Home > Revenge of The Gods(4)

Revenge of The Gods(4)
Author: Leia Stone

“I'm nauseous, my head is pounding with what feels like it might be the headache of the century. I'm starving, my skin is super dry and needs a good exfoliation, and I'm suddenly a little dizzy … which is probably part of the starving thing.”

His eyes darted down to the waist-deep water. “Did any get in your mouth?”

I shook my head. “No. I mean, I'm almost certain none did. The only time it was possible is when we first landed, and I wasn't aware it was poisonous then.”

“You're about to touch your face again,” he said dryly, and I jerked my hand back down.

“Okay, so there is a small possibility I accidentally touched my face when pushing my hair back or something,” I finally admitted. Speaking of, this water had better not destroy any of the hair that was trailing behind me in its murky depths. I was hoping to come out of this shithole with my Instagram account intact, and for that I need my hair to survive.

Hyperion shook his head, but he didn't roll his eyes, so that was an improvement. “I need to get you back in Cronus’ care,” he muttered. “This is too much responsibility for me.”

He wasn't the first being to think that about me and he probably wouldn't be the last. I wasn't even offended, because he had a point. “How are we going to find this portal in the water, though?” I asked, trying to get us back on track. He wasn't the only one who wanted me back in Cronus’ care.

Hyperion actually smiled. “The water is drying up.”


I blinked at the very obvious signs I hadn't noticed while Hyperion had been acting all drill-sergeant over my current state of health. The water that had been at my waist before was now at my knees. Within minutes, it had dropped as low as our ankles until, eventually, it was bone-dry ground again.

Turning back around, I blinked at the lack of water anywhere.

“This place is fucked up,” I said, trying to wrap my poor fragile mind around the insanity of what had just happened. “But as long as we're able to find the portal, I don't even care.”

“I can see it!” Hyperion all but shouted, sounding both relieved and excited. “As soon as we hit level seven, we should be able to sense Cronus.”

We were so close, and I felt like a puppy that was being taken for a walk. My entire body quivered with excitement, my heart squeezing in anticipation at finally having my love back.

Hyperion moved fast, and I stayed right with him. Like a miracle, all of my previous symptoms had vanished—weird and convenient—but I was totally not questioning that because my sole focus was on finding my Titan.

The landscape in this area, now that the water was gone, was rocky with a steady incline that hadn't been there before. It was brighter without the water, but no visible sun was above, and the bone-crushing heat from the previous level was also absent.

Thank the Titans, because the last thing I needed was that heat beating down on me again.

Hyperion appeared to be leading us toward a small peak on the hill we were ascending, and I noticed a few more of those drink plants scattered about. “You thirsty?” he asked when we passed a rather large one. “The portal should be at the top of this rise, so we’re close, but I know you aren't feeling well.”

I shook my head. “No, I'm okay at the moment. I just want to get to Cronus.”

It was clear from the sympathetic expression that he understood, and once again resumed his trek up the hill, looking back more than once to determine that I was okay. I was about to reassure him for the second time that I was fine, when a shadow broke over the top of us, blocking out whatever caused the new light across level six.

Hyperion spun around, eyes wide. I followed his line of sight, tilting back so I could take in the full picture before me.

“The Erynomus,” Hyperion breathed, and I really got the concerned expression now.


I don’t know what I’d expected, but it wasn’t … this creature.

First of all, he was a giant. At least twelve feet tall. With the head and torso of a man and the lower half of a bull or something. Its face was gnarled and bony, giving it a grotesque look, not to mention the set of horns protruding from its ugly face. All down its arms were black feathers that branched out into giant wings hanging off its back. The creature was like a fucking chimera that had been hit with the ugly stick.

I shrank behind Hyperion. “Can you kill it?”

The creature sniffed the air and then his head snapped in our direction.

Oh shit.


“Not on my own,” Hyperion said, “but with Cronus’ help, and maybe Rhea, we might be able to take him out and restore some sanity to this realm.”

Thanks for reminding me that my boyfriend was down here with his ex-wife. Yeesh. What were they doing right now? I didn't want to think about it and I certainly didn’t want to add killing this ugly prick to our to do list but it looked like I might have no choice in the matter.

The creature started to scratch his hind legs on the ground, kicking up dust behind him. As I squinted at the dusty air, I saw that he stood directly in front of the next portal we needed to get to level seven and my man.

“He’s protecting the portal!” I hissed.

Hyperion looked at me with shock. “You see that one too?”

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. “We’ve been over this.”

Hyperion straightened, letting out a long huff. “Alright, fair enough. You’re blessed by vision or something. Let’s go with that.”

See, I knew he’d come around to the fantasy life. Once you go delusional, you can’t go back.


“Maisey, are you even listening to me?”

I nodded, and actually did listen as he went over his plan. “You distract him,” Hyperion started, “and I’ll get into a better position to blind him with my light. This should move him away from the portal, and once that happens, we’ll meet there and just slide right through.”

#AwfulPlan #SomethingWasGoingToGoWrong

“Okay,” I said, putting on my big girl pants.

In all honesty, I had no choice and no other options. I wanted to get to Cronus, so as long as this was a quick plan and no one died, I would do whatever Hyperion suggested.

“Distraction. No problem.”

I looked around for something to throw at the beast, before reaching down to pick up a few rocks. They were palm sized, nothing that would actually hurt this dude, but hopefully it would be enough so that Hyperion could do his light thingy.

Walking a little to the left, I waved my arms. “Hey, fucker! Over here.” I tossed the handful of rocks in its general direction and one landed on his hoof.

#BullsEye #OrMoreAccuratelyHoof

Its head snapped in my direction and I wondered how intelligent it was. Hyperion acted like it was basically mindless, so I didn’t expect much reaction.

“You’re dead, bitch,” it snarled at me.

My head reeled back. #ItTalks #OhShit #NotFuckingMindless

The beast launched off the ground and barreled right for me. A shriek tore from my lungs as I darted in a random zigzag pattern to try and confuse him. Okay, in reality all that happened was me twisting both ankles and collapsing hard to the ground. As my face nearly ate sand, I splayed my palms out to catch my fall, before flipping over on my back to face the oncoming threat.

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