Home > Mind Games : A LitRPG Apocalypse(2)

Mind Games : A LitRPG Apocalypse(2)
Author: Marc Whipple


SYSTEM MESSAGE: Now that you've got that out of your system (see what we did there?) we have good news and bad news. The good news is that you are being offered an advantage at System Start because you are in an area which is relatively rich in Mana, the natural energy that powers plants, animals, sapient beings and other things which are part of the System. The bad news is that the reason you're getting that advantage is that the area you're in will become dangerous much faster than most places because the higher Mana levels will empower local wildlife very rapidly. Choose quickly and be ready to run.


BONUS SELECTIONS: You may select a Mana Weapon, or a Special Class. The Mana Weapon will be immediately usable and will draw ambient Mana to charge, requiring no ammunition or power source. It may be able to be upgraded, but will require no maintenance unless damaged. It will never become damaged beyond repair and will slowly repair itself by drawing on ambient Mana if damaged. No one but you or someone you give permission can use it.


MANA WEAPON: Mental Disruptor. This weapon resembles a ray gun from your classic science fiction movies. It causes damage to the target's neural system. (Warning: Not effective on targets without a defined neural system.) It has power levels from "cheap taser" to "instant brain shutdown." These power levels are the equivalent in a Level One Human. As your target's power increases, the amount of damage the Mental Disruptor will do diminishes. It should suffice to kill most things you will encounter for at least several days after System Start with a shot or two at maximum power.


Say "Accept" to accept the Mana Weapon. Otherwise, say "Special Class" to see the Special Class.


"I do not a... No, not saying it. Declined. Rejected. Show me the Special Class."




SPECIAL CLASS: Mesmerist. Mesmerist is a Mage-type class that specializes in mental influence. This class was created especially for Humans as no other race messes with its own heads quite like this and to be honest, we were a little impressed and a little horrified. Only Humans who are experts in both the theory and practice of hypnosis may choose this class at System Start. It will not be shown on lists of available Classes to beings who are not eligible to choose it. As knowledge of its existence spreads, others, including members of other races, may be able to select it.

Since this is a new System class, very few beings will know it exists for quite some time, and your class will simply show as "Mage" or "Mind Mage" to beings who can see Classes but don't know it exists or who don't have a reason to believe that you may be one. Your own power can also be used to prevent others from reading it, though this will not be effective on beings more than fifty levels higher than you.

Mesmerists can use Mana to cause mental disruption and damage as well as inflicting various status effects on other beings. As with all Classes, at lower levels the number and effectiveness of the Mesmerist’s Class Skills will be low. As you grow in level, you will grow in power. If you select this Class, you will be allowed to select appropriate Class Skills. If you do not, you will be given the standard list of classes to select from.


Say “Accept” to accept the Mesmerist class or say “Mana Weapon” to select the Mana Weapon and decline the Mesmerist class.


“Wait. What other classes am I allowed to pick?”


SYSTEM MESSAGE: Class list is not available with a Special Class selection pending. You can pick any standard Class and get the Mana Weapon if you say “Mana Weapon.”


“Oh, you assholes,” I said under my breath. This got no response. My mind raced. Assuming this was all on the level - and nobody had ever managed to give me a suggestion before, let alone one this intricate, so either it was a dream or it was real - there wasn’t much time. It could be a trick, but I’d played enough video games to know that if you get a special perk at the start of the game, you should take it, especially if you didn’t know the game well. And it seemed like the world was about to become a game I hadn’t got a clue about. That gun could keep me safe for quite some time, assuming that things that threatened me could be hurt by it… but a special class, which almost nobody even knew existed? That could be a game-changer.

Plus, it really seemed like they wanted me to take that gun and I don’t like being manipulated. Control issues, remember?


“Accept Special Class.” I let it out fast before I could change my mind.


SYSTEM MESSAGE: Congratulations, you are now a Level One Mesmerist. As you are the first being ever to receive this Class, you have been awarded the title ‘Mesmer’s Heir.’ This title grants a 100% increase in the effectiveness of all Mesmerist Class Skills and a 50% decrease in Mana costs to use Mesmerist Class Skills, along with a one-time ten-point bonus to Intelligence and Charisma. You may also select one extra Class Skill per five levels, starting at Level One. This Title will not be visible to other beings less than fifty levels higher than you unless you choose to display it. You sneaky little twink, you!


After I finished reading, the message disappeared.


And then the world started to spin.


It could have lasted a second, it could have lasted an hour. Time turned around and jumped down its own throat as I felt things… shift inside me. My mind felt faster, sharper… and somehow, I felt more confident. Like I knew people would see me in a better light. Eventually the world resumed its normal flow.


“Holy Shit,” I whispered. “This sounds broken as Hell. Status?”



James Erickson


Mesmerist (Hidden) / Mage






Hit Points:

90 (4/Min)


250 (8/Min)


100 (4/Min)

To Next Level:



Attributes (1 Point To Allocate)


Strength: 10

Intelligence: 25

Wisdom: 11

Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 9

Charisma: 20



Class Skills (3 Slots To Allocate)





General Skills


Hypnosis (Master)

Meditation (Int.)





Mesmer’s Heir (Unique, Hidden)



“How do I select Class Skills?” I said to the empty space in front of me. Another screen appeared.








Instant Induction

Range: Thirty feet and line-of-sight

1 Minute Cooldown

50 Mana plus 50 Mana per minute

Mana cost halved due to title Mesmer’s Heir.

Effectiveness doubled due to title Mesmer’s Heir.

Puts a willing target into a deep hypnotic trance instantly. May allow putting an unwilling target into a trance if sum of caster’s Intelligence and Charisma is at least ten points higher than target’s. Unwilling targets get a chance to leave trance once per minute and once per suggestion which is contrary to their interests, with chance of success proportional to difference in Intelligence plus Charisma and how contrary to target’s interests the suggestion is. Not effective on unwilling targets currently in combat with caster.

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