Home > Lineage(60)

Author: Kilian Grey

Faust glanced through a few more pages with a frown. Alton was among the missing. Joel had said Alton was given leave, but now that Faust knew of Emoris’s plot, it was more likely that Alton was dead. Alton was such an innocent soul. He would get vengeance for him.

Faust wandered to another shelf and inspected a record about Windilum. He flipped through many pages of handwritten notes from Konrad and paused at an entry about the Guild of Smithery. Faust turned the page, and a sigh left his lips. The patron of the guild was listed as Ignas Walder, the Lord of Walhaim. Ignas could have told him.

Faust shook his head. He would have to study these more before he passed judgment on the matter. These books also contained things about the merchants and trade. If he could find a pattern in the exchange of goods, he might locate reliable guild members in the Guild of Artisans and see who had survived the border war. It would also allow him to send discreet messages.

Faust walked back downstairs, placed the books on a table, and moved toward the history section. He had hopes Rene hid notes about the deities in here somewhere. He’d tried to visit Rene’s room, but the knights forbade him entry. Emoris and Lathil didn’t want him to learn whatever Rene had uncovered. He should have picked Rene’s brain more when they were traveling.

Faust pulled out a book and skimmed through it, disappointed there were no hidden messages. He picked another and another before he found one that spoke of strange weather in the past. It said that when the sky beings were displeased with the people, an endless winter would begin, and only when they found happiness would the weather return to normal.

Faust frowned, a pang of unease blossoming in his chest at the mere thought Linos was displeased with him. His hands were stained with the blood of war. Linos probably wouldn’t look at him twice now.

The library doors flew open, and Faust nearly dropped the book.

Emoris strolled in and gave Relan a side-glance. “Leave us.”

Relan hesitated.

“Need I remind you, Relan? You are under my command while Lathil is gone.”

The Blessed bowed and exited the room, closing the heavy doors behind him with a loud bang.

Faust closed the book, but his eyes never left Emoris, a chill running down his spine. The deity was angry about something. He’d obeyed every order. Surely coming to the library wasn’t enough to get Nik killed.

Emoris’s emerald gaze landed on the book. “I don’t understand why he keeps you alive.”

Faust shifted his weight onto his back foot. The air turned with earth magic, and everything in this room could skewer him. He’d kept his extra ability hidden, but he’d have to reveal he could use his magic without a stone if Emoris lashed out.

“Why?” Emoris repeated and raised one hand.

Faust dropped the book, bolting backward.

Green blades of Emoris’s magic raced through the room and cut into Faust’s clothes and skin, sending him flying. Faust rolled with a yell and moved as another set came at him. He jumped and dodged, but a vine seized his leg.

Faust jerked his gaze down.

The table leg had shifted.

Emoris growled and sent another wave of green blades.

Faust turned to protect himself, and sharp agony ripped through his side and back as he slammed into a bookshelf, books raining down upon him. He slid, his gloves soaking up the blood when he pressed a hand over his wound. He struggled to stand, covering his side in an attempt to keep the precious blood inside his body, but the wounds at his back soaked into his tunics.

Emoris prepared another attack.

Faust grasped for his magic, eyes closed tightly, not caring how much force he put behind the attack, but a loud grunt interrupted him. He cracked his eyes open, his breathing ragged. Relan stood in blazing Volant armor between him and Emoris. Light green designs covered the armor, and earth magic spilled over Relan’s shoulders where the marks of a Blessed lay. Faust hadn’t even heard the door open.

“Stand aside,” Emoris sneered.

“I have my orders from His Excellency Lathil,” Relan spat. “You may not kill him.”

Emoris turned on his heel. “Commander Frei,” he roared.

Mika rushed into the room and kneeled. His gaze flickered to Faust’s, and he paled. “What can I do for you, Your Excellency?”

“Tell the Kingsley Knights to find someone to pin this mess on.” Emoris gestured to Faust. “Be quick about it. Execute them in the market for all to see. Faust is hereby banned from the library from this day forth. And burn that book he was reading. He need not know of the past.”

“Right away, Your Excellency.” Mika bowed his head. He dashed out of the room, armor clanging until Mika was out of sight.

“Deal with him, Blessed,” Emoris said, waltzing out of the library.

Relan dropped to his knees to help Faust. “Stay with me.”

Faust slumped against the bookcase, whimpering. At least the blood was clotting, but the pain was excruciating.

Clanging armor echoed in Faust’s ears, and he cursed his luck. This would be an opportune moment for Relan to strike for the Kingdom of Windilum.

“Get a healer!” Relan shouted and turned back to Faust. “Forgive me.” He gathered Faust into his arms.

Faust bit back a cry at the rough jostling, trying to remain alert, but his vision blurred and the pain stole his consciousness.



Faust slipped on the cusp of sleep, caught in another dream. Sky blue surrounded him and brushed against his magic in calming waves, a soft humming drifting in the air around him. The blue enveloped him in a barrier, as if it were determined to keep him from harm, while fingers swept through his hair.

Faust forced his eyes open, slowly focusing on his messy desk in his room. He was on his stomach in only his pants, and heavy bandages wrapped his side, stomach, and back. Faust tested his limbs, pleased that they all still functioned. He glanced around, surprised his balcony was open, but he welcomed the gentle breeze. The snow had since stopped, but perhaps it wasn’t even the same day. His body felt heavy from disuse.

Incense filled the room. It was used in the healers’ wards that relaxed a patient and allowed the body to heal, but he didn’t see a healer anywhere. A few medicine bottles sat on the stand next to his bed and he wondered if they were there to mock him. He wasn’t supposed to have medicine that often, especially not if he had Lathil’s guard just outside his door. The solid earth presence nearby suggested that Relan stood there.

Faust pushed up on his arms, biting his lip. The pain that rolled through him had him biting back a shout. He fumbled to grab the bottle of red medicine. If it were left here, he had to hope it meant he could take it. He couldn’t handle the pain. He took a swig with a grimace.

The door opened and heavy steps entered.

Faust turned to see Relan. The Blessed hesitated at the door, his face full of surprise. Faust did not find it pleasant that he was so indecent in front of another despite his pain. “Well, what is it?”

“Your attacker was apprehended and executed in the market several days ago,” Relan said.

Faust averted his gaze, his shoulders low. Another innocent death on his head. “If that is all, you may leave.”

Relan cleared his throat. “The people have demanded you have a personal guard.”

Faust looked at the Blessed. Even if his people demanded such a thing, there was no way Emoris would entertain the idea.

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