Home > Roaring(25)

Author: Katie May

“I’m done talking to you about this,” I say, getting to my feet and brushing off my slacks.

“We’re done when I say we’re done!” Mom hisses, eyes narrowed into slits.

“I’m curious…” As I speak, I begin to walk backwards. “What do you get out of my death? Why do you care so much?”

“I’m your mother—”

“You’ve never cared about that title before,” I point out, ignoring the rage that appears in my mother’s eyes. I hold up my fingers in a peace sign before swiveling on my heel and walking back in the direction of the school.

Mom’s voice stops me like an ice cube being rubbed up and down the nape of my neck. The hairs on my arms stand on end at her words. “I’ll do whatever it takes to protect my son. Remember that.”

Before I can demand answers, she disappears in a flash of emerald green light.



I’m exhausted by the time I finally make it to the cafeteria for breakfast. Mom’s warning plays on a continuous loop in my head. Was she…was she threatening Violet? My mate?

I shake my head vigorously at the preposterous notion. Surely, she meant something else entirely, right? She loves me enough not to hurt my kind-of-girlfriend.

Even I struggle to believe that.

Violet’s already at the table with Vin when I arrive. My heart warms at seeing the two of them together. I’m grateful they were able to work out their issues. Hopefully, their rekindling relationship means Vin will stop being an egotistical asshole.

One can only hope.

“Hey!” Violet enthuses when she sees me. Her smile disappears when she catches sight of my expression. “What’s wrong? Do I have to maim or kill anyone? Or both? Give me a name. I’m pretty adept at hiding a body.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Vin scoffs, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. It’s a surprisingly…intimate move, as if he’s laying his claim on her for the entire world to see. “You don’t need to do that by yourself. I’ll help.”

“You’ll help me murder and hide a body?” Violet breathes, staring up at him with fuck-me eyes. My cock twitches in my pants, and I have the irresistible urge to lay her over the table and pound into her slick heat. There’s something about my girl talking about murder that drives me crazy.

“Of course.” Vin shrugs nonchalantly, and I swear Violet nearly faints from ecstasy.

“Slut,” Cheryl fake coughs from a few tables over. I notice that Alex sits beside her, though his attention is fixated on Violet, expression unreadable. I really need to figure out what that guy’s problem is. Or kill him.

Either option is appealing.

Violet turns towards Cheryl lazily, a hint of mischief in her smile. She grabs Vin’s shirt collar and pulls him towards her, kissing him fiercely. Vin doesn’t hesitate to kiss her back, wrapping one arm around her waist while the other tangles in her blonde curls. She pulls away from him seconds later, lips already swollen, and turns towards me. Smirking at the little temptress, I close the distance between us and kiss her as desperately as Vin just had. I still taste the fucker’s saliva on her lips, but for some reason, that only amplifies my lust. When she finally releases my lips, she turns back towards Cheryl with a smug smile and offers her a middle finger.

Cheryl, I notice, isn’t smiling. Her eyes are narrowed in pure rage. With a flick of her orange hair, she turns towards Alex, effectively dismissing us.

But Alex is still focused intently on Violet. I could be mistaken—I usually am, especially when I’m high—but he almost appears…jealous. His dark eyes flare with a banked fire before he purposefully wrenches his gaze off of Violet and focuses on whatever Cheryl is saying.

Remembering the embarrassment in Violet’s eyes when the asshole made her shit her pants, I grip Violet’s hips and pull her towards me once more. She moans against my lips instantly, her soft fingers kneading my neck.

I reach up to cup her breast through her pink shirt, loving the way she mewls into my mouth. Fuck, I want her. I want her so badly, I can barely think straight. Thoughts of my mom and Alex dissipate as I continue to kiss this goddess in my arms. Before I can proposition her, I hear the sound of glass shattering.

We jump apart, startled, to see Alex stomping away, his plate having been thrown against the cafeteria wall.

“What the fuck?” Violet murmurs, staring after him in confusion.

“Fuck…” I repeat with a wink. “I like that word.”

“So do I.” Vin attempts to shift himself on the bench to hide the evidence of his arousal.

“You know what I like?” Violet whispers, a teasing lilt to her voice. Vin and I both lean forward expectantly as she trails fingers down both of our chests to the outline of our cocks. “I like—”

“Violet Dracula, please report to the headmaster’s office!” a voice declares over the speakers.

Violet doesn’t immediately drop her hands from our crotches as she strokes us through our pants.

“What do you like?” Vin begs, closing his eyes.

We lean in even closer, until all of our lips are a centimeter from touching. Her eyes dance with humor as she stares first into my eyes and then Vin’s. All I can focus on, however, is her intoxicating scent that curls around me. All I can picture is a naked Violet as I thrust in and out of her ass while Vin destroys her pussy. The image makes me so fucking hard, I’m in physical pain.

“What the hell do you like?” I gasp as she continues to stroke us.

“Ice cream,” she whispers at last, and I blink at her.


Without bothering to respond, Violet removes herself from between us and leans down to grab her backpack. “I need to get going.” She bites down on her lower lip with a sultry smirk. “But you two can feel free to jerk each other off while I’m gone…as long as you film it.”

It’s only then I realize how fucking close I still am to my best friend. If I were to lean any closer, we would be kissing and our cocks would be touching.

We jump away in tandem, both of us offering Violet identical glares.

“Not happening,” the Van Helsing says curtly, rolling his eyes.

“I’d rather cut my own dick off than suck his.” To Vin, I add, “No offense. I’m sure it’s delicious.”

“None taken.”

Violet huffs once before sighing. “A girl can dream.”

“Never going to happen,” I say as she leans forward to peck me on the lips. Fuck, what is this? What are we doing? Is she my girlfriend? Am I her boyfriend? What does this mean?

When she pulls away, it’s only to give Vin the same kiss she gave me.

“I’ll see you losers later,” she declares, turning on her heel and racing away. I stare at her ass before it disappears around a corner.

“Fuck,” Vin murmurs, dropping his forehead onto the cafeteria table.

“Fuck her,” I say. In the mouth, in the vagina, in the asshole. I’m open to just about anything.

Vin snorts at my crude comment before his eyes abruptly narrow. I follow the direction of his gaze to see Cheryl fucking Ness sashaying over to us. Can’t she take the hint? We want nothing to do with her.

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