Home > White Serpent, Black Dragon (Eve of Redemption #2)(110)

White Serpent, Black Dragon (Eve of Redemption #2)(110)
Author: Joe Jackson

Master Devin was waiting for Kari when she entered Zalkar’s church. The priest commended her on a job well done and told her to see Master Bennet first thing when she arrived back in DarkWind. He tried to give Kari her wages, but she refused. She told him there were other people who could use the money far more than she could. She took just enough to cover the costs of her and Eli’s stay at One Small Favor and told Master Devin to give the rest to the victims or lend the money to Kaelariel’s priests to do so.

Kari informed him she would be going to Sarchelete first for a short visit and asked that Master Devin let Zalkar and the other members of the priesthood know. When he heard where she was headed, he told her to see Master Attir Surallis in Sarchelete instead. That left Kari to wonder if there was already another matter Zalkar wanted her to look into. It would mean a delay in her plans to have another child with Grakin; Kari hoped her mate’s health would hold strong long enough to see that end. After agreeing to meet with Master Attir Surallis, Kari bid Master Devin and the acolytes of the Unyielding’s church goodbye.

Kari and Eli both gave Alyssa and Chelsea a lengthy farewell, and Kari apologized for any danger her stay had put the innkeeper and her daughter into. Alyssa waved off the apology. She said she was glad to be able to return the favor Kari had done for her three years before. Alyssa tried to refuse payment, just as Dave and Millie Marrack had on Kari’s last trip through the city. Kari wouldn’t take no for an answer and gave Alyssa the money she had received from the church of Zalkar. Alyssa had a child to feed, house, clothe, and educate, and Kari would not allow the woman to put the demonhunter first, regardless of how indebted she might feel.

Kari and Eli left and headed toward the bazaar, and Kari took in a deep breath through her nose and sighed happily. The spring morning was sunny and warm. The skies had been cleared out by the prior night’s thunderstorm, which also brought warmer air behind it. There was the scent of early spring flowers in the air, and the city of Barcon showed a bit of subtle charm. The wistful smile on Eli’s face told Kari that he’d spent some time thinking on what she’d told him the night before.

Spring was definitely in the air…

The two visited Dominick and thanked the wizard for his aid. Kari wasn’t positive, but she suspected the wizard’s arcane seal had precipitated the attack by BlackWing on Temple Street a few nights before. Had Dominick not provoked BlackWing, Kari wasn’t sure the demon would’ve revealed itself until it was too late. By fate or by luck, Dominick had unwittingly helped bring the entire situation to a head. Kari thanked him for that and assured him he should have nothing to worry about where Emma was concerned. She didn’t bring up the fact that he’d informed Kaelin Black that Kari was Salvation’s Dawn, and he made no mention of it either. Kari was just as happy to let that sleeping dog lie for the time being.

Kari did spend a little while talking to Dominick about her sister-in-law, to see if the wizard might have some insight into Sonja’s troubles as a budding spell-caster. He seemed intrigued by Kari’s description of Sonja’s troubles, though he didn’t have any explanation that he was confident in. He was noncommittal on Kari’s suggestion that perhaps Sonja just needed a different teacher, assuring Kari that Maelstrom was every bit as good as his reputation suggested. His best explanation was that Sonja was still young, and mastery of the arcane took decades. He knew it wasn’t much in the way of comfort, but he asked Kari to tell Sonja not to give up.

Kari and Eli avoided passing near the black tower on their way to the stable square. They didn’t want any of the members of the Black Dragon Society to see Eli speaking with the marshal and potentially mark him as a target. Kari wanted to see the marshal one last time, but he had an important job to do, and she didn’t want to get in the way or complicate matters for him. She was satisfied that after the prior night’s conversation, Everett Saracht knew that Kari considered him a friend, and she hoped he felt the same way.

At last, they made their way to the stable square to leave for Sarchelete.



Markus, Katarina, and Sherman were waiting to see Kari and Eli off at the stable square. All three of the paladins hugged Kari, then offered handshakes to Eli. Even Markus, who had long considered Eli a bit of a problem back home in Lajere, made sure to thank the half-corlyps and tell him he’d been a great help. Markus may not have liked having a brothel in his city, but the way he looked at Eli as they bid each other farewell told Kari that if it had to be so, there was no one else the Earl would rather have keeping watch over the place. It took Markus and the twins longer to see, but they seemed to understand Eli’s nature, and looked at him much the same way Kari did now.

“Did you make up your mind on Sharyn?” Kari asked Sherman.

The young man scratched at the back of his head. “I’m still not sure,” he said. “I’d like to see her again, but we’re all in agreement that it would be… complicated.”

“Things are only complicated if you make them that way,” Kari said, drawing on the quote from Eryn. “Do what you think is right for you, Sherman. Just whatever you do, don’t hurt her. If her being a werewolf is what you can’t live with, be honest about it.”

“I will. Thank you, Kari. You are an amazing friend,” he said, hugging her again.

“I did not get to know the young lady, but what I have heard suggests she is worth getting to know,” Markus said with a nod. “Certainly, the word of a high-ranking demonhunter who dealt with her quite a bit carries more weight than my own perceptions at this point. I think an invitation to dinner—or perhaps the Summer’s Ball—would be appropriate, should Sherman decide to pursue the relationship.”

“I think she’s a good woman. And I’m not often mistaken on people.” She looked at Eli as she said the last, and Markus smiled and nodded his agreement.

“Well, the two of you are invited either way,” Markus said. “The Summer’s Ball is on the first of Oncember. Feel free to bring your mate, Kari; and you may bring whoever you like, Eli. Your in-laws are welcome as well, of course, Lady Vanador.”

“I look forward to it,” Kari said. She cast one last glance over the city of Barcon while her griffon was led out of the stable to her. Muireann was happy to see Kari again, and the demonhunter tilted her head down and held her arm up so the griffon could greet her. Muireann lightly pinched Kari’s forearm, then clicked and whistled several times. Kari mounted up while the stable master led Dougal out for Eli.

“Remember: Once you reach DarkWind, you need only release Muireann and Dougal outside of the city, and they will return home to my keep on their own,” Markus said. “Do dress warmly and be careful when flying up through the mountains. Wild griffons may think you are invading their territory and attack, so fly fast and true, and get through the mountains as quickly as possible.”

“We will. Thanks for letting us borrow them, my lord,” Kari said.

“My friend,” Markus corrected. “I am not your lord, Lady Vanador; I am your friend.”

Kari smiled and held her hand out for a last handshake, but Markus took her hand and kissed it. “Be safe,” he said as Eli mounted up. “God keep watch over you both.”

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