Home > Under Different Stars(65)

Under Different Stars(65)
Author: Amy A. Bartol

“You like my flow?”

“Yes,” he gives a small laugh, “your flow. You have such a colorful vernacular, it makes me want to sit with you for hours just to listen to not only what you’ll say, but how you’ll say it.” His hand lands lightly on my shoulder.

“You’re a ‘best behavior’ friend, Manus,” I say, moving away nonchalantly. “I walk a fine line around you because you have the authority to affect my life adversely.”

“Yes,” he agrees. “That you can do it so seamlessly is what is so intriguing, Kricket. Most females your age are playing at seduction while you don’t need to. You can intellectually spar with my top advisers and then leave them tongue-tied watching you walk away.”

“I have the advantage of knowing when they’re lying.” I try to deflect his compliment because he’s making me more and more uncomfortable.

“I had decided to give you to Kyon before I met you. Did you know that?”

Turning to look at him, I can see he’s being truthful. “You changed your mind.”

“Not at first. I merely wanted to see just how much I could gain from Kyon in exchange for you. But then, not only did I begin to enjoy the information that you could glean from every conversation to which you were privy, I also enjoyed being with you more and more each rotation.”

“In a paternal way?” I ask in a hopeful tone.

“Hardly,” he replies, smiling. “So, now I have some decisions to make.”

“Which are?” I ask, quirking my eyebrow.

“I’m in an inconvenient position. On one hand, I have the Alameeda who will begin to smear you if I refuse to turn you over to them. I’ve been in meetings all evening with ambassadors from Alameeda, Wurthem, Peney and Comantre. Each is urging me to give you away to avert a war.”

“Nice of them, let me guess, Em Sam is involved?”

“Quite involved,” Manus replies. “And on the other hand, I have Skye who is insisting that you be turned over to them for intelligence purposes.”

“Are you asking for my input? Because I’m all for saying ‘hi’ to Skye,” I reply, knowing he’s really telling me something completely different.

“Yes, that would make you an emancipated minor, wouldn’t it?” He comes nearer to me.

“And that bothers you?” I stand my ground as he stops in front of me. “I can take care of myself.”

“I’m sure you’re quite capable of that, but I have grown attached to you and I’m unwilling to part with you,” he says, touching my cheek lightly. “I had thought to make you my inamorata after you were of age, of course, but now all that has changed.”

“What has changed?” I ask, feeling dread creeping over me as fast as the flush of red in my cheeks.

“Word will spread about the attack on our soil and how you thwarted it,” he replies, seeing the blush staining my cheeks and giving me a sensual smile.

“So?” I try to shrug.

“You have elevated your tier. You’re a hero.”

“Only for the moment,” I counter. “When the Alameeda attack, I’ll be the mutant that brought war upon our people.”

“No, you’ll be my consort, the royal who is attempting to protect her people.” He touches my hair gently.

“WHAT?” I grasp his hand and push it away from my hair. “Are you insane?” I ask in shock.

Frowning, Manus says, “I believe I’m speaking rationally.”

“No, you’re not,” I reply, crossing my arms over my chest. “You’re like my parent!”

“I’ve never treated you like a daughter…a pet maybe, but never a child,” Manus replies, amused by my reaction. “Do you know that what I’m offering you is a great honor?”

“So, it’s an offer? I can say no?” I watch his frown deepen.

“You may not refuse,” he counters, somewhat shocked by my reaction.

“Of course I can refuse. I’m not in love with you!”

“You’re young, love may come—”

“And it may not,” I retort, pacing.

“True, but that’s hardly relevant.”

“It’s relevant to me!” I argue, stopping in front of him again.

“You love him,” Manus says accusingly, a scowl beginning to grow on his face. “Kyon warned me that you were falling in love with your guard, but I thought you were too intelligent for that. He is not even on the same tier as you.”

“What does that MEAN?” I ask, completely disgusted. “If by tier you mean honor, then yeah, he has more of that than any of us.”

“You will forget Kesek Trey. He is lust, nothing more. You will be my consort, and together we will take down the Alameeda. You may work with Skye, in an advisory capacity only, but at the end of the day, you’ll be here with me,” Manus states in an even tone, just like he’s discussing the way he expects his table to be set or his spix to be saddled.

“I’m not a bobble head, Manus. I’m not going to agree to commit to you just because you order it.”

“Yes, you will,” he says adamantly, “or I’ll crush Trey and his family.”

“What?” I breathe as my knees weaken.

“I’m not letting you go, Kricket. I’ll give you to The Brotherhood before I see you with Kesek Trey.”

“WHY?” I ask, unable to stop myself.

“Because there is nothing in that for me.”

“That’s so sucky,” I retort.

“You will be my consort. Please refrain from using words that demean your stature,” he warns me.

“You’re a knob knocker!” I growl at him. Instantly, he backhands me in the mouth, causing me to fall against a small table. Catching myself before I fall all the way to the ground, I lean against it heavily. Then, straightening, I look into his eyes, seeing his anger as I touch the back of my hand to my mouth while tasting blood. Reaching into the pocket of his robe, Manus pulls out a handkerchief and hands it to me.

“Our new relationship is off to a rough start,” I murmur, refusing to cower while touching the linen to my lips.

“As long as you are aware that it has started,” he replies evenly. “We’ll announce our engagement at your coming out swank. It will be awkward with Allairis in attendance, but it will be gossiped over if your Cavar is not there to wish us well. Do not embarrass me, or he pays for it.”

“You’re hurting me,” I whisper, deciding that maybe honesty will sway him.

He touches my hair gently, saying, “I’ll make it up to you. Give me a daughter and you can do as you please.”

Too shocked to say a word, I just stare at him in confusion. “I had hoped that you would want to stay with me in my room to celebrate our engagement, but I can see that you will need some time to adjust to the idea.” Manus watches me. Pressing a button on the remote on the table, he summons one of his attendants. “Please make the room next to mine ready for my intended consort, Fay Kricket, and have all of her things moved.”

“It has already been made ready. Shall I show her to her room now, Haut Manus?”

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