Home > Roaring(30)

Author: Katie May

“Coming right up. And you?” He turns towards me expectantly.

“I’ll have the same.”

Alcohol and me? We don’t mix well. As in, it does nothing for me. I don’t experience the same high as other monsters do when they consume the heavy-duty fairy shit.

Benji returns with our drinks a few minutes later, and I lead Violet to a somewhat secluded booth in the corner. She slides in, her dress riding up her thighs, but before I can make a move to sit opposite her, she grabs my hand and pulls me into the seat directly beside her. I stumble, nearly spilling the fruity drink on her lap, before I right myself and cast her a glare.


“What?” she asks innocently, batting her lashes at me. Her lips part around the straw of her drink, and my cock twitches in my pants. I can’t help but imagine her lips wrapped around me instead. “This is nice,” she admits after a moment, placing her drink on the table. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve been out and had fun.”

“Me either,” I confess. I’m pretty sure I’ve never been out before with the sole purpose of having fun. My “fun” consisted of a clean laboratory and a dozen patients demanding my services. Clearing my throat, I rub the pad of my thumb down the sides of my sticky glass. “I really like you, Violet.”

“I really like you too.” She turns to face me fully, eyes twinkling. “More than I want to admit.”

“Why?” I place my hand on top of hers where it rests on her thigh. My pinkie brushes her silky-smooth skin, and I swear my eyes just about roll into the back of my head. Fuck.

“Why what?” She stares at our joined hands with rapt fascination.

“Why don’t you want to admit you have feelings for me?” I can’t ignore the pang of self-consciousness. Does she believe I’m not good enough for her? Does she wish I was thinner or more muscular? Does she want me to be a vampire? I try to hide my hurt behind a reinforced steel barricade, but it slips out unbidden. Her eyes immediately flicker back up to my face, wide with horror.

“No! It’s not that.” She blows out a breath and squeezes her eyes shut. “It’s just weird, okay? To have strong feelings for more than one man.”

“You have feelings for…the others?” I’m not surprised. I see the way she looks at them, and they, her. I imagine it’s similar to the way I do. “Violet, I told you before… I don’t care. And I’m pretty sure they don’t either. I don’t know how to explain it…”

“But the thought of them touching me turns you on?” she fills in with a quirked brow. “And the thought of anyone else touching me makes you furious?”

“How did you know?” She slips her hand out from underneath mine to cup my face. My own remains on her soft thigh, rubbing soothing circles into the skin there.

“Because the other guys said the same,” she confesses with a shrug. “It doesn’t make any sense—”

“Unless they’re your mates too,” I cut in, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

“You can’t have more than one mate,” she insists, but I’m already shaking my head vigorously.

“Not normally, no. But when have you ever been normal?” Violet’s face instantly falls, and I mentally chastise my dumb self. Fuck. “What did I say?”

“It’s not you. It was just something Ms. Stevens said…” She rolls her eyes and offers me a tentative smile. “Actually, it doesn’t matter. This is our date, and I’m determined to have a damn good time.”

“Do you want to dance?” I nod in the direction of writhing bodies, but one glance in Violet’s direction shows she has something else in mind.

She leans forward, her movements almost cautious, as if she’s gauging my reaction, and presses her lips to mine. It’s a soft kiss—innocent, by normal standards—but licks of fire dance through my veins. I’m getting burned, but it’s so fucking worth it.

“Frankie,” she murmurs against my lips as I return her kiss with vigor. Instead of chaste and sweet, it becomes feverish. Needy. Desperate. It’s as if we want to consume each other.

I’ve never felt anything like this before.

Her hand wraps around my wrist on her thigh, and at first, I think she’s trying to make me remove it. Instead, she glides it up the inside of her thigh until it reaches the thin material of her panties. My balls ache as I moan into her mouth.

“Violet…?” I trail off, a question in that one word.

“You can touch me. If you want.” She almost appears sheepish, embarrassed, and her cheeks are crimson. Hoping to put her at ease, I brush one finger down her panty line before moving the material to the side. From this angle, my body covers her from view, and I intended to keep it that way. No one is allowed to see her like this.

I sheath one digit inside of her already wet pussy, basking in her moan of pleasure.

“Fuck, Frankie!”

“Do you like that?” I whisper, planting kisses up and down the column of her neck.

“Yes.” It’s a cry and a plea combined. The message is clear—keep moving your finger.

Without delay, I add another to the first and begin to rub them back and forth, collecting her juices. She mewls softly, clawing at my back as my thumb brushes her clit, the touch tantalizing.

Violet suddenly freezes, her grip on my shoulders tightening, and I remove my hand from her pussy.

“What’s wrong?” I ask instantly. Have I unintentionally hurt her? When she continues to stare at something over my shoulder, I follow the direction of her gaze to see none other than Dimitri Gray himself sitting at the bar, drink in hand. His eyes are fixed on Violet, despite Benji attempting to engage him in conversation. The thought of him watching her doesn’t bother me. If anything, it makes me feel even better. Dimitri is a scary motherfucker, and I know that he’ll protect her no matter what.

“Shall we continue?” I whisper in Violet’s ear, and her breath hitches sharply.

“In front of…?”

“Only if you want to.”

It’s her choice. It’ll always be her choice.

With a sly, mischievous smile, Violet opens her legs, giving me a clear view of her wet thong and the outline of her pussy lips. I make quick work of sliding the panties off her legs and sticking them in my jacket pocket. Then, I position myself so I’m to the side of her instead of directly in front of her. This new angle still allows me to see her pussy folds…but it also allows Dimitri to see them too. And the other dancers, but most of them are too preoccupied with each other to pay attention to the booth in the corner. Besides, it’s secluded enough to only have a handful of people gathered in front of it, dancing to the thrumming music.

Dimitri’s eyes widen comically as I gently caress her pussy. I don’t enter her—not yet—but continually move my finger up and down her lips. Her eyes close as she rolls her head back, lips parted slightly. Flicking my gaze to Dimitri, I slip two fingers into her wet heat and begin to scissor them.

The headmaster’s pupils dilate, and his hand instinctively goes to his pants, palming himself through the material.

“Fuck,” I hear Violet murmur, and I see that her gaze isn’t on me, but on Dimitri.

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