Home > Prison of Wings : A Swan Princess Retelling(6)

Prison of Wings : A Swan Princess Retelling(6)
Author: Lexi Ostrow

“Xander,” the growled gasp was all he needed.

Pressing the heel of his hand against her swollen clit, Xander rubbed in time to his thrusts, losing all sense of time and place with each and every mewl Maira gave.

Gritting his teeth, Xander thrust faster, his body slapping against hers as the only other sound in the room. He would see her come undone before he took his fill. Always.

“Xander!” Maira screamed, her fingers digging into his ass and tugging him against him, holding him deeper in her body as he thrust.

He loved the way she came. The way she held nothing back was all he ever needed.

Grunting, Xander came, his body trembling as his release rocked through him. Xander let his eyes close then. Still, the image of her blonde hair splayed out over his bed formed in his mind as he came over the edge, panting.

Blowing out a breath, Xander paused, letting his hips slow to a steady roll to draw out their pleasure.

“You watch me.” She whispered, causing his eyes to pop open.

“Excuse me?”

“I like it,” Maira dragged her hand against the grain of his beard.

“You knew?”

“I’ve always known. I can feel your eyes on me.”

Three years ago, he would have been mortified. Now he found it a curiosity that the woman he spent his body with had so many secrets to hide.

“Perhaps I’m still afraid you’ll vanish.” He lifted himself from her wet heat and rolled to the side of her on the bed, tugging her against him.

“It was one time.”

“Nonsense. It’s every time.”

They’d danced this dance for three years. She’d appear out of nowhere and entice him to do her bidding and be gone before he knew it. Xander taught her to fish, to dance his family’s herald waltz, to cook a leg of lamb, and to fall in love. She’d not ever said it to him, but he knew.

“I’ve told you, it’s not personal.” She smiled whimsically at him, her violet eyes glinting in the candle’s glow. “My family would not approve, and I cannot risk your life.”

She told the same tale every time. Sometimes they spent weeks together, hiding out in his hovel. Other times she came for hours and vanished as quickly as she came. It should be impossible, but he was in love with her. Xander didn’t question how he could love a woman he scarcely knew because when they were together, he did know her. All of her.

“It’s been years, and all I know is your family would not care for me.” He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. “One would think I’m worth the risk.”

Snorting, she pulled her hand free. “I am not the one I am worried for. It is you.”

“Surely, your parents know you are vanishing to be with a man.”

She nodded, her eyelashes fluttering. “My family has strange ways, but I know how they would respond to my feelings for you.”

“Feelings?” Teasing, he let his fingers tickle her sides, tugging her against him when she tried to squirm away.

“Don’t be daft,” Maira gasped between fits of laughter. “You know I am in love with you.”

The words stopped Xander’s hands cold. He went rigid behind her, only because he’d thought he would share the words first.

“You said it first.”

“Aye.” She grinned and dropped a kiss to his parted lips. “And this is where you say it back before I have to return home.”

Shaking off the stupor, Xander let his lips linger on hers, smiling against her mouth. “I love you, Maira with no last name.” His fingers played between her thighs.

“As tempting as this is, I must go. There is a holiday my family celebrates in the morning, and I must be there.”

“Another mysterious event I’ll never learn about.” A lesser man would find anger in her secret life, Xander merely found gratitude that she came to him.

Every fiber of his being knew Maira was far too good for him. Her beauty outshone the world most days. Her features were nearly angelic – pale blonde hair that slipped down her mid-back and eyes that seemed so purple they glowed. He’d been transfixed by her eyes the moment he came upon her in the forest. To this day, if he stared into him, Xander lost all sense of himself.

“Promise me something?” Xander shifted Maira’s hair from her neck and kissed her. “That when you decide you are done with me, you’ll at least let me know?”

Chuckling, she rolled to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck as her legs entangled with his. “I promise that day will not come. I know I may seem all play and sensual times, but I assure you, my feelings are genuine and when the time is right, I expect you by my side.”

“Promises, promises.” He fingered the delicate gold heart around her neck. “Like the secret of this necklace.”

“The secret is my mother had it made for me when I was young, and I never take it off.” Sitting upright, she scanned the small room for her green dress before rising to grab it.

“Next time, I’m taking you hunting and teaching you how to pluck a bird.”

She shuddered as she slipped the gown over her head. “Lovely visual.”

He grinned. “Unless I can take you home?”

“That would be against the rules.” Fully dressed, she moved toward the entrance of the bedroom. “One day, Xander. I promise.”

“I love you,” he grinned.

“I love you, you big dumb human.”

She gathered her hair and tied it up, threw on a cloak, and walked through the door just as she always did.

Once upon a time, Xander used to try to take her home. She never allowed it and told him she was not a damsel in distress. She’d smacked him hard enough to leave a mark on his face. He never worried about her again. Whatever drove her to seek shelter in a tree five years ago didn’t frighten the woman now.

A quiet clink drew his attention toward the door. The gold heart lay on the wooden plank nearest the frame.

“Shit,” throwing himself off the bed, Xander stumbled, tripping in his haste. “How did this come off?” The necklace dangled off his fingers, twisting and turning in his grasp. “Maira!”

Calling after Maira was pointless, the woman somehow ran like a deer, galloping away quicker than he could ever watch. Grabbing his pants and shirt he got dressed. He knew the direction she came from, and he could catch her.

Slipping his feet into his boots, Xander jerked the door open. The hustle of the village obscured his vision as vendor after vendor rolled past the blacksmith stall.

“Maira!” He called, darting to dodge the flower cart, clutching the necklace tight.

Just ahead, he saw the swish of her pale hair.


She didn’t hear him.

“Damn it,” snarling, Xander took off, nearly barreling into a game of kickball.

By the time he got to the gate, Maira already turned to the side of the wall.

Don’t call to her. Follow her. The thought sparked to life.

She held so many secrets, and he could learn one of them.

And be a creep. Still, the woman he loved offered mystery after mystery, would it be terrible for him to seek the truth? Did she have a man at home, and he was little more than an affair? Perhaps her clothes were a front, and she feared him learning she was poor.

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