Home > Lineage(16)

Author: Kilian Grey

The owner strode up to the group in the finest of silks and held a gilded pipe in her hand. “That’s quite the group. Who can I interest you in this fine afternoon?”

“Anyone they have an interest in,” Ignas replied.

The owner looked behind Ignas. “Will this be the young man’s first time? Many would love a tumble with such a fine young man.”

Rene gripped at Faust’s shoulder hard. “My lord will not be bedding anyone.”

Faust averted his gaze, his face aflame. He very much wanted to bed Ignas if he could.

The owner shrugged. “Who would you like today, Ignas? You haven’t shown your face in months.”

“I’d like to see my usuals.” Ignas gestured toward the young woman eyeing him with a perky smile. Another young man came to sit at her side, eyeing Ignas with longing. Ignas tossed a bag to the owner. “I’ve added extra for the rest of them if they want to entertain someone. Perhaps I can have some time with you as well. You are looking exceptionally beautiful today.”

The owner’s grin grew. “Flattery will get you nowhere but the door.”

Ignas gave her a respectful bow.

Faust watched the owner count the coin, but his gaze followed Ignas. He thought Ignas was interested in him. Faust shook his head. Such thoughts were inappropriate of him. It wasn’t like they’d done anything, and he had put distance between himself and Ignas. He had nothing to be jealous about. He lifted his gaze to Rene.

“I am not inclined to such things, my lord.”

Faust nodded.

“Who would you like to see, my young lord,” the owner beamed. “Surely, you are old enough to decide for yourself.” She beckoned a few young men and women to present themselves.

Faust was drawn to a young man with long blond hair and a lean build, the opposite of Ignas and far shorter. He appeared to be the same age as Faust. The male’s brown eyes regarded him with a hint of curiosity in return, but Faust preferred blue eyes.

Rene yanked Faust back by his collar. “We are leaving.”

Faust stumbled and gave the owner an apologetic expression. He scolded himself for even being interested as Rene dragged him toward the door. It was unbecoming of him.

“You are welcome back anytime.” The owner waved.

Zara tore away from a girl she was flirting with and waved on her way out. She accompanied Rene as the door shut behind her. “Staying here is the safest,” she called.

Rene continued walking. “We will take residence with the Guild of Artisans.”

Faust pushed his glasses up once he was free to walk on his own and glanced at Zara. She only shrugged at him. He looked back down the narrow alley.

“We’ll be coming back here.” Zara pointed at Rene. “He just doesn’t know it yet.”

“I heard that.”

Zara shook her head and winked.

Faust bit back a laugh and skipped after Rene. He turned back into the main market, surprised. He thought the slums were crowded, but the city was even more so. Hopefully Rene knew where he was headed.

“Stay close, my lord,” Rene instructed.

Faust tugged at his hood and walked next to Rene, not as confident. Zara walked as if nothing was wrong, but her eyes scanned the area with every step. He took the time to survey the city. He’d kept his head down earlier, trusting Ignas to lead him to safety, but he needed to be more aware.

The market bustled with carriages, carts, and covered wagons. People walked past one another with barely as much as a glance. That was odd. They were set on carrying on business matters rather than socializing. At least in Limorous, his people took more time to form long-lasting relationships. It was as if these people were afraid of being stopped.

Faust glanced at the towering stone buildings. The large turrets of the city walls felt ominous in the distance, but the bright paint of the buildings and colored stones at least gave Hol more life. Stores had large glass windows, and small metal lanterns hung along the walls. He reached out with his magic, curious if the lanterns used ore. They did. How interesting.

Zara nudged Faust, and he looked back, following Rene.

Rene led the pair to an open pathway on their right with far less foot traffic and stopped at a quaint shop. The wooden door held an intricate flower carving and a cast-iron handle shaped like a leaf. “We will house with the garment merchants.”

Zara raised her brows with interest. “Hatch Designs,” she read.

“She is the second in command of the Guild of Artisans,” Faust said.

Rene opened the heavy door. “They would be more likely to assume we would meet with their leader, June Rosel.”

Faust strolled inside after Rene, intrigued by the designs. The clothes were far more fashionable than in Limorous. He walked over to some elegantly embroidered coats and ran his fingers over the heavy fabric. He’d love to see more of his people wear clothes like these. Emoris preferred the people dressed more formally and with a ridiculous amount of jewelry, but clothes needed to be moderate and not flashier than that of the royal court and deities.

Zara closed the door and winced at the loud chime. “This place is usually full of nobles.”

Rene ignored her.

An older woman walked out with a cane, her hair pulled up in a bun, and her elaborate dress fell just above her ankles. “I have been expecting you.”

Rene smiled. “Lady Hatch.”

“Sir Rene, Lord Arcus,” Chloe said with the tip of her head. “I’ve told you plenty of times to call me Chloe, just as you refer to June, Rene.” She looked Faust and up and down and furrowed her brow.

Faust forced a smile to his lips and mentally prepared himself for Chloe’s scathing opinion. Her lilac aura was as bright as ever, her loyalty to Konrad still unwavering.

Chloe banged her cane against the ground. “Your beautiful hair is gone and what is with those clothes! Warren sent you with those, didn’t he?”

Faust’s smile broke.

Zara leaned over and whispered. “Ignas misses your hair, too.”

Faust’s stomach flopped, heat gathering in his cheeks.

Chloe moved with unreasonable speed and tapped her cane in front of Faust. “What is this I see? You are pining for another?”

Rene sighed. “Lady Chloe, please do not get carried away. The king would be displeased.”

Chloe’s eyes flickered. “Oh? So, the king doesn’t approve of this match?”

“He most certainly will not,” Rene said.

Zara shared a grin with the merchant.

Chloe tapped her cane on the floor again. “I will make certain you will catch this person’s attention then.” She snapped her fingers. “Tanya! Lord Arcus has arrived.”

A loud thud reverberated from the back of the shop, and Faust winced at the sight of the young lady sprawled on the floor.

Chloe shook her head. “Are you all right, child?”

“Yes, my lady.” Tanya exhaled, dusting off her clothes. “I tripped on a spool I forgot was there.” She put up her hair with a decorative pin and gave the prince a bemused smile.

Faust didn’t think Tanya was a child at all. She appeared his age or maybe Zara’s age, older than him. Although, he supposed, compared to Chloe, she was young. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Tanya,” Faust said and offered her his hand.

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