Home > Roaring(65)

Author: Katie May


I need to see her. Need to hold her. Need her to promise me that everything will be alright. How is it that one slip of a girl managed to upheave my entire life? She barged into my world like an out-of-control freight train and quickly became my new one. A part of me resents her for how reliant I’ve become, but the rest of me is only grateful she deemed me worthy enough to be called her boyfriend.

The other hunters would call our relationship horrendous. I’ve never felt the need to atone for my sins before, but being with her? Loving her? That’s the gravest sin of all, and one I unapologetically embrace. I don’t need to gain penance for caring about her. It’s the one thing I’ll never apologize for.

“Let’s go comfort our girl,” I say, slinging my arm around Mason’s shoulder.

I can only pray that Violet’s demons aren’t too much for her to handle.



Chapter 35




A knock on the door startles me out of my reverie.

It took me way too fucking long to find a suitable outfit when I left Dimitri’s office. Knowing my clothes were beyond saving, I ripped the curtain from the rod and wrapped it haphazardly around my body. Honestly, Dimitri Gray is such a little shit. Now, I’m back in my room, cursing him to hell and back.

When the knock sounds again, I release a growl of frustration, padding on bare feet towards the door. I have changed into my favorite light pink skirt and black tank-top, the material my armor and my sword against whatever the world throws at me.

I push open the door, my eyes immediately landing on two handsome faces. Mason is leaning against the doorframe nonchalantly, face uncharacteristically pale and shadows beneath both his eyes, while Vin is staring down at me with a tight-lipped scowl.

Or, more accurately, at the baby on my hip.

“It’s been a long time,” I whisper meekly.

Mason finally chances a glance up, his eyes widening in alarm when he catches sight of me and the baby.

“Oh for the love of…” Vin trails off, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Violet, it has been less than an hour.”

“A lot has changed,” I respond despondently. I glance at the baby’s chubby face before resting my gaze on Vin. “You’re not the father.”

“Of course I’m not the father!” he snaps, forking his fingers through his pitch black hair. “Is this because I shoved you through the portal? Did your petty ass really kidnap a baby to prove a point?”

I turn towards Mason, who is flashing me a cocksure grin, eyes dancing with mirth.

“Mason is the father,” I announce proudly, and Vin’s fingers tighten even more on his nose. At this point, I’m pretty sure he’s trying to break it.

And he calls me dramatic.

“Hell, yes!” Mason fist pumps the air. “My sperm is so badass, it doesn’t even need to enter a vagina to work its magic.”

“Zeus, have mercy,” Vin mutters under his breath. Releasing his nose, he levels me with a penetrating glare. “Violet, love, did you kidnap a baby from the hospital?”

“Of course not!” I protest indignantly. “I stole the little guy from a supermarket. Finders keepers.”

At his look of horror, I drop the act and release a heavy sigh.

“I’m just fucking with you. This is Cynthia’s little brother. I’m just watching him for her as she finishes getting ready for her date.”

“Do you know how long it took me to find my D-sized boobs?” Cynthia exclaims as she sidles up beside me. Despite taking the last half hour to dress and do her hair and makeup, Cynthia looks the exact fucking same as before. I honestly can’t see any difference. The same sheet of black, tangled hair. The same pale face and slightly yellow eyes. The same too-sharp teeth in a too-small mouth. The same flowing white dress that swishes with every step she takes.

Without a word, Cynthia takes the baby from my arms and begins to rock him back and forth.

“I’ll drop him back off to my parents,” she states. “Thanks for watching him.”

“Yeah…” I can’t help the wistful sigh that escapes me as I watch her disappear. Honestly, I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with me. It’s not that I want kids anytime soon, but I think the possibility that I might never be able to have them is really hitting me hard. If what Diedre Stevens said is true, I’m not even a vampire, let alone Dracula’s daughter. So what am I? Can I even reproduce? What if I die before I get pregnant or married? Why am I having such morose thoughts today? Is it because Bar—

Nope. Not going there.

“You’re the strangest creature I’ve ever met,” Vin deadpans as he steps into my small dorm, Mason at his heel. With another sigh, I move to sit back on the bed and hug a pillow to my chest.

“What’s wrong, Pinkie?” Mason moves to sit beside me while Vin remains standing, his arms folded over his chest.

“What’s wrong?” I release a bark of humorless laughter, throwing my head back. “What isn’t wrong is the better question. Barret’s dead. I’m apparently some sort of fucked up monster. Dracula is avoiding me—and he might not even be my dad. I have a bunch of monsters who want to kill me just because I have vampire blood in my system. And I might never be able to have a fucking baby!” I’m panting by the time I finish my spiel, but fortunately, there are no tears in my eyes. I know that the second I start crying, I won’t be able to stop, and I can’t have that. I need to be strong, if only for a moment.

Brows cinching, Mason asks, “You want…a baby?” He looks as if he’s going to be sick.

“No! I mean, not anytime soon.” I’m rambling—which is never a good sign. It means I’m closer to losing my wits than I initially believed. “I just want the option, and I might not have that because apparently, I’m fucked up. Did you know that? Did you? I’m fucked up, even in the monster world. F to the U to the C to the—”

“We get it,” Vin interrupts, tone scathing. Eyes heated, he lunges forward until he captures my wrists in both of his hands, slowly lifting them until they’re above my head. “But why the fuck do you keep saying that about yourself? I don’t like it when you refer to yourself like that.” Fire blazes in his eyes as he surveys me from head to toe. My chest heaves as if he is physically undressing me, one piece of clothing at a time.

Mason lazily begins to trace my collarbone. “You’re not fucked up, Violet,” he whispers, and you know shit just got real when he uses my real name. His hand lowers until it’s cupping my breast, his thumb twisting my nipples through both my shirt and bra. His boyish smile makes him look innocent, but his chiseled jawline, broad shoulders, and prominent cheekbones make him appear anything but.

“You’re perfect,” Vin growls, leaning over me until I’m forced to fall on my back. “You’re a goddess, and the world’s too fucking dumb to see you as one.”

“You’re biased,” I point out as his tongue lowers to my neck, trailing upwards until it reaches the edges of my lips. I lift my chin, emulating the confident woman I’ve always wanted to be. And also giving him more space to worship me with those wicked lips of his.

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