Home > Og-Grim-Dog : The Three-Headed Ogre(26)

Og-Grim-Dog : The Three-Headed Ogre(26)
Author: Jamie Edmundson

‘Barclay,’ Sandon said under his breath. ‘The Director of the Bureau.’

‘Hassletoff?’ Barclay demanded, his voice part malice, part resignation at the incompetence of others.

‘Director Barclay?’

‘I understand that the ogre in your company is wanted for questioning by the authorities of Dorwich City. The Bureau has made it very clear that there is no place for him in our organisation. Please, escort him from the city.’

But, Director Barclay,’ Hassletoff objected. ‘Only today, Og-Grim-Dog served the city as one of my deputies. It would be unfair to hand him over without any assurances as to his safety.’

Barclay raised one eyebrow. ‘Hassletoff, you hold your office based on my recommendation of your fitness to serve. Don’t make me withdraw that recommendation.’

‘Get the ogre out!’ someone from the crowd shouted. Others joined in, demanding that Og-Grim-Dog be expelled from Mer Khazer.

‘You cheered for us just days ago!’ Og shouted at them angrily, his voice loud enough to silence the crowd. ‘What’s changed?’

‘You see?’ Barclay asked, speaking to Hassletoff. ‘The monster is a danger. If you can’t deal with this, I will have to.’

The two warriors at his side put their hands on the hilts of their swords. Hassletoff copied their move. Assata placed a hand on the halfling’s shoulder.

‘No. Open the gates. We’ll go out with him.’


‘Getting yourself killed isn’t going to solve anything.’

‘Don’t worry,’ Sandon added. ‘We’ve got this.’

Reluctantly, the reeve took his hand from his weapon and ordered the gates to the city opened. They revealed fifty armed humans waiting for them on the other side.

Grim walked through. His four friends followed him.

Dog held up his arm. ‘No. This isn’t your fight.’

‘Don’t you dare,’ Assata told him, her voice burning with anger. ‘Of course it is.’

Dog decided not to argue. Grim smiled to himself. They had never had friends like this before, and it felt good. The five of them walked out and stopped in a line in front of the soldiers of Dorwich City.

‘I’ve got this,’ Sandon told them, removing his shoes. Grim got a glimpse of bony toes and long nails that hadn’t been cut back in years. ‘On the island of Tokaido there is a sect of holy warriors, the Bujutsu, whose learning stretches back centuries. I studied with the wise ones of that creed for two years, learning a deep spirituality, as well as the secrets of their martial prowess. All I need to do is locate the inner peace I discovered on that island, and I will be able to vanquish our enemies with ease.’ The wizard began humming to himself.

One of the men took a few steps forward. He was tall and muscular, one of the strongest looking humans Grim had ever seen. He walked with a casual confidence.

‘If you didn’t know, I’m Deston, the reeve at Dorwich. We’re after the ogre,’ he said, nodding in the direction of Og-Grim-Dog. ‘We’ve tracked it here from Urlay village. I need to find out what it knows about an attack on the village.’

‘The ogre was investigating the attack on Urlay,’ said Brother Kane. ‘He was not involved in it. We have apprehended the villains responsible in Mer Khazer. They will face justice for that crime.’

Deston smiled pleasantly. ‘Interesting. Let me make this clear, cleric: I have a great respect for men of faith. But I will be taking that ogre for interrogation. I am responsible for the defence of the lands about Dorwich; including Urlay. I saw the ogre there with my own eyes. Please, return to your city now. That goes for the rest of you. Let me do my job. I won’t ask a second time.’

At these words, Assata drew her sword. She looked across at Raya, who took her bow from her shoulder and strung it. Dog took his mace in his hand, and Og his pike. Brother Kane removed his vial of holy water, fingers hovering above the stopper. Next to him, Sandon continued to hum.

Deston’s eyebrows raised, genuinely shocked at the response. ‘There’s fifty of us—all armed, you fools!’ He shook his head. ‘So be it. I gave you fair warning.’ He signalled to his men. They raised their shields and hefted their spears. Grim looked at the faces. Some grinned, some were expressionless. Not a single one of them looked nervous.

Suddenly, there was a high-pitched scream, and a figure flew in the air towards the nearest of Deston’s soldiers. It was Sandon. What followed was one of the strangest things Grim had ever witnessed.

The wizard moved so fast that Deston’s men were unable to react. A foot crunched into the head of the soldier, but already Sandon’s other foot was kicking the man next to him. So it went on, the wizard’s feet running from one enemy to the next, while his body remained airborne. His legs moved faster than Grim had thought possible, kicking out, snapping heads back, sending armed men crashing to the floor. His big toes found their way into eyes and up nostrils. Should a soldier manage to dodge one foot, the second clobbered into them, sending them sprawling. Deston found his head locked between two bony shins, before Sandon flipped him over and over, until he hit the ground. Finally, when every single soldier had been sent to the floor, Sandon returned to his starting position.

They all looked at him, open-mouthed. Sandon placed his palms together and bowed. ‘That took me back. But as they say on Tokaido—once a Bujutsu, always a Bujutsu.’

Grim strode towards Deston. The reeve found the blade of Og’s pike at his neck.

‘We were at Urlay investigating the orcish attack on the village,’ Grim told him. ‘We have identified and apprehended the culprits. So, there really is no need for your posse to stay in the field. You can return to Dorwich City, reassured that the danger is gone, and justice is served.’

Deston eyed the pike at his neck. ‘Of course. Apologies for being slow to understand. We will return to Dorwich immediately.’

Grim nodded, satisfied, and Og withdrew the weapon. They watched as Deston’s men got to their feet, and the reeve led them away from the city.

‘Well, that was a fun way to end our little adventure,’ Grim said to his friends. ‘But now I think it really is time to return to Darkspike Dungeon.’

‘I am sorry we won’t be dungeoneering with you again,’ Sandon told them. ‘Unfortunately, I fear there are dark forces at the Bureau, who will always seek to work against you. Until we can mount a proper challenge to them, you will have enemies in Mer Khazer.’

‘That’s alright,’ said Og. ‘For a little while I enjoyed being a hero. But today I learned that it’s an illusion. The people can be turned against you.’

‘Not all the people,’ said Assata. ‘The ones who matter will always remember you.’






Things were soon back to the way they had always been at Darkspike Dungeon. Queen Krim and the orcs recovered from the depredations of the trespassers, until one day she even felt strong enough to send out a small raiding party.

Og-Grim-Dog could enjoy their dank cavern in peace, so long as they ignored the noise from the kobolds upstairs. In fact, it was so peaceful, that the brothers were pleased to see Gary the goblin when he arrived at their home once more. He had come to deliver a letter, and after a polite chat, the ogre sat itself on the floor and settled down to read the words.

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