Home > Zhànzhì:A Dark Retelling(19)

Zhànzhì:A Dark Retelling(19)
Author: Anna Edwards

Gaozu falls silent and looks my way. It’s an odd look, and one I can’t read. I cock my head at him, but he turns away and focuses back on the other soldiers. I glance briefly over my shoulder to where Lia is standing. She’s staring straight ahead, though, and doesn’t meet my gaze. A sinking feeling settles in my stomach.

Gaozu continues, “Something has been brought to my attention, and it needs to be addressed here today. Yesterday a body was returned to us by the Jīn Long. It belonged to one of our new recruits who was killed by our enemy, and he may have told some of our secrets to his captors before he met a violent death. We can’t be certain of this, but I want you all to be aware of a possible new target for the Jīn—their general’s killer.” Most of the assembled crowd turn to look at Lia while I bow my head and shut my eyes. I’ve still got a sinking feeling. “I want all ears to the ground, listening out for rumors concerning this matter.”

Gaozu stands up from his throne and make his way across the platform before descending the steps at the side. With my head bowed, I step forward to meet him. He acknowledges me and positions himself beside me, so his mouth is close to my ear and can’t be seen by the assembled crowd.

“Trust and honor. Keep them in your heart, Jaxon, because with what’s about to happen, you’ll need them. Remember, sometimes silence is the best course of action,” he mouths to me in an almost inaudible whisper.

“What?” I reply in the same hushed tone.

“Trust and honor, Jaxon.”

Gaozu moves away from me, and I stand rooted to the floor, confused. What the hell is he talking about? What’s about to happen? Eventually, my senses return to me, and I follow behind him as he walks along the lines of recruits. When he stops in front of, Lia, I try to suppress the gasp in my throat and the sweat on my hands.

Lia bows her head.

“Zhàn, son of Lin Zhànshì?” Gaozu questions.

“Yes, sir,” Lia responds.

“Are you aware you’ve now become a target because of the bravery you showed?”

“I am, sir. I won’t shy away from my duty, though. I’ll continue to serve the Yi Shu as I did before. I’ll not let the Jīn’s threats stop me.”

Gaozu nods. “You are brave. I remember your father well. He’s a good man, and an excellent fighter. I wish I could clone him to create an army to defend us, then everyone else could go home. But alas, people grow old. They get injured. It was a sad day when your father had to return home.”

Lia bows her head but doesn’t respond.

“He was a loyal and courageous member of the Yi Shu, and someone I considered to be a friend. I remember accompanying him to your home on the day he retired as a thank you for his service. I wanted to bestow the honor on him to give him something he would remember for a long time afterward.”

Gaozu turns to me. He smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach the corners of his mouth. There’s a sadness emanating from him in powerful waves. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It hits me hard in the chest, and it feels as though I stumble back even though my feet are rooted firmly to the floor.

The world is turning on its axis. It’s slowly rotating inexorably toward something I’m not sure I can stop.

Trust and honor.

“I remember the day vividly.” Gaozu returns his attention to Lia. “He was proud to introduce me to his family. His wife and two daughters, Lia and Lán.” The tone of Gaozu’s voice turns dark. “But there was no son. He didn’t have one.”

A collective gasp sounds around the room, and Lia’s eyes go wide. Her mouth moves but no words come out.

“I was not lucky enough to be there that day.” Eventually, she finds her voice. “I was away at school.”

Gaozu nods as if he believes her words. I know better, though. He’s not a fool. You can’t lie to him. I tried it once when I was younger. He asked me if I was planning to avenge my parents’ death. I told him my loyalty was to the Yi Shu, and I assured him I wouldn’t waste my talent on something as futile as revenge. I was lying, though, and he knew it. He was already aware of the research into my family history I’d been collating in my room. I could see by the look on his face he didn’t believe me, even before he confronted me with the truth. I was made to run the assault course for a whole twenty-four hours that day. I’ve never lied to him since. Well, not until Lia came into my life.

Betrayal inflicts a deep wound to a man like Gaozu. I’m beginning to suspect I won’t survive this day, and I’m taking my last few breaths.

Silence is the best course of action.

Gaozu steps closer to Lia. He’s much taller than her and looks down at her.

“Lin Zhànshì does not have a son. He’s never had a son and will never have a son. So, I have to ask, who and what are you? A traitor?”

Lia takes a step back, retreating from Gaozu’s anger. It’s the first sign of weakness I’ve ever seen in her. I want to say something, but Gaozu’s words repeat in my head. Silence is the best course of action. There is more going on here than I know about. I have to trust my instincts and remain silent. I have to trust in the man who taught me and in the woman I love. I keep my back ramrod straight and look down at Lia with the pretense of fury on my face.

“Remove your scarf,” Gaozu orders. Lia doesn’t move. “Are you Jīn?” my leader shouts his question.

“No, sir, never. I’m a loyal Yi Shu,” Lia insists.

I don’t know how much more of this I can witness. What’s happening?

Silence is the best course of action.

Silence is the best course of action.

Silence is the best course of action.

I repeat the phrase continually in my head, bile churning in my stomach.

“Then it leaves me with only one alternative,” Gaozu states flatly before reaching forward and pulling the scarf from Lia’s head. Her shoulder-length hair is revealed, and the woman I love is recognizable in the young face looking back at us. “What is your name, girl?”

Lia looks around at all the other men in the room before stepping forward. Her back is straight, her head held high.

“My name is Lia Zhànshì. I’m the daughter of Lin Zhànshì. He’s too old and too badly injured to fight for the Yi Shu. It would mean his certain death. When the first male rule was invoked, I stole away from my home in the dead of night, and having disguised myself as a boy, I presented myself at the training camp in his place to save him. He knew nothing of my plan.”

Lia’s voice shows no hint of the distress I know she must be suffering. It was her greatest fear to be discovered.

She continues, “I came here and brought honor to my family when I killed Wang’s general. I am a better fighter than many men here. This is a modern world we’re trying to create. We are all equals, and I will continue to be equal no matter what punishment you choose for me.”

Lia’s passionate speech draws a few gasps from those watching. She’s vehement, and I know she won’t back down. She’s right about one thing—she’s one of the best fighters here.

Gaozu doesn’t flinch at her verbal attack. He stands frozen to the spot waiting for her to finish.

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