Home > The Crown of Bones(18)

The Crown of Bones(18)
Author: Rosalyn Briar

“Mitzi, are you engaged?” I ask.

She sniffles and nods. Brahm and I rub her back as she cries. The other Offerings return to the glen and begin stacking the wood in the center of camp.

“His name’s Otto,” Mitzi squeaks out. “I love him so much, and now I’ll never see him again.”

“Don’t say that,” Brahm says. “The priestess was surprised we made it through the mine. Maybe we’ll be the ones to return with the crown. What’s Otto like?”

“He’s sweet, handsome...and a really good kisser.” She smiles and stares at her ring. “I miss him. Have you ever been in love?”

“Yes,” Brahm answers. “For as long as I can remember.”

My chest tightens a bit, and my stomach sinks. Though Brahm has many admirers, I can’t say I’ve seen him interested in one. The only girl in particular I can think of is Elana, but I heard she’s married and has two children now. I saw Brahm kiss her my first time at the Hexennacht bonfires—which is why I never went back.

“Who?” I squeak out. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.”

“I don’t.” He looks down and twirls the extra blanket strips in his hands. “It’s…unrequited.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that, Brahm. You seem like a great guy. Her loss,” Mitzi says. “What about you, Gisela?”

Brahm’s eyes flicker to mine, but I look toward the flowing water of the creek. I strain my jaw as tears sting the edges of my eyes and behind my nose. I truly believed I was in love once upon a time.

“No. I don’t have time for romance.” I turn my gaze back to Brahm. “Is that who you saw in the enchanted mirror? Your woman?”

“What? No.” Brahm’s light brown cheeks grow rosy as he shakes his head.

“Well, you saw somebody you love. You even said, ‘I love you,’ to the mirror.”

“I really don’t remember. I don’t think I saw anything.” Brahm crosses his arms over his chest. “I’ll go see if I can catch something in the creek. It’s a little shallow, but maybe there’s some fish.”

Brahm strides away with the net slung over his shoulder as he pushes up his green sleeves. I tuck the shard of the magic mirror into my satchel and help Mitzi scoot to a tree a little closer to the fire, now blazing and warm. Ferdinand and Gunther sit on the other side, clinking their bottles together and taking swigs. Willa plops down beside me and, without asking, removes Brahm’s crown from my head and combs my hair.

“Um, what are you doing?”

“I’m bored. Tell me about your family.”

“Well,” I say and take a deep breath, “my parents have been messed up since my brother died, and I have a younger sister named Thora. She’s a sweetheart.”

“Oh, I’m sorry about your brother.” Mitzi touches my hand. “What happened?”

“They said it was poisoned gas.” I pause but decide not to share more. “What about your family, Willa?”

“I’m an only child.” Willa works her fingers through my hair. “My father and stepmother are so busy with the banks they don’t have time for me—probably relieved I was chosen.”

“Don’t say that,” Mitzi whispers.

After combing my hair into soft waves and re-plaiting the braid, Willa adjusts my floral crown and turns to Mitzi. Willa works on her hair as well, creating springy, ebony tendrils from the tangled mess.

“What about you, Mitzi?” she asks.

“My parents are very loving. My twelve older brothers and I have taken over most of the shepherding—”

“Wait. What?” Willa shrieks. “Twelve brothers?”

Mitzi giggles. “Yes, twelve.”

“Oh, your poor mother,” I say with a chuckle.

Brahm returns from the creek and shrugs. “No luck.” He sits next to the guys who offer him a drink. After one swig, he grabs the new lute and tunes it.

Brahm plays the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard. His music speaks to my soul, making my chest grow warm and my body light and airy. The muscles in Brahm’s forearm twitch, and as he strums, he stares at me.

I give him a soft smile before checking Mitzi’s leg. The blood has soaked through the wrappings, and her eyes well with tears. I know she doesn’t want me to stitch it, but it’s the only way. I’ll leave it alone for now and hope Brahm can help me convince her later.

He continues to play the lovely song, and both Ferdinand and Gunther are drunk off their asses. Their eyes are half-closed as they sway to the music.

“I’ve never heard this song. What’s it called?” Gunther asks.

“Um...I made it up. It doesn’t have a name,” Brahm says and continues playing.

“I loves Ssschnapps,” Ferdinand slurs and places his arm around Gunther’s shoulder. “What’s yours favorites tos drinks?”

“I prefer a hearty beer,” Gunther grumbles and leans back to his elbows, pulling Ferdinand down with him. “But this will do.” He takes one more swig before passing out.

Ferdinand sits up again and sways his head. “Whats abouts you, musssic man?”

“I don’t really drink anything but wine,” Brahm says, plucking the cords. “Bitter wine.”

My breath catches in my throat.

“Bitters wines?” Ferdinand leans forward, his eyes half-closed. “Gross. Why dos yous likes bitters wines?”

“It may be harsh at first, yes. Sour and sharp against the tongue.” Brahm strums the lute and his eyes meet mine. “But the intoxicating flavor fills you with heat and leaves you craving more.”

I flush and turn to focus on Mitzi. “It needs to be stitched. It bleeds every time you move.”

“No.” Mitzi shakes her head. “It’ll heal.”

Unwrapping the blood-drenched strips reveals a gaping wound. Willa gasps and snaps her head away with a scrunched nose. “That’s disgusting.” After sticking out her tongue and feigning a gag, she laughs. “You know, after my near-death experience today, I think I deserve a little fun. Because of who my father is, I’ve been a good girl my whole life. I was never allowed to date. I don’t want to die a virgin. Hmm.” Her brown eyes scan over the guys across the fire. “Well, my first choice would be Ferdinand, but he’s clearly too drunk. Gunther’s gay and passed out. That Brahm’s pretty handsome.”

A pain shoots through my chest. My cheeks, ears, and neck radiate with heat.

Willa turns her gaze to me. “You said you’re not together. Ladies, don’t come looking for us.” She rolls to stand and walks around the fire.

My eyes nearly spring from my head as they trail her. She leans to listen to Brahm’s song, squeezing her arms to make her small cleavage protrude from her purple dress. A terrible ache forms in the pit of my stomach. Brahm continues playing the lute, unphased by Willa’s tits. She sits and leans toward him, twirling her blonde hair. Brahm offers her a little smile.

It's like watching him kiss Elana all over again. Wil had invited me to the bonfires for the very first time. I pretended to be excited to ward off evil spirits and place my bets on the Offerings, but I was really looking forward to seeing Brahm. It had been two months since he stopped visiting me at the creek, and my heart soared with excitement to talk to him again.

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