Home > Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(214)

Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(214)
Author: Brandon Sanderson

“Now, see,” Elend said. “I don’t—”

“No,” the woman interrupted. “You must be stronger in the way that you speak. Presentation—words, actions, postures—will determine how people judge you and react to you. If you start every sentence with softness and uncertainty, you will seem soft and uncertain. Be forceful!”

“What is going on here?” Elend demanded, exasperated.

“There,” the woman said. “Finally.”

“You said that you know Sazed?” Elend asked, resisting the urge to slouch back into his earlier posture.

“He is an acquaintance,” the woman said. “My name is Tindwyl; I am, as you have guessed, a Keeper of Terris.” She tapped her foot for a moment, then shook her head. “Sazed warned me about your slovenly appearance, but I honestly assumed that no king could have such a poor sense of self-presentation.”

“Slovenly?” Elend asked. “Excuse me?”

“Stop saying that,” Tindwyl snapped. “Don’t ask questions; say what you mean. If you object, object—don’t leave your words up to my interpretation.”

“Yes, well, while this is fascinating,” Elend said, walking toward the door, “I’d rather avoid further insults this evening. If you’ll excuse me …”

“Your people think you are a fool, Elend Venture,” Tindwyl said quietly.

Elend paused.

“The Assembly—a body you yourself organized—ignores your authority. The skaa are convinced that you won’t be able to protect them. Even your own council of friends makes their plans in your absence, assuming your input to be no great loss.”

Elend closed his eyes, taking a slow, deep breath.

“You have good ideas, Elend Venture,” Tindwyl said. “Regal ideas. However, you are not a king. A man can only lead when others accept him as their leader, and he has only as much authority as his subjects give to him. All of the brilliant ideas in the world cannot save your kingdom if no one will listen to them.”

Elend turned. “This last year I’ve read every pertinent book on leadership and governance in the four libraries.”

Tindwyl raised an eyebrow. “Then, I suspect that you spent a great deal of time in your room that you should have been out, being seen by your people and learning to be a ruler.”

“Books have great value,” Elend said.

“Actions have greater value.”

“And where am I to learn the proper actions?”

“From me.”

Elend paused.

“You may know that every Keeper has an area of special interest,” Tindwyl said. “While we all memorize the same store of information, one person can only study and understand a limited amount of that store. Our mutual friend Sazed spends his time on religions.”

“And your specialty?”

“Biographies,” she said. “I have studied the lives of generals, kings, and emperors whose names you have never heard. Understanding theories of politics and leadership, Elend Venture, is not the same as understanding the lives of men who lived such principles.”

“And … you can teach me to emulate those men?”

“Perhaps,” Tindwyl said. “I haven’t yet decided whether or not you’re a hopeless case. But, I am here, so I will do what I can. A few months ago, I received a letter from Sazed, explaining your predicament. He did not ask me to come to train you—but, then, Sazed is perhaps another man who could learn to be more forceful.”

Elend nodded slowly, meeting the Terriswoman’s eyes.

“Will you accept my instruction, then?” she asked.

Elend thought for a moment. If she’s anywhere near as useful as Sazed, then … well, I could certainly use some help at this. “I will,” he said.

Tindwyl nodded. “Sazed also mentioned your humility. It could be an asset—assuming you don’t let it get in the way. Now, I believe that your Mistborn has returned.”

Elend turned toward the side window. The shutter swung open, allowing mist to begin streaming into the room and revealing a crouching, cloaked form.

“How did you know I was here?” Vin asked quietly.

Tindwyl smiled—the first such expression Elend had seen on her face. “Sazed mentioned you as well, child. You and I should speak soon in private, I think.”

Vin slipped into the room, drawing mist in behind her, then closed the shutter. She didn’t bother to hide her hostility or mistrust as she put herself between Elend and Tindwyl.

“Why are you here?” Vin demanded.

Tindwyl smiled again. “It took your king there several minutes to get to that question, and here you ask it after a few bare moments. You are an interesting couple, I think.”

Vin’s eyes narrowed.

“Regardless, I should withdraw,” Tindwyl said. “We shall speak again, I assume, Your Majesty?”

“Yes, of course,” Elend said. “Um … is there anything I should begin practicing?”

“Yes,” Tindwyl said, walking to the door. “Stop saying ‘um.’”


Ham poked his head in the door as soon as Tindwyl opened it. He immediately noticed her discarded bonds. He didn’t say anything, however; he likely assumed that Elend had freed her.

“I think we’re done for the night, everyone,” Elend said. “Ham, would you see that Mistress Tindwyl is given quarters in the palace? She’s a friend of Sazed’s.”

Ham shrugged. “All right, then.” He nodded to Vin, then withdrew. Tindwyl did not bid them good night as she left.


Vin frowned, then glanced at Elend. He seemed … distracted. “I don’t like her,” she said.

Elend smiled, stacking up the books on his table. “You don’t like anyone when you first meet them, Vin.”

“I liked you.”

“Thereby demonstrating that you are a terrible judge of character.”

Vin paused, then smiled. She walked over and began picking through the books. They weren’t typical Elend fare—far more practical than the kinds of things he usually read. “How did it go tonight?” she asked. “I didn’t have much time to listen.”

Elend sighed. He turned, sitting down on the table, looking up at the massive rose window at the back of the room. It was dark, its colors only hinted as reflections in the black glass. “It went well, I suppose.”

“I told you they’d like your plan. It’s the sort of thing they’ll find challenging.”

“I suppose,” Elend said.

Vin frowned. “All right,” she said, hopping up to stand on the table. She sat down beside him. “What is it? Is it something that woman said? What did she want, anyway?”

“Just to pass on some knowledge,” he said. “You know how Keepers are, always wanting an ear to listen to their lessons.”

“I suppose,” Vin said slowly. She hadn’t ever seen Elend depressed, but he did get discouraged. He had so many ideas, so many plans and hopes, that she sometimes wondered how he kept them all straight. She would have said that he lacked focus; Reen had always said that focus kept a thief alive. Elend’s dreams, however, were so much a part of who he was. She doubted he could discard them. She didn’t think she would want him to, for they were part of what she loved about him.

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