Home > Flame(22)

Author: Donna Grant

“That, I don’t know. It isn’t something anyone talks about, and the one time I asked Moreann about it, she cut me off before I could finish. Some Druids can see the future, as you well know.”

Cain rubbed his hand down her back. “Aye, that is a possibility, but I think it’s something more. The fact that none of you know how Moreann and the original Others set everything up has me concerned. Moreann is hiding something, and people only do that when whatever they want hidden can be used against them.”

Noreen suddenly had a thought. She moved out of his arms to stand before him, grinning. “You forget, there is one other person from the original group who is still alive.”


“Exactly,” Noreen said. “We need to find her.”

Cain wrinkled his nose. “I doona think she’ll willingly tell us anything.”

“Moreann took her body,” Noreen pointed out. “Usaeil might have found a way to stay alive, but before she could wake, Moreann swooped in. I know Moreann has been furious with Usaeil for a while for her actions regarding Con and the Dragon Kings.”

Cain’s green eyes narrowed on her. “If Usaeil was the original Dark Fae, then how did you come to the group since there’s only supposed to be six?”

Noreen bit her lip and glanced at the ground. “My involvement did not come about in the usual way. Moreann found me after my parents were killed. She took me in and gave me a home.”

“Bloody hell. I thought you said you didna go to her planet?”

“We didn’t. She kept me on Earth. She told me everything because she said I would be joining the group eventually. She wanted me to take Usaeil’s place, but she couldn’t get rid of Usaeil. It has something to do with a magical pact they made. Really, I’m part of the Others, but like an … alternate.”

“Are there others like you?”

She shook her head. “It’s just me and those who want to join. When Usaeil went and did her own thing, I stepped into her role and became a full-fledged member. Usaeil was so preoccupied that she didn’t know or care, which is exactly what Moreann hoped for.”

Cain ran a hand over his mouth and jaw. “I knew the Others wouldna let you go easily, but I didna know this other bit. You’ve betrayed Moreann twice. No’ just as someone part of the Others, but as someone she raised as her own child.”

“Now do you understand why this decision was so difficult?”

“Aye, lass, I do.” He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. “So, the group has seven members now?”

“Technically, Usaeil is still a part of the group, so yes. But Moreann has cut her out. If Usaeil wants back in, Moreann has to allow it.”

Cain’s eyes brightened. “That’s interesting news. Perhaps the two of them can go at it and save us all some trouble.”

“That would be nice. But Moreann clearly put Usaeil somewhere and hasn’t told anyone.”

“Oh, Usaeil is nothing if no’ determined. She’ll find a way to get free. And perhaps that’s just what we need. If Usaeil is angry enough, we willna even have to get her to attack Moreann. She’ll do it on her own.”

Noreen winced at the thought. “Moreann is powerful. More so than most realize. She keeps her magic contained so others don’t realize it. They underestimate her.”

“Something we willna do, but she’s making a mistake regarding the Dragon Kings. And you.”

He took her hands in his and pulled her against him. Noreen liked how affectionate Cain was. She pressed her cheek against his chest as he held her. “You make it all sound so easy.”

“Because it will be.”

“There’s still much I have to tell you.” She leaned back and met his gaze. “And we should start now.”




Con wasn’t quite right. Ulrik had sensed it from the moment his friend had returned from his prolonged stay with Usaeil. Though each time Ulrik asked him about it, Con replied that everything was fine.

The one thing Ulrik knew was that Constantine was anything but fine.

“You look concerned,” Dmitri said as he walked up.

Ulrik glanced into azure eyes and shrugged. “It might be nothing.”

“It’s something all right. You’ve been watching Con for weeks now. I think it’s time you told me what’s going through your mind.”

Ulrik’s gaze was pulled from Con, who was on his way up the stairs to the side door of the manor. A moment later, Henry stalked through it, looking angry and irritated, before disappearing into the conservatory and through the door that led into the mountain.

“Seems Con isna the only one with something going on,” Dmitri stated.

Ulrik stared at Henry long after the mortal was gone. He knew Con had spoken to Henry several times, trying to nudge the human in the right direction of the weapon without telling Henry anything specific.

The only reason Ulrik knew what the weapon happened to be was because he’d gotten into Con’s mountain and saw it. It was a secret Ulrik didn’t like to keep, but he understood why he had to. Just as he knew why Con had refused to tell any of them about it before—and even after—the other Kings learned there was even such a weapon on the property.

“Your silence isna easing my worry.”

Ulrik had forgotten that Dmitri was beside him. He faced the King of Whites. “What have you noticed about Con?”

“That he’s quieter than usual. That doesna seem possible since he’s always kept to himself, but now it feels as if he’s distancing himself more than ever.”

Ulrik drew in a breath, Dmitri’s words adding to the worry and disquiet he already felt. “Aye. I’ve seen it, as well.”

“He’s no’ talking to you?” Dmitri asked in surprise.

“Whatever is going on, he’s keeping to himself.”

“Damn,” Dmitri mumbled and ran a hand down his face. “This isna good. No’ good at all. We need to find out what’s going on.”

Ulrik had a good idea exactly what it could be, but the moment he brought it up, he feared Con might very well explode. Then again, maybe that’s exactly what his friend needed.

“How is Faith?” Ulrik asked to change the subject.

Dmitri’s face said he knew exactly what Ulrik had done. “She’s fine, though she’s worried about Claire. All the mates are.”

As if they didn’t have enough on their plate, Usaeil—the raging bitch—had to make sure that Claire became pregnant with V’s child. It was a blessing, but also a curse since no human/Dragon King coupling had led to a live birth.

Each day the babe lived was one that Claire and V celebrated, all while holding their breaths for the inevitable.

“And you? How are you?”

Ulrik started at the question. He frowned while shrugging. “I’m fine.”

“Right,” Dmitri said with a snort. “Just as Con and Henry are fine. Do you even know what that means?”

Ulrik rolled his eyes. “You do realize that I’ve watched the Italian Job, too? It means freaked out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional.”

“Exactly. You know it’s horse shite when Con tells you he’s fine, so doona give me the same line.”

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