Home > Beware the Night(28)

Beware the Night(28)
Author: Jessika Fleck

I stare back, my face warming. “I’ve been thinking…”

“Moonroot’ll do that.”

I nod. No kidding. “I’m considering staying. Maybe. Just a little longer.”

His eyes light up, a genuine smile stretching across his face. “I’m so glad.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. Absolutely no promises. It’s a lot … I have a lot to consider … To work through.” I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m still very angry and confused.”

“Yes, I understand. I’d be too.” Dorian hands me a canteen of water. I take a long drink and then pour some into my hands, scrub the sleep from my eyes, the sugar from my mouth.

“Let’s meet this Sindaco of yours.”


“We’ll see.”




Once Dorian and I have twisted down several tunnels we hit a steep, winding incline that’s part rocks, part cave, and goes nowhere but up.

And up we climb. At one point, the moment when I’m sure my legs are going to burst into flames and melt to ash, Dorian stops out of pity or amusement, or maybe he’s tired too, I’m not sure, but I welcome the rest.

“Drink?” He thrusts his canteen out at me.

As I chug, he talks. “It’s not much farther.”

“For someone who chooses to live underground”—I glance down, then back up—“he sure prefers to be elevated.”

“It’s mostly for security, but we are at the mercy of the tunnels and can only expand so far. But if we are invaded by Imperi troops, they’d most likely come through one of the dens on the ground level. This part of the Lower is the farthest from the den holes, giving the Sindaco time to get to his security bunker or, if forced to, exit out of the top.”

I raise my eyebrows. “The top … of the volcano…”

“It would be a last resort, but would assure he’s not captured, tortured for information, and then publicly executed.”

“He has a lot of valuable information, eh?”

“Well, he’s our leader, a valuable asset. Like the Regent is to the Imperi”—Dorian nudges his head to the ceiling and toward Bellona—“But the Sindaco is less … let’s-terrorize-half-the-island.”

“Very comforting.”

Dorian shrugs. “Mostly, he wants to help Basso and end the corruption of the Imperi. That’s enough for me to respect and follow him. We’re the good guys, V.”

“Yeah.” I hand back the canteen and he takes a drink. “I’m still trying to wrap my mind around that concept.”

“I get it.” Dorian starts moving again. “Just a couple more turns, a short climb up a ladder, and we’ll be there.”

Finally, reaching the top, we’re greeted by a large metal door. Unlike the rusty, pieced-together, padlocked doors I’ve seen thus far, this one is more finely crafted. There’s a brass knob and a keyhole as well as an ornate etching of the phases of the moon scrawled down the middle of the door.

I run my fingers across the moons, the metal smoother, colder than I expect it to be.

Dorian knocks three times.

“Come in,” a man’s voice calls from the other side.

Dorian opens the door to reveal the Sindaco, sitting behind a worn desk, same clothing as earlier, same hardened yet resolute expression on his face.

He watches me as we step toward him as if he’s sizing me up. Not in a bad way, but more a curious way. Regardless, something about his stare makes me feel unconscionably small.

But as I get closer and closer to the Sindaco’s desk, the pendant Nico gave me sits heavy against my heart, a reminder I’m not alone. Also, a reminder of how far from this place, from me, Nico is in more way than one.

As if he senses my unease, Dorian glances over at me, his eyes warm and reassuring. Even though we just met, I’m less alone with him by my side. Not to mention, there’s a whole island above me full of Basso. Part of why I’m standing here—they deserve the truth as much as I do.

I take a deep breath and square my shoulders.

This is bigger than me.




The Sindaco’s cave, like everything else down here, is dim, cast in shadows. I am able to make out several maps adorning the stone walls, lanterns and candles sitting in the places where a bit of rock protrudes into the room. Because of this, the cave has the radiance of sunset, all golds and yellows and pinks.

“That will be all; thank you, Dorian,” the Sindaco says.

“Wait!” I blurt out, catching us all off guard. “I’d prefer he stay.”

Dorian stares from the Sindaco to me and back again. Sure, the Sindaco’s like the High Regent and I’d never speak in such a way to the ruler of Bellona, but Raevald’s never put me in a position to, oh, I don’t know, lead an army to victory for him.

The Sindaco nods, eyes heavy, expression unreadable. “Very well. Dorian, you may stay.” I can’t tell if I’ve angered him or impressed him with my request.

I glance back at Dorian, who’d taken a few steps toward the exit, and I catch a glimpse of the back of the door. There’s a large posting tacked to the metal. Not so dissimilar from the ones now nailed all over the island, but this one reads JOIN THE REVOLUTION!

Below the heading is the image of three shadowed figures holding hands beneath a crescent moon. The person in the center, a girl, I think, based on her long hair and delicate features, has a golden star painted on her chest. Underneath the picture, in smaller print, it reads THE MOON WILL RISE AGAIN!

I turn and face the Sindaco, my stare hard, focused. I’m the one sizing him up now. Let him see how it feels.

“Please … sit,” he says in a quiet yet stern voice, ignoring Dorian and meeting my stare, challenging me to break away first.

I won’t. He wants me to be some strong Lunalette? Fling me into that role without warning? He’s gonna get just that.

Stepping forward, I sit and slide back into one of the cold, weathered chairs in front of his desk. I clasp my hands in my lap. Dorian takes the seat next to me.

“Veda Adeline,” the Sindaco says, his dark eyes piercing. “You must have so many questions—”

“A few,” I break in.

The corner of his mouth twitches, but he continues speaking before I can decide whether it was going to inch into a grin or grimace. “I expect that Dorian explained the basics, but, please, ask me whatever you like.”

I sit up and scoot to the edge of my seat. “Dorian’s been great. He’s told me a lot. And you’re right, I have so many questions.” I scoot even closer. “But the one I seem to keep dwelling on is something you said at the celebration, that the Lunalette has come home. If that’s me, if I’m this … Lunalette … and I’ve never been here before in my life, what in the Sun could you possibly mean?”

He gives a curt nod. “Let’s backtrack a bit, shall we?”

I fold my arms over my chest, and I can’t help wonder if we’re both fighting for a bit of control here. Actually, I’m quite sure of it. I lean back in my chair. “All right.” I’ll play along.

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