Home > Mind Games : A LitRPG Apocalypse(13)

Mind Games : A LitRPG Apocalypse(13)
Author: Marc Whipple

“Here, sit down.” I took her by the hand and led her to the bed. She perched on the edge, looking like a cat ready to spring. “There. Is it okay if I try?”

“Yes,” she said, looking me in the eyes. A single tear had found its way down one perfect cheek and I took in an involuntary breath at the way it affected me.

Taking another, more purposeful breath, I relaxed my shoulders and gave her a smile. “Okay. I’m going to try something then. Deep breath now.”

She pulled air into her lungs, the familiar ritual seeming to help her a bit. I touched her on the shoulder and whispered, “Instant Induction.”


SYSTEM MESSAGE: Instant Induction used on willing target. Target enters a deep hypnotic trance. 75MP used (cast, one minute.) 175/250 MP.


Her body went completely limp.

It was a good thing I’d sat her down: she fell backwards on the bed as if she’d been blackjacked. In more than a decade of hypnotizing people I’d never seen anybody drop so hard, so fast.

Drawing a deep, calming breath, I forced myself to relax again. There wasn’t much time.

“Danielle, can you hear me?” I said with a low voice.

“Yes,” she said in a surprisingly clear tone. Her face was still absolutely relaxed but there was no slurring as sometimes happened with really deep trances.

“Good. That’s very good.” I murmured the old familiar phrases, meant to deepen and relax. Possibly she didn’t need them, but I did. “I want you to think about your Magical Catgirl Form. Think of being even quicker, lighter, of sharp claws and hunting. Can you feel it?”

“Yes,” she replied instantly.

Wow, I thought. Either the System is even more amazing than I thought, or she was always at least a little into catgirls. I deliberately didn’t think about that fact that I was into catgirls. That was probably a coincidence.


SYSTEM MESSAGE: There are no coincidences in the System. This information is displayed to beings who are in denial about the nature of the System. First, last, and only notice.


SYSTEM MESSAGE: Progress on the “Secret of the System” quest! 1 XP awarded. Continue to learn more about the System to attain further rewards. And stop being stupid.


My mind ground to a halt. This seemed like an awfully well-developed intelligent agent. Not to mention, an awfully specific one. And 1 XP felt more like a deliberate insult than a reward.

No time for that now. Do it and let’s get out of here before somebody comes to check on us.

“Danielle, when you hear me, and only me, say ‘Here kitty kitty,’ you will feel like you feel now, and you will let yourself become a Magical Catgirl. Do you understand?” Now I was holding my breath. My head was swimming.

“I understand,” she responded without hesitation.

“Good, that’s very good, that’s wonderful.” More of the old familiar patter. Did I need it any more? I didn’t know. “Now think about your body the way it is now, a beautiful, brave woman, with amazing new abilities, yourself, but more so. Can you feel that?”

“Yes,” she said, the corners of her mouth twitching ever so slightly. She was too relaxed to actually smile, but subtle signs like that were plain as day to an experienced hypnotist.

“Very nice, Danielle, very good. When you hear me, and only me, say ‘Byebye kitty,’ you’ll feel just like this, and you’ll return to your human form, feeling wonderful. Do you understand?” I breathed in and out, trying to stay calm. I could feel temptations squirming in the back of my mind. I ignored them.

“I understand,” she said, her face once more completely slack but her voice still clear and bright.

“Good, perfect. Now, in a second I’m going to tell you to wake and you will wake feeling refreshed and full of energy, and remembering everything I’ve told you and everything that happened. All right?”

“All right,” she said in a low voice. I could just hear a faint note of happiness.

Telling her to remember everything hopefully helps her trust me, I thought to myself even as I snapped my fingers and said, “Wake!”

Just as I said it, there was a knock at the door, which naturally opened further since it wasn’t even closed all the way.

“Are you guys…” Mike became visible and saw Danielle sit up suddenly. “Really? Trancing? I thought you wanted to leave. Everybody’s waiting.” He sounded a bit disgusted with us.

“She was a little nervous,” I said, thinking fast. “Just something to calm her down. We’re coming out now. Meet you downstairs.”

“Fine,” he said, still sounding a touch irritated. He turned around and walked down the hall.

We looked at each other, partially ashamed, partially amused.

“Okay, hit the bathroom fast,” I said. “He’s probably going to tell everybody and they’ll think we stopped for a quickie if we don’t get down there.”

Bright blue eyes alive with humor, she said, “Damn, that would have been nice actually. But you’re right. No time.” She stood and almost flowed around me on the way to the door, giving me a little pat on the butt in passing. I just stood there and watched her go through the door, a little shocked at both her speed and her unexpected flirtation.

Then I trudged out the door myself, shaking my head. This is going to be interesting, I couldn’t help but think.



Chapter 4

To Pigeon Forge (Really)

After a quick restroom break, we assembled with the others in the great room. Everyone else was ready to go, and we got some amused looks and a few irritated ones as we came out of the stairway.

“Good to see you’re finally ready,” said Mandy, with a cool, neutral tone I recognized as one that dominants used to keep submissives guessing about whether they were in trouble or not. I wasn’t all that submissive, but it was still pretty good.

“Sorry,” I said. “My fault. She was worried and I suggested a very quick relaxing trance.” There were a few eyerolls but everyone bought it as far as I could tell.

“Whatever. How are we going to do this?” Joe, probably the toughest of our group and an experienced gamer, was obviously thinking about our marching order. “Who’s got weapons?”

“I found two knives in the kitchen that fit my hands,” said Danielle. “I put them in the outside pocket of my bag.” She pointed to a zipper pocket of the bag, which she had slung crosswise over one shoulder.

“I have my gun. It’s in my purse. I have my whip, too.” Mandy was carrying a very large purse, but no suitcase. Her whip’s handle was sticking out of the top. It was surprisingly short for a bullwhip, but then she probably didn’t use it on actual bulls.

I didn’t have my suitcase either: after confirming that the cars weren’t working, I’d transferred a few essentials to the reusable grocery bag with my food and water in it. There was no way I was hauling that suitcase ten miles over a road if I didn’t have to.

Mike patted a shoulder satchel. “I have my medical supplies in here, and I took everything useful from the first-aid kit in the kitchen. I don’t have any weapons.”

“Everybody should at least pick up a stick,” said Anthony. “If something jumps on you, you don’t want to put your hands on it if you don’t have to.”

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