Home > Flame(16)

Author: Donna Grant

Cain couldn’t help but wonder if she had fooled him, if this was all some kind of setup to trap him. But if it was, why would she have told him about her parents? That was something she would’ve kept to herself so he wouldn’t doubt her.

Or maybe it was part of her plan.

Cain ground his teeth together. The questions went around and around in his head. He’d been positive back on Earth that Noreen was telling the truth. Now, even after this new information, what little doubt he had wasn’t enough for him to reconsider the mission.

That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t keep an eye out, though. In all his long years, he’d seen every kind of deception there was. If Noreen thought to fool him, she had another thing coming.

She blew out a loud breath and started walking, letting him know she was tired of waiting. Cain let her get a few steps ahead of him before he followed her. He kept coming back to how she had survived. Either she had massive amounts of magic that could keep dragon fire from burning her—and only a Dragon King had that ability—or it hadn’t been a Dragon King who killed her family at all. He was betting on the latter, but until he had proof, there was no use telling that to Noreen.

For the next several hours, they walked in silence. They encountered several animals but didn’t see anything that would indicate another being was around. It was a mystery, but Cain knew they’d solve this one sooner rather than later.

It was dusk when they came upon a lake. The blue water sparkled with shades of gold from the setting sun, making the ripples look like diamonds blinking from the waves. It was a particularly stunning sight.

“We’ll stay here for the night,” Cain said. “There is cover in the trees. I think it’s safe for you to use magic to build a fire and whatever else you need.”

Her red eyes slid to him. “And what will you be doing?”

His gaze lifted to the darkening sky. “I’m going to figure out how big of an area this is.”

“You’re going to fly?” she asked in surprise.

“It’s the fastest way to see the area and to scout the terrain. No’ to mention, if there is someone here, I’ll be able to spot them.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You could be seen.”

“It’s a chance I’m willing to take.”

A black brow cocked. “Before I give you the information you want?”

He knew her sarcasm stemmed from earlier. He’d hoped she would get past it, but that kind of pain didn’t fade easily, so he didn’t hold it against her.

“If you doona want to be alone, then come with me,” he offered.

She gave a half-snort/half-laugh. “Right. Because I can fly.”

“You can ride on my back.”

Her sneer died as she stared at him with a frown. “Are you serious?”

“I wouldna offer if I wasna.”

She didn’t hide her hesitation.

Cain then said, “You’d be able to get the lay of the land, as well. You might see something that could be important, an observation I might otherwise dismiss. No’ to mention, another set of eyes is always good.”

“I wouldn’t be able to see as far as you.”

“You’re Fae. You have magic.”

She licked her lips, considering his offer. After a moment, she turned away. Cain sighed. He’d thought she might be interested in riding, but perhaps her hatred for the Dragon Kings was too great. He walked to the water and looked at the sun slowly sinking into the horizon.

“All right,” she said from behind him. “I’ll do it.”

He turned and smiled at her. “Good.”




Was she doing the right thing? Noreen’s anger was misdirected, she knew that, but she couldn’t seem to stop taking it out on Cain. And still, he asked her to go for a ride.

But not just any ride—one atop him while he was in dragon form.

She had immediately wanted to agree, but she paused to think things through. Then she realized there was nothing to think about. She—a Dark Fae—was going to get to ride atop a Dragon King.

And it had nothing to do with sex.

Although, the moment she thought about sitting astride Cain, all she could imagine was seeing him naked and having him fill her. Noreen tried to shut off her thoughts, but her body had already reacted to the mental images, which meant there was no stopping her mind or body now.

She wanted to fan herself as her blood heated, but she fisted her hands instead. After lashing out at Cain, it wouldn’t make any sense to him if she suddenly let her desire show. He would think she had lost what little sense she had.

Or … perhaps that’s exactly what had occurred. After all, she could hardly tell up from down at the moment. Her emotions were all over the place, making her feel as if she had no control—which only made things worse.

The smile he bestowed on her when she agreed to the ride was mesmerizing. Something intense and all too male flashed in his eyes when he looked at her. It left her breathless and … needy.

“I take it you’ve seen us in our true forms, aye?”

Why did that damn Scots brogue sound so fekking sexy on him? Noreen had to think about what he just asked before she nodded. “Yes.”

Black brows shot up on his forehead. “Oh? When, if I may ask?”

Was he always so damn polite? Or was that only for her? Really, it didn’t matter. Noreen was just trying to find something to anger her so she might stop thinking such lustful thoughts about him. Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately—nothing was working.

He gave her a pointed look, making her realize that she hadn’t answered his second question.

She swallowed, finding her mouth dry as a desert. “The Others have been watching the Kings for centuries. I’ve witnessed a few things, like the fight with the Dark Fae at Dreagan that was recorded. I was also near the Light Castle when the Kings faced off against Usaeil.”

At the mention of the former Light Queen, Cain’s lips twisted in disgust. “Do you know what happened to her body?”

Noreen gave a nod. “Moreann took it.”

Cain’s eyes widened. “Is that so? Interesting. Since you’ve seen us before, you willna be surprised by my size.”

Without meaning to, her gaze drifted down his body, pausing between his legs, which caused her nipples to harden. She hastily looked away when she comprehended what she’d done. “I’m ready.”

He turned away, and she could’ve sworn that she heard him chuckle. With the way she was acting, she wouldn’t be surprised. She took the opportunity to press against her aching breasts in an effort to get her nipples to return to normal.

But it seemed that wasn’t possible with a Dragon King so near, one who also had the ability to make her knees weak with only the sound of his voice and her own thoughts.

“Once you’re on, hold tight,” he warned her as he looked over his shoulder at her.


Their gazes met, and in the next instant, a dragon stood where Cain had been. Noreen took an involuntary step backward at the up close and personal view she had of him. Cain was … gigantic.

Shiny scales in a blue so deep they looked almost black met her gaze. She knew the moment her eyes landed on them that she had never seen him before. With a color like Cain’s, she never would have forgotten him.

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