Home > Flame(53)

Author: Donna Grant

“Stop!” she yelled, her hands on either side of her head.

The light had never spoken to her, only the darkness. She wished the light would speak up, but no matter how bad it got, it never tried to sway her.

When the darkness didn’t speak again, she lowered her hands and sniffed. “I’ve not loved again because I can’t. My heart is his, even if he doesn’t want it. It’s why I broke it off with Balladyn. He deserved more. So much more than I could give him.”

“I would’ve taken you any way I could’ve had you.”

She stilled at the voice behind her, a voice she knew well. Her heart thudded in her chest. Rhi spun around and looked into Balladyn’s face as he stood five feet from her. A tear slipped down her cheek. Then he held out his arms.

It was all the invitation she needed. She ran to him, throwing herself in his arms as she sobbed. He held her tightly and let her cry. She didn’t know how he was there, and it didn’t matter. All she cared about was that he was alive.

“I did this to you,” he finally said as he stroked her back. “When I captured you and chained you in the dungeons of the Dark Palace, I knew the darkness would be too seductive for even you to resist.”

She shook her head, unable to find the words.

“I’m sorry, Rhi. So very sorry. You were my friend. I had no right to blame you for what happened to me, and I certainly shouldn’t have tried to punish you for it.”

She lifted her head and blinked through her tears until his face came into view. “You didn’t do it.”

“I did. I hope one day you can forgive me, but right now, I need you to listen.”

Rhi sniffed and touched his face. “Are you real?”

“Yes,” he said with a grin. “I’m real. Death called me here for you.”

“You’re a Reaper, aren’t you?”

A slow smile spread over his face. “We’ll discuss that later. Right now, you’re more important.”

She shook her head, but he gave her a little shake.

“Rhi, I mean it. The proverbial shite is about to hit the fan. Things are spinning out of control everywhere. There’s infighting between the Dark and Light as many try to claim the thrones.”

“So,” she said with a shrug.

“The Others are getting ready to deal the final blow to the Dragon Kings.”

She looked away. “The Kings never needed me. I was always there to help, but … well, you know why I did it.”

He gave her a sad smile. “Because you love him.”

“I’m pathetic.”

“You’re the kindest, most honorable, most beautiful, and strongest person I know. You killed Usaeil. Who cares that she was able to bring herself back? You took her out once, and you can do it again.”

Rhi frowned as she shook her head. “Who says I want to do it again?”

“You can make sure she stays dead this time.”

Rhi shook her head, not saying anything.

“As for the Others, Moreann is interested in you.”

Rhi’s gaze met his. “You know why, don’t you?”

“I do now,” he said with a nod of his head. “You need to tell the Kings, Druids, Warriors … everyone. You can’t be faulted for what your father did. The simple fact that the Others want you means something. You could be the key that brings them all down.”

She pulled out of his arms and paced a few steps away. “First, Death had me followed, and now the Others. Why?”

“Why not ask Erith yourself?”

Rhi halted and glared at him. “Don’t you think I’ve done that?”

“Perhaps now is the time she’ll tell you.”

That made her think it might actually be possible. She wasn’t special. Sure, she knew how to fight, and she glowed when she was mad, and then there was the healing of the realm thing, but it wasn’t as if she flaunted those things. Few knew she even possessed those abilities.

“Usaeil befriended you because you draw people in without meaning to,” Balladyn told her. “Your light, even now with the darkness around you, shines brighter than any other Light Fae’s. You only want the simple pleasures in life, and Usaeil couldn’t stand that. She began to hate you because no matter how much power she attained, she could never be as happy as you.”

Rhi had to look away before she started to cry again.

“There are two more things I have to tell you before I go.”

Her head swung back to him. “Go? No. I need you to stay.”

“I’ll always be close. That I can promise you. Now, listen. First, the Light need you. You can put things in order once more.”

She rolled her eyes. “I was banished, remember? Besides, I’m pretty sure there’s someone else acting as Captain of the Queen’s Guard.”

“I was referring to you becoming the queen.”

Rhi gaped at him in horrified shock. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Far from it. Now, this last part is the most important. Are you listening?”

“Yes,” she said with an exaggerated sigh.

Balladyn walked to her and touched her face with the tips of his fingers before his arm dropped to his side. “Your Dragon King still loves you.”

“Wh—?” Rhi began, but Balladyn was already gone.

She looked around, her head turning this way and that, but she knew her friend was nowhere to be found. However, he had left her a lot to think about.




Noreen’s body hummed with lethargy and contentment after her and Cain’s frenzied lovemaking. He held her to his chest, his hands softly caressing her back as he rested against a tree.

“Can we stay like this forever?” she asked with a grin.

There was a smile in his voice when he said, “Sounds good to me, lass.”

She sighed, her eyes growing tired. “When do you think Ulrik will return?”

“I doona know. He’s been gone much longer than I expected.”

Though she wanted to ignore the worry inside her about falling asleep and what she might find in her dreams, she couldn’t. Noreen sat up and looked into green eyes she was coming to seek out.

“What’s wrong?” Cain asked, a frown on his face.

She smiled and shook her head. “I’m just wondering if we should look for Ulrik. And thinking that we might want to put on some clothes.”

Laughter rumbled in Cain’s body. “Clothes, perhaps.”

Noreen used her magic to redress them without either of them moving. “He might have found Rhi.”

“Are you trying to tell me you’d like to go see what Ulrik is up to?” Cain asked, a brow raised in question.

“Maybe,” she replied with a shrug.

He let out a long, forlorn sigh. “You’d rather leave the comfort of my arms and talk to Rhi than stay with me.”

“Oh, I’m definitely going to be taking advantage of your arms later, but,” she said as she wrinkled her nose, “I do want to meet Rhi.”

“Then let’s go see what we can find.”

Noreen couldn’t contain her smile as she got to her feet. “What are you doing?” she asked when Cain didn’t move.

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