Home > Change of Heart(8)

Change of Heart(8)
Author: Hailey Edwards

Crouched over Lisbeth, checking her every so often, I caught a flash of gold fur from the corner of my eye.

Midas had shifted. And so had…Ares?

This section of Midtown was heavily populated by paras, and clubs on this strip were for paras only. That didn’t mean clever humans never tricked or bribed their way in, or that the club owners didn’t pay them to be the entertainment for a night or two before wiping their memories.

That said, Gwyllgi had no business on four legs in this area without a frakking good reason.

The golden gwyllgi walked right up to me, his gaze sliding over me with a questioning air.

The dark gwyllgi beside him tipped its head in greeting but kept vigil on the clubgoers.

“She’s one of mine,” I explained, touching Lisbeth’s cheek. “She’s OPA.”

That sparked their curiosity, and they paid the unconscious woman at my feet closer attention.

“Ares?” I checked with the dark gwyllgi to be sure, and she nodded once. “Can you wait with Lisbeth until Ford gets here?”

The hairs on the back of her neck bristled, and she stepped over Lisbeth’s supine body.

Midas watched me with such intensity that I rubbed the fur of his ruff against the grain to annoy him as much as his perception irked me. Proving two could play that game, Midas licked my wrist, leaving me a bracelet of warm slobber.

“I’ll remember this, mister.” Gagging, I wiped my hand on my leggings. “When you’re trying to stick your tongue down my throat, I’m going to remind you of this exact moment.”

Ares chuffed with canine laughter until a growl from him silenced her.

“Who knows where your mouth has—” I spluttered as he stepped in and licked me from chin to hairline, “—been.”

No expression leaked onto Ares’s somber face, but her sides heaved with silent laughter.

Midas, quite proud of himself, lolled his tongue out one side of his mouth.

“I hate you both.” I pointed a finger at him. “You’re sleeping on the floor tonight.”

Confident in Ares’s ability to protect Lisbeth, I left a vital part of my team in the capable jaws of the pack.






Our hasty exit to avoid Ford prickled over me like cowardice, stung like shame, and hurt like heck. Lesser of two evils? Maybe. Or maybe I was too chicken to face him less than twenty-four hours after he asked me for space, with yet another favor to beg of him. Either way, it was done. All I could do was hope Ford would forgive me. Eventually.

Done tormenting myself for the moment, I asked Midas, “Did you find the teens you were looking for?”

Ears twitching, he shook his head then barked at a man who paused beside us with wide eyes.

“That’s one gnarly dog,” the guy said, swaying on his feet. “What’s wrong with his fur? Scabies?”

“Yes,” I said solemnly. “He’s got scabies, and it’s highly contagious.”

A splash of red magic hit the pavement beside me as Midas traded one form for another.

“Whoa.” The guy poked Midas’s arm. “Did that just happen?”

Poor guy must have missed the highly contagious part.

“No,” Midas growled. “It’s your imagination.”

“You don’t see a man?” The guy pointed at Midas. “He’s right there.”

“Nope.” I ran my fingers through Midas’s hair. “All I see is Princess Pooferella, my dog.”

“This stuff warps your mind.” He rubbed his eyes. “I’ve got to get more.”

“Hey, friend.” I fisted the back of his shirt before he escaped. “Where did you get it?”

“I tell you that,” he whined, “and it’s two more people dipping into the party favors.”

“We don’t want the drugs.” I tightened my hold as he flailed. “We want answers.”

“The Bone Lounge,” he panted. “I got it from Skullduggery, okay?”

“Enjoy the rest of your night.” I let him go. “Thanks for your cooperation.”

Stumbling free of my grip, he disappeared within seconds.

Eager to get moving, I checked with Midas. “You can track him, right?”

“Princess Pooferella.” He narrowed his eyes on me. “Your dog.”

“I could hardly tell him you were my horse.”

Midas glanced to one side, but I saw his lips twitch. “You’re still not funny.”

“And yet you’re still laughing.” I took his hand. “Maybe there’s hope for us yet.”

“Come on,” he sighed, and began pursuit of our new friend, who led us on a merry chase.

Maybe he smelled us. Maybe we invited too much attention wading against the flow. Or, more likely, maybe he was that paranoid there would be nothing left for him if he led us to his stash.

“Surprise, surprise.” I held Midas back as the guy dipped into line at Greenleaf. “Do you think everyone got their freebies from there?”

“Hard to tell,” he admitted. “There are dozens of people on the streets, but it’s only the one club.”

They all couldn’t have fit in there at once, but the bouncer kept the line moving at a steady clip.

“Where’s the emergency exit?” I eyed an alley clogged with stumbling partiers. “Must be down there.”

“What are you thinking?” He tightened his hand around mine. “You’ve got that look in your eyes.”

“Greenleaf went through a lot of trouble to ensure this outcome.” Their new product was an instant hit. “They must have been prepared with enough samples and a solution for the traffic flow problem for it to go off without a hitch.”

“Let them in the front, get them high, then send them out the back?”

“Check out the people in line. They’re all clear-eyed and alert. They haven’t gotten theirs yet.”

“The people out here…” He scanned the street. “They circled around to see if they could go again.”

Proving us right, we watched as the bouncer spotted our greedy new friend attempting a double dip and told him to take a hike.

“That guy is hardcore,” I said with respect. “He wouldn’t let us in, and I hear he didn’t let you in either.”

That last part surprised him, and he smiled. “Checking up on me?”

“Your call dropped,” I grumbled. “I worried.”

His smile kept growing until his dimples winked at me.

“Shut up.” I shoved him. “No one asked you.”

“I like that you worried about me.” He used our linked hands to jerk me close. “It’s nice.”

“Yeah, well.” I leaned against his side. “You took off like a shot for the worst place to be tonight. Somebody had to worry about you.”

“I brought Ares with me.”

“I brought Bishop with me.” I waved my hand. “And yet, we both got ditched.”

Granted, Ares had stuck with Midas until I set her on Lisbeth. One could argue her absence was my fault.

“I’m a beta.” Amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes. “And a gwyllgi.”

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