never mind, that’s probably where you keep your brain anyway,” said Arrogan sourly.

   Will wasn’t fazed. “I learned something new today, about trust, and I think even the king was impressed.”

   Suspicious, the ring asked, “What was it?”

   He relayed what he had told Lognion about truth and trust, faith and people. Will wasn’t sure if he managed to say it quite as eloquently the second time, but he did his best to get the point across. There was a long pause after he finished, so he asked, “What do you think?”

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