Home > White Serpent, Black Dragon (Eve of Redemption #2)(64)

White Serpent, Black Dragon (Eve of Redemption #2)(64)
Author: Joe Jackson

“Whenever you’re ready,” Kari said.



Dominick had taken position on the far side of the fire pit and studied the spell.

Now, he put the book down and began his incantation. Kari listened to him at first, curious to see if there was any noticeable difference between his methods and Sonja’s. It was futile; Kari didn’t understand the arcane arts at all. After several seconds, she felt something pass through her, and when she looked to Dominick, he fixed her with the same curious gaze. He didn’t cease his incantation, but it was clear something about Kari had triggered his spell, and she wondered if it was her Blood Oath.

Kari briefly checked out the window while the human continued with his spell, but she turned back when he made a noise of surprise. “I think I have found…,” he started. Even from across the room, Kari could see the widening of his eyes. “Oh, yes, I have found the mallasti. You were correct about how powerful she is. To say she is an archmage is… an understatement. She has detected me, but… she does not seem to have paid my spell any heed.”

“Where is she?” Kari asked.

“She seems to be in the old city hall—the wooden building with the bell tower,” he answered. “Should I continue expanding the seal?”

Kari shrugged, leaving the decision to him. She was busy wondering where the old city hall was, and how quickly she could get there.

Dominick refocused his incantation, and after a minute he blurted, “Oh my.”

“Did you find the succubus?” Kari prompted.

“I did, but she is with something else, something much more powerful,” he answered, and he ceased concentrating on the spell. His face was a mask of concern, but he didn’t panic. “Whatever that was, I have gotten its attention, along with hers. As I explained, this spell only lets me sense creatures of an arcane nature as it expands outward, but that sense is delicate enough to tell the difference between types of arcane creatures. I do not know what that other presence with her was, but from my incantation, I could tell that it is powerful and ancient.”

Kari considered the wizard and glanced at Eli to see if he was thinking the same thing. Kari asked, “Do you think it could have been a dragon?”

“A dragon?” the wizard echoed. “I am not certain; I have never encountered one.”

“Are they headed this way?”

“I am not certain,” Dominick answered. He picked up his spell book and returned it to the shelf he’d taken it from. He still looked concerned when he returned to the center of the room, but at the same time, he seemed ready for trouble. “The spell ceased to function when I broke my concentration. They were aware of its presence, though I am not certain they know my home was its source.”

“Did Emma know? The source, I mean,” Kari pressed.

“Oh yes, I sensed her looking in my direction as the spell passed over her. I suspect that had she wished, she could have dispelled my seal like a child popping a bubble.”

“Did you get an idea of where the succubus and her… friend were located?” Kari asked, in no mood to hear more about how powerful Emma was. She suspected Dominick was already fascinated with the mallasti girl’s strength and knowledge, but Kari was only interested in Emma’s intentions.

“The southwest district,” Dominick said, “though I cannot be more specific than that. And, of course, they may have moved the moment they sensed the seal.”

“Are you safe?” Kari asked simply, and Dominick nodded. Kari wondered if his wards would protect the wizard’s home against other intrusions, particularly if the succubus was with BlackWing. “Even from her friend?”

“As I said, my wards protect me from creatures of an arcane nature. With what my spell detected, I believe my wards should keep them at bay,” he assured her.

“All right, I think we’re going to go explore the southwest district,” Kari said. “Do you feel safe running an errand for me, or should you stay here within your wards?”

“At the risk of sounding like a coward, I think it best if I stay here,” Dominick said.

Kari waved off the comment. “Be safe. I’ll try to stop by tomorrow and let you know what we find. Thank you for your help.”

She gestured Eli toward the door. He opened it, and once Dominick bid them farewell, they made their way out to the darkened streets, ready for the assassin to strike at any moment.



Eli had to change direction when Kari headed farther into the northeast district rather than toward the southwest.

“Maybe Aeligos was wrong,” Kari commented as they walked. “Could be this succubus has a second assassin friend, or maybe it was just BlackWing with her.”

“Either way, we’ve got our work cut out for us, especially with Emma in the city,” Eli replied, watching the shadows as they walked. “Where are we going?”

Kari glanced at him. “Relax; if she comes after us, my Blood Oath will let us know before she gets close enough to strike–”

“With her swords,” he interrupted.

She had to concede that point. “Anyway, we’re headed to The Roosting Griffon, where Sherman, Katarina, and Sharyn are staying. If we have a chance to pin the succubus down, I want as many people with me as I can get to cut off any chance of escape.”


They walked the rest of the way in silence. The streets weren’t busy like those of DarkWind after dark, but there were people out and about. Thankfully, Kari didn’t hear the howls of any werewolves, though it could’ve just been their distance from the southwest. Barcon was quiet and almost peaceful at night, at least here in the northeast district, and Kari wondered when the Black Dragon Society plied its trade. She supposed she shouldn’t think about it, and rather concentrate on one problem at a time.

Right now, I have a demon to hunt and a vague idea of where to find her…

It took only a few minutes for them to reach The Roosting Griffon. Kari entered without hesitation, assuming there were guards on the nearby rooftops watching for trouble. So far, Marshal Saracht was doing everything in his power to keep Kari and her friends safe, and that was invaluable. As much as it pained her to think it, she had to admit that Kaelin Black was also being as helpful as could be expected from a ruler who hated her Order. If any trouble came to The Roosting Griffon, it would find more than it bargained for in terms of resistance.

What she saw when she entered the inn’s common room made her rethink that.

Sherman sat with Sharyn in his lap near the fireplace, and the raven-haired woman was kissing the young paladin more passionately than Kari expected—especially since she hadn’t expected it at all. While part of her was happy to see her friends find love, her protective nature took over in the case of the young paladin. Paladins were holy warriors expected to be a zealous flame against the darkness and a shining beacon and example to the common people. Kari knew the passions of young love could land a paladin in trouble with their deity and ruin a promising career before it really started.

“Are we interrupting?” Kari asked.

Eli came around her, put a hand to his mouth, and chuckled.

“Kari! We weren’t expecting to see you again tonight,” Sherman said. Sharyn rose from his lap so he could stand. He approached with his usual smile, but embarrassment showed in his eyes. His expression became more serious when he saw the look on Kari’s face.

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