Home > Lineage(25)

Author: Kilian Grey

“You lie,” Anson said. “There has not been a court merchant in years. Stop bluffing and pay the tax, or my knights will escort you into this humble establishment.”

Faust reached under his cloak and pulled out a folded decree with the Kingsley seal. “Perhaps this will enlighten you, Lord Bente.”

“Lies,” the lord said. “Knights,” he bellowed with the rise of his hand.

Faust swung one sword from its sheath, forcing magic into his sky stone until it was a brilliant spark of light. Wind surged forward and shoved the knights over. They weren’t down for long, but it was enough for Faust, Rene, and Ignas to move into a more favorable position. Faust threw his cloak off and unsheathed his second sword.

“Four stones,” a knight exclaimed.

“But only the king is supposed to be able to use them all,” another yelled.

“When did we get another king candidate?”

Faust lunged forward, calling on his earth stone, the ground shifting and turning up into spikes.

Knights howled as they were skewered while others dodged and took aim.

Rene threw his earth stone in front of him and gathered the magic disrupted by Faust as his own. The spikes swayed into vines of dirt instead, and he tossed his sky stone up next to provide blades of wind for Faust.

Faust parried with one knight, appalled at the lack of a challenge, and kicked the man away into another two standing far too close. He ducked at the swing of another knight, and a gunshot rang out behind him. Faust grimaced but did not stop.

A battle horn struck the air.

Faust cursed. Just great. Reinforcements. This town had too many knights. Faust whirled into a clash, his fire stone bright with fury. His sword sparked and flared with the heat of a forge from his fire magic. Faust raised his second blade, intent on his target.

The knight screeched as the blade melted his armor.

Faust withdrew before piercing through the armor and kicked the knight away. Another knight filled the same space. Faust parried with a man twice his size.

Bullets took out several around Faust, but it wasn’t enough.

Ignas’s warmth came closer.

Rene’s magic surrounded him.

The wind whistled and an arrow pierced the knight’s neck.

Blood splattered against Faust’s face as another went down beside him. He jumped out of the way and blocked another hit, his eyes darting to his surroundings. Archers lined the roofs, and the sense of fire surrounded him. These people were from Windilum.

Ignas whistled and raised his gun.

Two longhorns bellowed in response.

“Don’t just stand there,” Anson shouted. “Arrest them!”

Faust clashed with another knight, their shock worn off.

Hooves rattled the ground and riders barreled into the battle with nets between them.

Faust moved back to back with Rene. He steadied his blades, observing the controlled chaos that came over the battle.

“Secure the lord,” Rene said with a swift slash of wind into a knight. The man flew into a passing net.

Faust wove through the knights and up onto a large root protruding from the ground. He jumped over a swinging blade, his sights on Anson. Faust jumped high. Anson yelped and ran for the brothel door, but Faust slammed it shut with a blast of wind.

Anson ran into the door with a loud groan. He turned as Faust descended in front of him.

The wind settled with the rustle of Faust’s clothes, his blade at Anson’s neck. “You will answer for your crimes against the people of Alios,” Faust said with authority.

“You cannot get away with this,” Anson said.

“I think I have.”

Anson snarled and faced the crowd. His eyes darkened. “Earl, this was all your doing, wasn’t it?”

Faust didn’t move from the lord, but his gaze flickered to Rene. Earl was the leader of the Guild of Smithery in Windilum. The guild master didn’t normally come up this far. Faust gripped the hilts of his swords. Chloe had mentioned a Sir Earl to Zara. She must have met with him. That was dangerous. Dealings with the Kingdom of Windilum were to be supervised by either Emoris or Lathil.

Rene waved his hand in dismissal.

Faust nodded. “Lord Bente.”

Anson stilled.

“I hereby repeal your rank for violating the laws of the king.”

“Y-You can’t do this,” Anson spat.

“By royal decree from His Royal Highness, Prince Faust Kingsley, I have,” Faust said. “All your wealth is forfeit to the crown, all contracts are void, and a new town lord will be chosen.”

Cheers erupted, causing Faust to jump, unaware they’d amassed an audience.

Rene bound Anson with wind chains. “The people are pleased with you, Lord Arcus.”

Faust regained his composure. He repositioned his glasses and turned to the people. He walked down the steps into the dirt and raised one sword. “This town is once again yours. Is there anyone trusted among you?”

The crowd was silent as the Windilum reinforcements tied up the knights. One person nudged a tall man forward with a familiar medallion from the Guild of Artisans at his hip.

“Are you sanctioned by the Guild of Artisans?” Faust inquired.

The man bowed. “Yes, sir. I was stationed here several years ago.”

“Your name?”

“Isaak Lowe.”

Faust tipped his head in acknowledgment. “Are there any complaints to this man, Isaak Lowe, becoming this town’s next lord?” Silence met his ears. “No one at all?” he asked again. Silence still met his ears. He glanced back at Rene.

Rene motioned for Faust to continue.

Faust held up a decree. “By the power bestowed by the prince and king, I hereby make Isaak Lowe the new lord!”

The people gave a resounding cheer.



Chapter Sixteen



Rene set his bag on the floor by the door. “We found three chests total in the Bente Estate. Two were untouched here in his study. I left them on the table along with the one we saw earlier,” Rene said. “There is much to be done to ensure Lord Lowe can rule, but that was tasked to me by King Konrad. I must document the change and the reasoning behind it. Please don’t make a habit of this.”

“I do not intend to,” Faust said with a small smile. “Are the knights and Anson locked up securely?”

“They are,” Rene said. “They won't be going anywhere unless they wish pain from the people they persecuted.”

“What about the brothel?”

“Ignas has sworn me off the matter, along with Sir Earl,” Rene explained.

“Why?” Faust asked.

“It appears some of their own were caught up in it,” Rene said. “Those that wish to leave the Kingdom of Alios will leave with the Guild of Smithery if you allow it.”

Faust leaned on the desk with a furrow to his brows. They’d been wronged by their kingdom, but it might not be any better in Windilum. “Did Ignas say anything else?”

“They will be transported to either the city of Cennon or Walhaim.”

Faust searched his memory for a map. Cennon was closer to their border under the watchful eye of the calmer Blood Duke, Cedric Baldwin. Walhaim was also said to be Duke Baldwin’s, something Windilum’s capital, Arkney, contested often. “Inform Ignas that I will permit moves to Cennon, but those of Walhaim must be made aware it may not be as safe.”

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