Home > Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(269)

Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(269)
Author: Brandon Sanderson

“No,” Elend said. “I’m hardly an unbiased party in today’s proceedings. Therefore, I nominate Lord Penrod. He’s as honorable a man as we’re likely to find, and I believe he can be trusted to mediate our discussions.”

The group was quiet for a moment.

“That seems logical,” Hettel, a forge worker, finally said.

“All in favor?” Elend said, raising his hand. He got a good eighteen hands—all of the skaa, most of the nobility, only one of the merchants. It was a majority, however.

Elend turned to Lord Penrod. “I believe that means that you are in charge, Ferson.”

The stately man nodded appreciatively, then rose to formally open the meeting, something Elend had once done. Penrod’s mannerisms were polished, his posture strong as he stood in his well-cut suit. Elend couldn’t help but feel a little jealous, watching Penrod act so naturally in the things that Elend was struggling to learn.

Maybe he would make a better king than I, Elend thought. Perhaps …

No, he thought firmly. I have to be confident. Penrod is a decent man and an impeccable noble, but those things do not make a leader. He hasn’t read what I’ve read, and doesn’t understand legislative theory as I do. He’s a good man, but he’s still a product of his society—he doesn’t consider skaa animals, but he’ll never be able to think of them as equals.

Penrod finished the introductions, then turned to Elend. “Lord Venture, you called this meeting. I believe that the law grants you first opportunity to address the Assembly.”

Elend nodded thankfully, rising.

“Will twenty minutes be enough time?” Penrod asked.

“It should be,” Elend said, passing Penrod as they traded places. Elend stood up at the lectern. To his right, the floor of the hall was packed with shuffling, coughing, whispering people. There was a tension to the room—this was the first time Elend had confronted the group that had betrayed him.

“As many of you know,” Elend said to the twenty-three Assembly members, “I recently returned from a meeting with Straff Venture—the warlord who is, unfortunately, my father. I would like to give a report of this encounter. Realize that because this is an open meeting, I will adjust my report to avoid mentioning sensitive matters of national security.”

He paused just slightly, and saw the looks of confusion he had expected. Finally, Philen the merchant cleared his throat.

“Yes, Philen?” Elend asked.

“This is all well and good, Elend,” Philen said. “But aren’t you going to address the matter that brought us here?”

“The reason we meet together, Philen,” Elend said, “is so that we can discuss how to keep Luthadel safe and prosperous. I think the people are most worried about the armies—and we should, primarily, seek to address their concerns. Matters of leadership in the Assembly can wait.”

“I … see,” Philen said, obviously confused.

“The time is yours, Lord Venture,” Penrod said. “Proceed as you wish.”

“Thank you, Chancellor,” Elend said. “I wish to make it very clear that my father is not going to attack this city. I can understand why people would be concerned, particularly because of last week’s preliminary assault on our walls. That, however, was simply a test—Straff fears attacking too much to commit all of his resources.

“During our meeting, Straff told me that he had made an alliance with Cett. However, I believe this to have been a bluff—if, unfortunately, a bluff with teeth. I suspect that he was, indeed, planning to risk attacking us, despite Cett’s presence. That attack has been halted.”

“Why?” asked one of the worker representatives. “Because you’re his son?”

“No, actually,” Elend said. “Straff is not one to let familial relationships hamper his determination.” Elend paused, glancing at Vin. He was beginning to realize that she didn’t like being the one who held the knife at Straff’s throat, but she had given him permission to speak of her in his speech.

Still …

She said it was all right, he told himself. I’m not choosing duty over her!

“Come now, Elend,” Philen said. “Stop with the theatrics. What did you promise Straff to keep his armies out of the city?”

“I threatened him,” Elend said. “My fellow Assemblymen, when facing down my father in parlay, I realized that we—as a group—have generally ignored one of our greatest resources. We think of ourselves as an honorable body, created by the mandate of the people. However, we are not here because of anything we ourselves did. There is only one reason we have the positions we do—and that reason is the Survivor of Hathsin.”

Elend looked the members of the Assembly in the eyes as he continued. “I have, at times, felt as I suspect that many of you do. The Survivor is a legend already, one we cannot hope to emulate. He has power over this people—a power stronger than our own, even though he is dead. We’re jealous. Insecure, even. These are natural, human feelings. Leaders feel them just as acutely as other people—perhaps even more so.

“Gentlemen, we cannot afford to continue thinking like this. The Survivor’s legacy doesn’t belong to one group, or even to this city alone. He is our progenitor—the father of everyone who is free in this land. Whether or not you accept his religious authority, you must admit that without his bravery and sacrifice, we would not now enjoy our current freedom.”

“What does this have to do with Straff?” Philen snapped.

“Everything,” Elend said. “For, though the Survivor is gone, his legacy remains. Specifically, in the form of his apprentice.” Elend nodded toward Vin. “She is the most powerful Mistborn alive—something Straff now knows for himself. Gentlemen, I know my father’s temperament. He will not attack this city while he fears retribution from a source he cannot stop. He now realizes that if he attacks, he will incur the wrath of the Survivor’s heir—a wrath not even the Lord Ruler himself could withstand.”

Elend fell silent, listening to the whispered conversations move through the crowd. News of what he’d just said would reach the populace, and bring them strength. Perhaps, even, news would reach Straff’s army through the spies Elend knew must be in the audience. He’d noticed his father’s Allomancer sitting in the crowd, the one named Zane.

And when news reached Straff’s army, the men there might think twice about obeying any orders to attack. Who would want to face the very force that had destroyed the Lord Ruler? It was a weak hope—the men of Straff’s army probably didn’t believe all of the stories out of Luthadel—but every little bit of weakened morale would help.

It also wouldn’t hurt for Elend to associate himself a little more strongly with the Survivor. He was just going to have to get over his insecurity; Kelsier had been a great man, but he was gone. Elend would just have to do his best to see that the Survivor’s legacy lived on.

For that was what would be best for his people.


Vin sat with a twisted stomach, listening to Elend’s speech.

“You okay with this?” Ham whispered, leaning over to her as Elend gave a more detailed account of his visit with Straff.

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