Home > Flame(5)

Author: Donna Grant

She was halfway to the cottage she was squatting in when a figure walked out onto the sidewalk in front of her. She came to a halt when she recognized Moreann, the Empress of Druids. It was a rare thing for her to venture to this realm.

Then again, Moreann had been coveting this realm for quite some time. Long enough to put the humans here to see what the Dragon Kings would do with them. Then using Druids and Fae together to create the Others.

“This is a surprise,” Noreen said.

Moreann smiled. “Is it?”

“You don’t normally come here.”

“And you don’t usually visit Scotland.”

Noreen smiled as she lifted a shoulder. “I like keeping an eye on my enemy.”

“Hmm. Is that so?”

“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

Moreann’s green eyes were intense as they pinned Noreen. “There has been some speculation that you aren’t acting yourself.”

“Times are changing,” Noreen replied. “I’m trying to keep up. I’ve put in a lot of time to take out the Kings. You know I want them gone for what they did to my family.”

“Remind me again what they did.”

Noreen wasn’t a fool. Moreann knew exactly what the Kings had done, because she was there and had been the one to tell Noreen. But Noreen would do as she was bidden because there was no other choice.

“They killed my family during the Fae Wars. You saved me before they could finish me off.”

Moreann grabbed Noreen by the chin. “Remember who your friends are, child.”

“I’ve never forgotten.”

“Good. You’re one of my best. I’d hate for you to lose your way.”

The threat hung in the air as Moreann dropped her hand and walked around her. Noreen didn’t turn and watch her go. She squared her shoulders and headed toward the cottage.




“Well now,” Cain said as he watched the beautiful Fae walk away, his gaze lingering on the sway of her hips and her pert derrière.

It looked nearly as good as her oval face and incredible mouth. When she’d dropped her glamour, and he’d seen her crimson eyes, he’d been unable to look away. Not because he was repulsed.

But because he wasn’t.

Noreen was gorgeous. All Fae were beautiful, but there was something unique about her that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. She had a body made for sex, and despite knowing she was supposed to be his enemy, he felt desire quicken his blood.

He’d imagined she would have some spunk. After all, it took a great amount of courage to do what she had—if it wasn’t all some kind of trap. He still wasn’t sure of that or not.

Cain was leaning toward believing her, especially after witnessing the interaction between her and the Light. At first, Cain had thought it was all a setup in case someone had been watching. But the emotions that crossed both Noreen’s and the Light’s face hadn’t been faked.

Neither had Noreen’s shaking hands when she thought she was alone.

It was that fear that prodded her to retract everything she’d written the day before. Cain could understand and appreciate the trepidation that consumed her. It was in her eyes, in her voice, and in her very bearing.

When he added all that up, he accepted that she was being honest. But he held back full judgment until he could speak with her some more.

Cain opened the mental link the Dragon Kings shared. “Con.”

“I’m here,” the King of Dragon Kings replied.

Cain was glad that they had managed to stop the Others from listening in on their communications. Otherwise, things would be more difficult for them. “I found the Dark.”


“Just as I was about to approach her, someone else beat me to it. A Light, and by their conversation, he was sent by the Others to check up on the Dark.”

Con was silent for a heartbeat. “It could all be done for the benefit of any of us watching.”

“That was my original thought as well, but Brian, the Light, was too intent on trying to catch Noreen in the act of something.”

“Noreen is the Dark, I presume?”

Cain walked from the alley to the sidewalk and turned his head in the direction Noreen had gone. “Aye. She’s terrified, Con. So much so that she told me she takes back everything she sent yesterday.”

“If the Others are on to her, then they’ll want to stop her before she can give us anything.”

“Exactly.” Cain spotted Brian and decided to trail the Light for a bit. “I doona think they know what she’s done, but they’re suspicious. Brian told her that there were two of them here to check on her.”

“Find her, Cain. If there’s any information she can give us, get it. Do whatever it takes, because we need an advantage.”

“Even if it means sheltering her?”

Con blew out a breath. “The safest place for her is Dreagan.”

“I doona think that would be a good idea. The Others have already attacked us once and did significant damage.”

“You have something else in mind?

He started walking toward the Light Fae. “Actually, I do. The Fae Realm.”

“That’s risky.”

“We have to take some risks. The Others have been two steps ahead of us at all times. We need to even the score.”

Con made an indiscernible sound. “Usaeil told me she met Moreann on the Fae Realm. You’d be bringing the Dark straight to them.”

“That’s just it, they’ll never think we would do such a thing. The Others will be looking for her on Earth. If Noreen is safe, then she’ll give us what she needs. She’s no’ using magic, and that in itself tells me she’s going to great lengths to make sure they can no’ track her.”

“You’re going to need help getting to a Fae doorway. I’ll have Ulrik bring you his bracelet.”

Cain’s pace slowed as he reached the corner of the block and looked around it. As soon as he spotted Brian, he lengthened his stride. “That will make things easier.”

“Check in daily.”

“This is the right move. You know it. Doona worry about me. I can handle this. I’ll get us what we need, and then we can take down the Others once and for all.”

Con said, “Doona forget that she’s been a part of them for a long time. She might turn on you.”

“I’ll watch my back.”

Cain disconnected from the link when he saw Brian head into a pub. He walked to the door and went inside. He found the Light Fae at the bar, talking to two women, both of whom couldn’t keep their hands off him.

The Fae was too intent on his conquests to take any notice of him. Cain sat close enough that he could hear what the Light was saying, but far enough away so as not to draw attention to himself.

Cain ordered a whisky and pretended to look through his mobile as he took pictures of Brian and sent them to Ryder. It was another face they could put to the Others, and that was a good thing.

As he listened to Brian talk to the women, Cain’s thoughts turned to Noreen. He doubted the Dark even realized that he’d been there long enough to hear her and Brian’s entire conversation. She hadn’t been interested in learning his name. In fact, she couldn’t get away from him fast enough.

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