Home > The Ocean at the End of the Lane(19)

The Ocean at the End of the Lane(19)
Author: Neil Gaiman

    I went back to reading Pansy Saves the School. The      secret plans to the airbase next door to the school were being smuggled out to      the enemy by spies who were teachers working on the school vegetable allotment:      the plans were concealed inside hollowed-out vegetable marrows.

    “Great heavens!” said Inspector Davidson of      Scotland Yard’s renowned Smugglers and Secret Spies Division (the SSSD). “That      is literally the last place we would have looked!”

    “We owe you an apology, Pansy,” said the      stern headmistress, with an uncharacteristically warm smile, and a twinkle in      her eyes that made Pansy think perhaps she had misjudged the woman all this      term. “You have saved the reputation of the school! Now, before you get too full      of yourself—aren’t there some French verbs you ought to be conjugating for      Madame?”

    I could be happy with Pansy, in some part of my      head, even while the rest of my head was filled with fear. I waited for my      parents to come home. I would tell them what was happening. I would tell them.      They would believe me.

    At that time my father worked in an office an      hour’s drive away. I was not certain what he did. He had a very nice, pretty      secretary, with a toy poodle, and whenever she knew we children would be coming      in to see our father she would bring the poodle in from home, and we would play      with it. Sometimes we would pass buildings and my father would say, “That’s one      of ours.” But I did not care about buildings, so never asked how it was one of      ours, or even who we were.

    I lay on my bed, reading book after book, until      Ursula Monkton appeared in the doorway of the room and said, “You can come down      now.”

    My sister was watching television downstairs, in      the television room. She was watching a program called How, a      pop-science-and-how-things-work show, which opened with the hosts in Native      American headdresses saying, “How?” and doing embarrassing war whoops.

    I wanted to turn over to the BBC, but my sister      looked at me triumphantly and said, “Ursula says it can stay on whatever I want      to watch and you aren’t allowed to change it.”

    I sat with her for a minute, as an old man with a      moustache showed all the children of England how to tie fishing flies.

    I said, “She’s not nice.”

    “I like her. She’s pretty.”

    My mother arrived home five minutes later, called      hello from the corridor, then went into the kitchen to see Ursula Monkton. She      reappeared. “Dinner will be ready as soon as Daddy gets home. Wash your      hands.”

    My sister went upstairs and washed her hands.

    I said to my mother, “I don’t like her. Will you      make her go away?”

    My mother sighed. “It is not going to be Gertruda      all over again, dear. Ursula’s a very nice girl, from a very good family. And      she positively adores the two of you.”

    My father came home, and dinner was served. A thick      vegetable soup, then roast chicken and new potatoes with frozen peas. I loved      all of the things on the table. I did not eat any of it.

    “I’m not hungry,” I explained.

    “I’m not one for telling tales out of school,” said      Ursula Monkton, “but someone had chocolate on his hands and face when he came      down from his bedroom.”

    “I wish you wouldn’t eat that rubbish,” grumbled my      father.

    “It’s just processed sugar. And it ruins your      appetite and your teeth,” said my mother.

    I was scared they would force me to eat, but they      didn’t. I sat there hungrily, while Ursula Monkton laughed at all my father’s      jokes. It seemed to me that he was making special jokes, just for her.

    After dinner we all watched Mission: Impossible. I      usually liked Mission: Impossible, but this time it made me feel uneasy, as      people kept pulling their faces off to reveal new faces beneath. They were      wearing rubber masks, and it was always our heroes underneath, but I wondered      what would happen if Ursula Monkton pulled off her face, what would be      underneath that?

    We went to bed. It was my sister’s night, and the      bedroom door was closed. I missed the light in the hall. I lay in bed with the      window open, wide awake, listening to the noises an old house makes at the end      of a long day, and I wished as hard as I could, hoping my wishes could become      real. I wished that my parents would send Ursula Monkton away, and then I would      go down to the Hempstocks’ farm, and tell Lettie what I had done, and she would      forgive me, and make everything all right.

    I could not sleep. My sister was already asleep.      She seemed able to go to sleep whenever she wanted to, a skill I envied and did      not have.

    I left my bedroom.

    I loitered at the top of the stairs, listening to      the noise of the television coming from downstairs. Then I crept barefoot-silent      down the stairs and sat on the third step from the bottom. The door to the      television room was half-open, and if I went down another step whoever was      watching the television could see me. So I waited there.

    I could hear the television voices punctuated by      staccato bursts of TV laughter.

    And then, over the television voices, adults      talking.

    Ursula Monkton said, “So, is your wife away every      evening?”

    My father’s voice: “No. She’s gone back this      evening to organize tomorrow. But from tomorrow it will be weekly. She’s raising      money for Africa, in the village hall. For drilling wells, and I believe for      contraception.”

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