Home > A Throne of Swans (A Throne of Swans #1)(19)

A Throne of Swans (A Throne of Swans #1)(19)
Author: Katharine Corr

‘If you’re trying to warn me not to fall in love with someone inappropriate, you needn’t worry, my lord. I’ve seen no one here I could possibly consider marrying.’

His face flushes and he flings away from me, stalking to the other side of the room before turning back.

‘I’m doing my best, Your Grace. But I can’t protect you unless you at least attempt to curb this childish inclination to say and do whatever comes into your head.’ His words sting, despite the low tone in which they’re spoken. ‘You need to concentrate on trying to regain your ability to transform. And as for these romantic dreams of revenge that you’re entertaining, forget them. Your mother is dead and flown, and it’s about time you let the past die with her –’

I slap his face so hard my palm hurts. My fingers leave a red imprint on his cheek. ‘Has it ever occurred to you, my lord, that I’m also doing my best?’

Lucien is staring at me, breathing hard. He doesn’t reply.

‘I know you hold me in contempt. That you think I’m too immature, and that I shouldn’t be Protector.’ My voice is getting louder, but I don’t care. ‘I know you’re angry with your father for sending you here. But at least your parents are alive. And you are not the only one who loves Atratys –’

Tears spring into my eyes. Whether they are the product of anger or grief I’m not sure, but I know one thing: I am not going to let Lucien Rookwood see me cry.

Letya opens the door to the room. For an instant she stands on the threshold, eyes and mouth wide with astonishment. ‘What’s happening here? Aderyn?’

I ignore her questions, push past her and escape into the corridor beyond.




I hurry along the corridors without any aim or conscious direction. My only thought is to get as far away from Lucien as possible. I suppose I’m trying to walk off my rage and hurt, but it doesn’t really dissipate, just settles like a leaden mass underneath my ribcage. Eventually I pause for breath and look around me.

I’m lost.

Nothing in this part of the Citadel looks familiar. I start walking again, slowly, trying to work out where, in the maze of passages and courtyards and towers, I’ve ended up. I’m on the point of giving in and asking for help when I see a staircase that I think I recognise – one that should take me back to the entrance hall with its emblazoned motto. Relief makes me light-headed. I pick up my skirts and dash down the curving, shallow steps until I finally emerge, not into the glitter of the hallway, but into blazing late-afternoon sunlight. Dazzled and surprised, I stumble, straight into the chest of –

Someone. A man, completely naked, but with a dark robe clutched in front of him. Beneath my outstretched fingers his skin is warm, tingling with power from a recent shift of shape. I can feel the insistent beat of his heart. The blood flames into my face as I lift my hands and try to back away.

‘I’m sorry –’

‘Careful!’ He grabs my wrist with his free hand. ‘Look behind you.’

I twist my head, and gasp, and my knees start to shake. I’m standing at the very edge of a sheer drop, hundreds of wing-spans above the fjord below. And I realise where I am: on the landing platform of the Citadel, a huge expanse of grass studded with trees and a lake, jutting out above the water. There are the leather-garbed attendants, hooded and gloved, waiting to hand robes to nobles who have arrived at the castle in their transformed state. And in front of me, looking as if he’s about to laugh …

‘I was lost.’ I can’t think of anything else to say.

‘And now you’re found.’ He grins at me. ‘I’m going to walk backwards. If you walk forward at the same time, we’ll find a safer place to have a conversation.’ Still holding my wrist, he guides me away from the edge of the platform. ‘There.’ I drop my gaze as he shakes out the robe and puts it on. ‘Now, we may be properly introduced. Siegfried Redwing, heir to the Dominion of Olorys, at your service.’

‘Aderyn of Atratys.’

He bows briefly. ‘Protector. I’m delighted to meet you. I must apologise for being so informally attired.’ He grins at me again, and I can’t help smiling back, a little.

‘I was trying to find my way to the main entrance.’

‘Luckily for you, I know the safest path.’ He offers me his arm, and leads me towards a pair of crude gates that open onto another staircase. Siegfried rattles on about his first time at court and how long it took him to find his way around. I’m not sure I believe him, but I appreciate his attempt to set me at ease. My discomfort has mostly faded when he asks me,‘So, how are you enjoying your visit so far?’

‘Very well, I thank you.’ I’m mindful of Lucien’s warnings, even though at that moment I hate my clerk. ‘Everyone has been most welcoming.’ Remembering Odette’s description of Siegfried, I glance sideways. He certainly is attractive: silver-blond hair, tanned skin and dark blue eyes. Not quite as beautiful as Odette, and not as handsome as Lucien, to my mind. But still, Siegfried and my cousin will look, at least, as if they belong together. ‘You are here to see my cousin the princess?’

‘To assist with the wedding preparations, supposedly, though I expect I’ll be in the way.’ He shrugs. ‘I don’t really mind, as long as they keep things traditional. A royal wedding should be traditional, don’t you agree?’

I open my mouth to tell him that I haven’t really thought about it, but he continues.

‘I was sorry to hear about your father. I met him, about six months before he died. He was a good man.’ He glances away briefly. ‘My mother died three years ago. I remember how it felt. If there’s any assistance I can render …’

‘Thank you.’ A kind offer, though perhaps only lightly meant. We’re back in the entrance hall now, so I stop walking and turn to face him. ‘Did you know my father well? I don’t remember you coming to Merl.’

‘He came to see us at L’Ammergeia.’ Siegfried tilts his head. ‘Did he never mention it to you?’

I hesitate. My father had secrets; I’ve always known that, and the revelation of another does not surprise me. But it’s bad enough having Lucien acting so superior. I don’t want this handsome stranger to think my father didn’t trust me.

‘Cousin …’ Aron is making his way across the marble floor. ‘A word, if you please.’ He acknowledges Siegfried with a faint lift of his brows. ‘Redwing.’

‘Your Highness.’ Siegfried executes a flawless bow and turns to me. ‘I hope to see you again this evening, Protector.’ He flashes me another brilliant smile, then winks at me. ‘Assuming you don’t get lost …’

When he’s gone, Aron murmurs, ‘So you’ve met Lord Seed-brain. He has a pretty face. And I suppose my poor sister must marry somebody.’

‘He seems pleasant enough.’

‘Hmm. Your waiting woman is looking for you.’ He glances down at me, curious. ‘You had a fight with Rookwood, apparently.’

Vexation – with Letya, for being so indiscreet, but mostly with Lucien – makes me clench my fists. ‘Nothing to speak of. But thank you for the message, cousin. I dare say I’ll see you at dinner.’ I bow and hurry back to my room, where Letya is waiting for me.

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