Home > Og-Grim-Dog and The Dark Lord(25)

Og-Grim-Dog and The Dark Lord(25)
Author: Jamie Edmundson

Grim had to agree. The menials also lacked the fearsome digestive tract of an ogre, which was capable of dealing with virtually anything its owner sent there.

The two menials on guard duty were already raising the trapdoor at Og-Grim-Dog’s approach.

‘It’s exciting, isn’t it?’ one of them suggested.

‘You don’t know the half of it,’ said Dog. ‘I recommend you stand back a little,’ he said cryptically, as Grim began to descend the stairs to the basement.

He got a shock when Sandon suddenly appeared next to them, the amulet in one hand.

‘Lord Vyana’s whiskers, Sandon!’ Dog let out. ‘I nearly flattened you with my mace!’

‘Apologies, Dog,’ said Sandon. ‘I just thought I ought to let you know. The Dark Lord’s adviser—’

‘Mistress Lilith?’

‘Yes. I snuck a look at her when she came over to the table. I’m afraid to say, I believe she’s a succubus.’

No doubt Grim should have known what a succubus was, but he didn’t.

‘A suck you what?’ demanded Dog.

‘A demon. A very powerful demon. Whatever happens now, please be aware that she possesses far more power than I do—perhaps more power than any other creature in Gal’azu. Under no circumstances do we take her on. As soon as we get the chance, we need to get out of here.’

‘Well,’ said Grim, ‘here’s our chance. Fraser?’ he called into the darkness of the basement.

Grim detected a slither of movement at the bottom of the steps.

‘Back up a little,’ came Fraser’s voice. ‘She’s hungry.’

Grim and Sandon retreated up the steps. ‘I said get back!’ Dog ordered the two menials as they cleared a space around the trapdoor.

They all fixed their attention on the exit to the basement, as a giant worm’s head appeared at the top of the steps. As it slithered its way into the hall, its rider was revealed—Fraser, the imprisoned older brother of the Dark Lord—imprisoned no longer. He blinked in the light, his gaunt frame looking almost skeletal in contrast to Evie, the Dark Lord’s plump, fleshy pet.

Fraser flashed them a vicious grin. ‘I’ve been waiting for this moment,’ he stated. ‘Forward, Evie!’ he cried, and the worm responded, heading for the sounds and smells of the Old Refectory.

‘What are we going to do?’ asked one of the menials.

‘We’re going to watch,’ said Dog, and, taking the hint, Grim followed in Evie’s wake. Sandon had disappeared once more, but Grim assumed the wizard wasn’t far away.

A predictable chorus of shouts and screams erupted from the wedding reception, and Grim re-entered the room to see Fraser guiding Evie towards the top table. A few loyal menials staggered over to bar their path, but the worm sucked them up into its maw and few chose to intervene after that, complaining to each other about their upset stomachs.

‘Hello, brother!’ Fraser crowed with delight, as he bore down on the Dark Lord. ‘Your pet monster has already eaten your bride to be. Now it’s your turn!’

Good, Grim said to himself. Part of the deal they had struck with Fraser was that he would announce Princess Borte’s death. It made it less likely she would be hunted.

Lilith quickly evacuated the top table, staring at the giant worm with an intense fascination.

‘Destroy them!’ the Dark Lord demanded, but she shook her head.

‘Down Evie!’ the Dark Lord instructed, but his pet let out a high-pitched whistling noise, that suggested it was not going to oblige.

He raised his hands, as if to cast some spell of protection. But no magic appeared, and the Dark Lord’s helmeted head swivelled around to look at Lilith. A smirk of pleasure met him, as the succubus’ own powers countered his.

‘Is that you, Fraser?’ asked the Dark Lord’s mother, looking up as Evie opened its maw and began to rise into the air.

‘Yes, it’s me! Finally free, after years locked up in Jonty’s dungeon!’

‘Is that true, Jonty?’

‘Henchmen!’ the Dark Lord called out, ignoring his mother. ‘Deal with this beast!’

Simba was already at his true master’s side, watching on impassively next to Mistress Lilith.

Gurin shrugged. ‘I don’t think so.’

‘Brother Kane!?’ the Dark Lord pleaded.

‘My son is not about to help you,’ exclaimed Lilith, her face lighting up in a cruel smile as the worm reared higher.

‘Her son?’ Dog said. ‘How old is she?’

‘You did pick up on the fact that she’s a demon?’ Grim asked him.

‘Yes. A very good looking one, though.’

Grim sighed. ‘Never mind.’

The Dark Lord was looking at them now, his last hope. ‘Ogre?’ he asked. ‘Is this your doing?’

He never learned our name, Grim noted.

Evie launched herself downwards and swallowed the Dark Lord whole. An unpleasant eating sound followed, before the worm spat out the Dark Lord’s helmet. It landed on the floor with a metallic clang.

‘Come on, mother,’ said Fraser. ‘Let’s get out of here.’

He offered his hand. She seemed to consider it for a second, and then took Fraser’s hand and clambered onto the worm until she was seated behind her older son, arms clinging around his waist.

‘No-one had better try anything,’ Fraser warned.

Lilith waved a hand, instructing her followers to let him go. After all, he had done her a favour. The Dark Lord was gone, and she hadn’t had to do the deed, nor had Samael and his Kuthenian army had to lay siege to Fell Towers. She was in charge now.

Fraser turned Evie around and left the room the way they had come in, heading for the exit to the keep, and no doubt on to the gates to Fell Towers. Grim was pleased. The basement of Fell Towers was empty now, and he believed that was as it should be.

Grim felt himself pulled to the right, and saw that Dog’s arm was being yanked by some invisible force. Sandon obviously wanted them out of there in a hurry. He made a face at Gurin, who started to head in their direction.

Fortunately, their movements were going unnoticed so far. Simba had collected the Dark Lord’s helmet and was now holding it out for Lilith.

‘Show your obedience to our new Dark Lord!’ he bellowed into the room. With no small amount of grumbling and clutching of stomachs, the menials in the Refectory all got down on one knee.

Simba placed the horned helmet onto Lilith’s head.

‘Servants of the Dark Lord!’ she said to the room, her voice supernaturally loud. ‘Serve me as you served your former leader and you will be rewarded! Know that under my rule our evil empire will grow, as we form alliances with the Kuthenian Empire and the Dark Elves of Cly’ath Denori’Kilith Tu’an.’

Instead of a great cheer, this announcement was met with an uncertain silence. Into the silence, came the distinct sound of somebody hurling, followed by the splatter of vomit on the floor. Then, as if that one individual disgorgement acted as a trigger, a cascade of chunks surged up from the stomachs of many a menial—each emitted stream merging to form a sea of sickness that swept across the room. The sudden sour smell hit Grim like a slap in the face.

‘Grim,’ Dog moaned, please get us out of here.

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