Home > Siphon (A Touch of Power #1)(17)

Siphon (A Touch of Power #1)(17)
Author: Jay Boyce

He was staring at her like she was an alien again, but he dutifully filled her cup, so she ignored it. He could stare all he wanted as long as she could eat and drink until she was full. She didn’t drain the whole cup this time, instead taking a small sip and going back to her meat, alternating between it and the apples.

She ate for a good 15 minutes, draining five more glasses and emptying the platter before she was done. He had sat there across from her, not saying anything, just sipping his juice. She leaned back with a satisfied sigh.

“You done?” he asked.

She covered her mouth as she let out a happy little burp. Grinning, she smiled blissfully at him and said, “Yup, time to go sleep it off now. Have a good night! Sleep well and sweet dreams!” She took her platter and cup to the sink, depositing them there and staring for a moment before she muttered, “I’ll clean up in the morning.” She then tripped happily out of the kitchen and back to her room under the sharp gaze of Raphael, who had walked silently behind her to make sure she didn’t fall and hurt herself.




It was too bright! She hadn’t even opened her eyes yet, but she could tell the sun was shining directly on her face. Groaning, she flopped onto her side away from the light. However, that little movement was enough to send the signal to her body that she really, really needed to pee. It was weird, she hated the feel of the huge diapers they put on her, but the lack of one made her panic. She didn’t want to be lying in her pee until the nurses could come and change the sheets. Had they forgotten to put one on her last night?

Her eyes shot open. Last night? She vaguely recalled walking to the kitchen… Wait, walking? She sat up, giggling madly as she got to her feet. “It wasn’t a dream!” She exclaimed while giggling, before groaning when standing up so fast caused her to get woozy. It felt a little like she was thinking through mud, her brain pounding against her skull. Plus, now that she was standing, she was going to pee her pants unless she found a bathroom soon. Stumbling to the door, she flung it open and walked into the hall, heedless of her state of attire.

A girl was coming out of a doorway just down the hall from her, and she staggered over to her, ignoring the flashing lights when she grabbed her as she begged desperately, “Where’s the bathroom?”

The girl pushed her off, pointing in disgust behind her. “It’s right here, obviously.” She then turned and walked snootily down the hall. Jade didn’t even care; she’d immediately lurched into the open doorway, discovering a room a little larger, but overall similar to the one she’d been in at Sharon’s shop yesterday. After relieving herself, she washed her hands, rinsed out her mouth and splashed her face. Her head was aching something fierce and her stomach was rumbling loudly, demanding attention.

She stumbled out of the room, choosing to head downstairs in the hunt for food before anything else. Entering the common room, where eight other people were seated in small groups eating, she slumped to the bench of an empty table and put her head down, covering her ears with her arms.

She felt the airflow change behind her and then a voice boomed out beside her head. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Shhhhhh, not so loud…” She groaned softly into the table.

“What, am I disturbing your precious rest?” His voice was still cheerfully loud, as if he was enjoying torturing her. She figured that it was retribution for waking him up in the middle of the night.

She raised her head up just enough to glare at him, confirming that her assailant was the incorrigible Raphael. She bit out softly, “Yes. Now go away or bring me food.”

“I saw you come in; I’ve got some for you here.” Kaylee walked over with a steaming plate of pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs, which she set down in front of her with a fork.

“You’re an angel,” Jade whispered, eagerly grabbing the plate and digging in immediately. The taste of delicious pancake goodness filled her mouth and she hummed softly in pleasure, the smell of syrupy goodness almost intoxicating.

Kaylee laughed. “You’d think you were hungover, the way you’re attacking that food.”

Raphael chose that moment to chime in. “She probably is hungover. She drank half a cask of wine last night.”

Jade turned to gawk at him, missing her face with the pancake on her fork as it fell to her lap. She blankly asked, “Devil man say what?”

“You don’t remember? You ate almost half a pig.” He asked incredulously

Her eyes widened as scenes played hazily in her mind, and she groaned, clutching her brain as she tried to think. She muttered defensively, “I thought it was juice!” Raphael and Kaylee both burst into snickers, which made her groan again. She didn’t like this. Hangover needed to go away, pronto!

And that was when she felt it. The warmth was slipping through her fingertips, flooding her brain with a happy light. She could almost feel the hormone levels and neurotransmitters returning to homeostasis. She just enjoyed the feeling for a moment as the pounding slowly went away, and her eyes dilated back to normal. Breathing a sigh of relief, she realized she was staring at her lap, which was now sporting pancake. She picked it up absently, then popped it in her mouth, because food.

Kaylee had been called back to the kitchen, but Raphael was now sitting across from her with a plate of his own. He seemed to be studying her intently, and finally, he reached forward and pinched her cheek. She growled and slapped his hand away. “No touching!”

“You look...more human.” He was still considering her, unperturbed that she’d slapped his hand away.

“You still sound like a jerk.” She grumbled and started shoving pancake in again. She quickly finished the plate and scanned the surroundings, hoping to find the source of the deliciousness so she could get more. Not seeing any, she zeroed in on Raphael’s mostly untouched plate. He noticed too late, and she had already nabbed it and pulled it over to her, sticking the first bite of his pancake into her mouth as quickly as possible as she tried to speak at the same time. “Esh mon noa.” It came out completely garbled, but he seemed to get the hint.

With a sigh, he called out to Kaylee, “Can I get another plate? And get her something to drink so she doesn’t choke herself.”

“Fanksh!” She called out in muffled gratitude.

“Don’t talk. Just eat. Also, next time you should try to put clothes on before you come down here.” He was glowering at her disapprovingly again.

She glanced down, realizing that all she was wearing was underwear and an oversized tunic that came down to her skinny mid-thigh. She swallowed and enunciated, “What? It’s not like I’m naked.” Sure, she might not be the prettiest thing to look at, but what did he care?

“Do you not have any shame? You’re a woman exposing yourself in public.”

She stared at him, baffled. She was covered, okay!? So she was showing a little leg, what was the big deal? At least she didn’t have someone sponging her to get her clean! She shuddered inwardly. No more sponge baths, ever! Besides, she felt like hundreds of people had seen her skinny naked body at the hospital, and this shirt covered way more than a hospital gown did. She wasn’t flashing her butt at anyone, so what was the problem?

“Forget it. Just get dressed before you come down in the future.” He sounded utterly exasperated, but she was just confused. She’d do it, but she still didn’t get what the big deal was, so she just nodded, hoping to mollify him while she shoved food down her throat.

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