Home > Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(334)

Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(334)
Author: Brandon Sanderson

She nodded slowly. “That’s enough, I think.”

He smiled, turning back to the doorway. “Where is Spook?”

Vin shrugged beneath her cloak. “I assume Tindwyl won’t be coming with us, then.”

“Probably not,” Elend said, smiling.

“How will we find our way to Terris?”

“It won’t be hard,” Elend said. “We’ll just follow the imperial canal to Tathingdwen.” He paused, thinking of the map Sazed had given them. It led straight into the Terris Mountains. They’d have to get supplies in Tathingdwen, and the snows would be high, but … well, that was a problem for another time.

Vin smiled, and Elend walked over to pick up the package Tindwyl had left. It appeared to be a book of some sort. A few moments later, Spook arrived. He wore his soldier’s uniform, and had saddlebags slung over his shoulder. He nodded to Elend, handed Vin a large bag, then moved to his own horse.

He looks nervous, Elend thought as the boy slung his bags over his horse. “What’s in the bag?” he asked, turning to Vin.

“Pewter dust,” she said. “I think we might need it.”

“Are we ready?” Spook asked, looking over at them.

Elend glanced at Vin, who nodded. “I guess we—”

“Not quite yet,” a new voice said. “I’m not ready at all.”

Elend turned as Allrianne swept into the passage. She wore a rich brown and red riding skirt, and had her hair tied up beneath a scarf. Where’d she get that outfit? Elend wondered. Two servants followed her, bearing bundles.

Allrianne paused, tapping her lip with a thoughtful expression. “I think I’m going to need a packhorse.”

“What are you doing?” Vin demanded.

“Going with you,” Allrianne said. “Breezy says I have to leave the city. He’s a very silly man, sometimes, but he can be quite stubborn. He spent the entire conversation Soothing me—as if I couldn’t recognize his touch by now!”

Allrianne waved to one of the servants, who ran to get a stablehand.

“We’re going to be riding very hard,” Elend said. “I’m not sure if you’ll be able to keep up.”

Allrianne rolled her eyes. “I rode all the way out here from the Western Dominance! I think I can manage. Besides, Vin is hurt, so you probably won’t be going that fast.”

“We don’t want you along,” Vin said. “We don’t trust you—and we don’t like you.”

Elend closed his eyes. Dear, blunt Vin.

Allrianne just twittered a laugh as the servant returned with two horses, then began to load one. “Silly Vin,” she said. “How can you say that after all we’ve shared?”

“Shared?” Vin asked. “Allrianne, we went shopping together one time.”

“And I felt we bonded quite well,” Allrianne said. “Why, we’re practically sisters!”

Vin gave the girl a flat stare.

“Yes,” Allrianne said, “and you’re definitely the older, boring sister.” She smiled sweetly, then swung easily up into her saddle, suggesting considerable horsemanship. One of the servants led her packhorse over, then tied the reins into place behind Allrianne’s saddle.

“All right, Elend dear,” she said. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

Elend glanced at Vin, who shook her head with a dark look.

“You can leave me behind if you wish,” Allrianne said, “but I’ll just follow and get into trouble, and then you’ll have to come save me. And don’t even try and pretend that you wouldn’t!”

Elend sighed. “Very well,” he said. “Let’s go.”

They made their way slowly through the city, Elend and Vin at the lead, Spook bringing their packhorses, Allrianne riding to the side. Elend kept his head up, but that only let him see the faces that poked out of windows and doorways as he passed. Soon, a small crowd was trailing them—and while he couldn’t hear their whispers, he could imagine what they were saying.

The king. The king is abandoning us. …

He knew that many of them still couldn’t understand that Lord Penrod held the throne. Elend glanced away from an alleyway, where he saw many eyes watching him. There was a haunted fear in those eyes. He had expected to see accusations, but somehow their despondent acceptance was even more disheartening. They expected him to flee. They expected to be abandoned. He was one of the few rich enough, and powerful enough, to get away. Of course he’d run.

He squeezed his own eyes shut, trying to force down his guilt. He wished that they could have left at night, sneaking out the passwall as Ham’s family had. However, it was important that Straff saw Elend and Vin leaving, so that he understood he could take the city without attacking.

I’ll be back, Elend promised the people. I’ll save you. For now, it’s better if I leave.

The broad doors of Tin Gate appeared ahead of them. Elend kicked his horse forward, speeding ahead of his silent wave of followers. The guards at the gate already had their orders. Elend gave them a nod, reining in his horse, and the men swung the doors open. Vin and the others joined him before the opening portal.

“Lady Heir,” one of the guards asked quietly. “Are you leaving, too?”

Vin looked to the side. “Peace,” she said. “We’re not abandoning you. We’re going for help.”

The soldier smiled.

How can he trust her so easily? Elend thought. Or, is hope all he has left?

Vin turned her horse around, facing the crowd of people, and she lowered her hood. “We will return,” she promised. She didn’t seem as nervous as she had before when dealing with people who revered her.

Ever since last night, something has changed in her, Elend thought.

As a group, the soldiers saluted them. Elend saluted back; then he nodded to Vin. He led the way as they galloped out the gates, angling toward the northern highway—a path that would allow them to skirt just west of Straff’s army.

They hadn’t gone far before a group of horsemen moved to intercept them. Elend rode low on his horse, sparing a glance for Spook and the packhorses. What caught Elend’s attention, however, was Allrianne: she rode with amazing proficiency, a look of determination on her face. She didn’t seem the least bit nervous.

To the side, Vin whipped her cloak back, bringing out a handful of coins. She flung them into the air, and they shot forward with a speed Elend had never seen, even from other Allomancers. Lord Ruler! he thought with shock as the coins zipped away, disappearing faster than he could track.

Soldiers fell, and Elend barely heard the plinging of metal against metal over the sound of wind and hoofbeats. He rode directly through the center of the chaotic group of men, many of them down and dying.

Arrows began to fall, but Vin scattered these without even waving a hand. She had opened the bag of pewter, he noticed, and was releasing the dust in a shower behind her as she rode, Pushing some of it to the sides.

The next arrows won’t have metal heads, Elend thought nervously. Soldiers were forming up behind, shouting.

“I’ll catch up,” Vin said, then jumped off her horse.

“Vin!” Elend yelled, turning his beast. Allrianne and Spook shot past him, riding hard. Vin landed and, amazingly, didn’t even stumble as she began to run. She downed a vial of metal, then looked toward the archers.

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