Home > Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(186)

Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(186)
Author: Brandon Sanderson

“This,” Vin said, pointing at the wolfhound, “is your new body.”

OreSeur paused. “That? Mistress, that is a dog.”

“Yes,” Vin said.

“I am a man.”

“You’re a kandra,” Vin said. “You can imitate flesh and muscle. What about fur?”

The kandra did not look pleased. “I cannot imitate it,” he said, “but I can use the beast’s own fur, like I use its bones. However, surely there is—”

“I’m not going to kill for you, kandra,” Vin said. “And even if I did kill someone, I wouldn’t let you … eat them. Plus, this will be more inconspicuous. People will begin to talk if I keep replacing my stewards with unknown men. I’ve been telling people for months that I was thinking of dismissing you. Well, I’ll tell them that I finally did—nobody will think to realize that my new pet hound is actually my kandra.”

She turned, nodding toward the carcass. “This will be very useful. People pay less attention to hounds than they do to humans, and so you’ll be able to listen in on conversations.”

OreSeur’s frown deepened. “I will not do this thing easily. You will need to compel me, by virtue of the Contract.”

“Fine,” Vin said. “You’re commanded. How long will it take?”

“A regular body only takes a few hours,” OreSeur said. “This could take longer. Getting that much fur to look right will be challenging.”

“Get started, then,” Vin said, turning toward the door. On her way, however, she noticed a small package sitting on her desk. She frowned, walking over and taking off the lid. A small note sat inside.


Lady Vin,


Here is the next alloy you requested. Aluminum is very difficult to acquire, but when a noble family recently left the city, I was able to buy some of their diningware.


I do not know if this one will work, but I believe it worth a try. I have mixed the aluminum with four percent copper, and found the outcome quite promising. I have read of this composition; it is called duralumin.


Your servant, Terion


Vin smiled, setting aside the note and removing the rest of the box’s contents: a small pouch of metal dust and a thin silvery bar, both presumably of this “duralumin” metal. Terion was a master Allomantic metallurgist. Though not an Allomancer himself, he had been mixing alloys and creating dusts for Mistborn and Mistings for most of his life.

Vin pocketed both pouch and bar, then turned toward OreSeur. The kandra regarded her with a flat expression.

“This came for me today?” Vin asked, nodding to the box.

“Yes, Mistress,” OreSeur said. “A few hours ago.”

“And you didn’t tell me?”

“I’m sorry, Mistress,” OreSeur said in his toneless way, “but you did not command me to tell you if packages arrived.”

Vin ground her teeth. He knew how anxiously she’d been waiting for another alloy from Terion. All of the previous aluminum alloys they’d tried had turned out to be duds. It bothered her to know that there was another Allomantic metal out there somewhere, waiting to be discovered. She wouldn’t be satisfied until she found it.

OreSeur just sat where he was, bland expression on his face, unconscious wolfhound on the floor in front of him.

“Just get to work on that body,” Vin said, spinning and leaving the room to search for Elend.


Vin finally found Elend in his study, going over some ledgers with a familiar figure.

“Dox!” Vin said. He’d retired to his rooms soon after his arrival the day before, and she hadn’t seen much of him.

Dockson looked up and smiled. Stocky without being fat, he had short dark hair and still wore his customary half beard. “Hello, Vin.”

“How was Terris?” she asked.

“Cold,” Dockson replied. “I’m glad to be back. Though I wish I hadn’t arrived to find that army here.”

“Either way, we’re glad you’ve returned, Dockson,” Elend said. “The kingdom practically fell apart without you.”

“That hardly seems the case,” Dockson said, closing his ledger and setting it on the stack. “All things—and armies—considered, it looks like the royal bureaucracy held together fairly well in my absence. You hardly need me anymore!”

“Nonsense!” Elend said.

Vin leaned against the door, eyeing the two men as they continued their discussion. They maintained their air of forced joviality. Both were dedicated to making the new kingdom work, even if it meant pretending that they liked each other. Dockson pointed at places in the ledgers, talking about finances and what he’d discovered in the outlying villages under Elend’s control.

Vin sighed, glancing across the room. Sunlight streamed through the room’s stained-glass rose window, throwing colors across the ledgers and table. Even now, Vin still wasn’t accustomed to the casual richness of a noble keep. The window—red and lavender—was a thing of intricate beauty. Yet, noblemen apparently found its like so commonplace that they had put this one in the keep’s back rooms, in the small chamber that Elend now used as his study.

As one might expect, the room was piled with stacks of books. Shelves lined the walls from floor to ceiling, but they were no match for the sheer volume of Elend’s growing collection. She’d never cared much for Elend’s taste in books. They were mostly political or historical works, things with topics as musty as their aged pages. Many of them had once been forbidden by the Steel Ministry, but somehow the old philosophers could make even salacious topics seem boring.

“Anyway,” Dockson said, finally closing his ledgers. “I have some things to do before your speech tomorrow, Your Majesty. Did Ham say there’s a city defense meeting that evening as well?”

Elend nodded. “Assuming I can get the Assembly to agree not to hand the city over to my father, we’ll need to come up with a strategy to deal with this army. I’ll send someone for you tomorrow night.”

“Good,” Dockson said. With that, he nodded to Elend, winked at Vin, then made his way from the cluttered room.

As Dockson shut the door, Elend sighed, then relaxed back in his oversized plush chair.

Vin walked forward. “He really is a good man, Elend.”

“Oh, I realize he is. Being a good man doesn’t always make one likable, however.”

“He’s nice, too,” Vin said. “Sturdy, calm, stable. The crew relied on him.” Even though Dockson wasn’t an Allomancer, he had been Kelsier’s right-hand man.

“He doesn’t like me, Vin,” Elend said. “It’s … very hard to get along with someone who looks at me like that.”

“You’re not giving him a fair chance,” Vin complained, stopping beside Elend’s chair.

He looked up at her, smiling wanly, his vest unbuttoned, his hair an absolute mess. “Hum …” he said idly, taking her hand. “I really like that shirt. Red looks good on you.”

Vin rolled her eyes, letting him gently pull her into the chair and kiss her. There was a passion to the kiss—a need, perhaps, for something stable. Vin responded, feeling herself relax as she pulled up against him. A few minutes later, she sighed, feeling much better snuggled into the chair beside him. He pulled her close, leaning the chair back into the window’s sunlight.

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