Home > Siphon (A Touch of Power #1)(10)

Siphon (A Touch of Power #1)(10)
Author: Jay Boyce

Skills: Appraisal, Athletics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Healing Magic, Insight, Mathematics, Navigation, Perception, Sense Motive, Walking, Wind Magic



Wait, she had seriously gotten walking? She almost laughed aloud. It had really happened. But what was the whole skill experience thing she’d heard about? As she focused on the skills, a new chart popped up.



Beginner 1




Beginner 2




Beginner 1




Beginner 2



Healing Magic

Beginner 7




Beginner 2




Beginner 2




Beginner 1




Beginner 2



Sense Motive

Beginner 1




Beginner 1



Wind Magic

Beginner 2




Well, that was…informative? She had no idea what the different levels meant, but she was right that Mike was a jackpot. He was also for sure the reason she’d passed out before. Everything else was beginner 1 or 2, while healing had jumped straight to 7.

Curious, she wondered just how much she could heal. Glancing around, she spotted a sharp rock. She picked it up and hesitated for just a moment before bringing it down on her left arm. If she couldn’t heal it herself, she was sure Mike would probably fix her up if she told him she tripped on the way back…

“Gosh dangit, that hurts!” She muttered in pain as she gawked at her now sluggishly bleeding arm. She’d only meant to bruise herself, but she was obviously more talented in inflicting self harm than she’d anticipated. Well…now what? She hadn’t seen Mike heal anyone or do anything other than touch her hand and close his eyes. Hoping that it was instinctual, she dropped her rock and poked the wound, trying not to wince as she did so.

In her mind’s eye, she could almost see it, though just the surface of the wound. Gleefully, she felt a strange energy rushing to her fingertips and through her body. She pictured the wound pushing out a little more blood to make sure she didn’t trap any dirt in there and then knitting closed. For once, being around doctors seemed like it was worth it. She had so much of what she considered useless medical know-how because she’d been around them all day, and the nurses had taken pity on her and kept her company. Naturally, they’d described some of the other cases they’d seen. She’d looked things up the first few times so she would know what the heck they were talking about, but after that, she’d gotten used to all their jargon and could talk medicine and treatments like she was one of them. Weird maybe, but it had ensured her comfort.

After all, if you were going to spend 16 years trapped, talking shop with the people around you so they liked you and brought you things, like food not from the hospital, was an essential skill. Granted, she had only learned to talk when she was four, but hey, who was counting?

Shaking off the memories of the past, she noted her profile screen again. Happy with the fact that everything but magic had gone up at least a little and that she had 11 new skills…wait, 11? She had noticed walking but hadn’t really paid attention to the fact that bluff and navigation had appeared on her list too. She hadn’t siphoned anyone for those. So that meant...well, basically, she figured it meant she could level normally too.

Good to know.

With a smile, she stood up and brushed the hair away from her face before slowly walking out of the alley. There was a weird copper tang mixed with the smell of garbage in the air there, and she was glad to go somewhere that hopefully smelled better. It was time to explore the wide world... and find her way back to the Green Dragon eventually. Maybe the library first? She should at least check it out...



Chapter Six – Zombie

Jade smiled, walking into the rich sunshine with her weird little jerky shamble. She stepped into the open space, her teeth bared in a grin as she took in the bustling street before her. She started to shuffle along, gawking avidly at the people and shops. She figured she might be able to brush against a few more people, just in case the other notifications went away. She figured she would have enough time to siphon that night, and if necessary, she was going to be a little pickier, but she didn’t want to miss out on any good skills she might get from a random person. Besides, her luck was considered to be pretty good, so maybe she’d brush up against someone awesome on the street.

However, reality was not so kind. There was an invisible bubble around her and people were not letting her close. She finally figured it out when she saw a cute little girl with light brown pigtails tugging on her mom’s skirt and pointing, which seemed like a fairly normal kid thing to do. However, the words coming out of her mouth made her stop dead in her tracks. “Look, mommy; it’s a zombie!”

The mother in question turned and glanced at her, letting out a little shriek and putting her hand over her heart, moving her child behind her instantly when she realized Jade was staring dumbfounded at the little girl. When had she become likened to a Zombie? Hadn’t she gained a little muscle instead of losing it? What the frick was going on?

She tried to smile weakly and said softly, “I’m not a zombie…” The woman had looked ready to bolt when she smiled, but her words made the lady stop dead in her tracks too. Appropriate, given her kid had just called her an undead.

Mother dearest seemed to be scrutinizing her incredibly closely, finally seeming to realize that she truly WASN’T a zombie. What the heck? She might be skinny, but it wasn’t THAT bad, right? Her hesitant voice was light and squeaky as she piped up, “Oh, I see. Are you all right? That’s…an awful lot of blood. Should we fetch a doctor?”

Blood? What’s she talking ab...oh. Jade had held up her hands to the light, belatedly realizing she had forgotten about her wound. She swayed a little when she saw how much it had bled, vaguely recalling she’d mentally pushed the blood out so that no dirt would be trapped inside. Her arm was pretty covered, her other hand had been touching it, so it was covered, and she’d touched her face absently a few times, so she probably had stuff splattered there too. No wonder the kid thought she was a zombie with her twiggy frame. She sighed and looked at the woman, shaking her head. “No, I’m a beginner healer myself. I just forgot to wash up after I fell…” That was probably also why the copper smell was still there too. Go figure.

A little sympathy stole onto the woman’s face now, and she noticed that a crowd of people were just…loitering around her, once they too had figured out she wasn’t a zombie. A few surprised murmurs went through the crowd at her statement. Only one stuck out to her, though. “A beginner healer? Is she an academy student?” No lady, not yet. But I will be! I was right; this is my ticket in!

Meanwhile, the little girl had come out from behind her mom and was inspecting her quizzically. “You’re not a zombie? But you’re so dirty.” She looked so innocent with her bright blue eyes and sky blue dress, but her words belied the old adage about the truth coming out of the mouth of babes.

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