Home > The Tracker Hive Academy : Semester Two(15)

The Tracker Hive Academy : Semester Two(15)
Author: Avery Song

How many of these guys did Charlie Fucker make?!

Zeus finally raised his hands to the sky and roaring thunder boomed above us before he exclaimed, "LEVA RA THUNDRA DA FLAMESOADA REVUKE!"

Goosebumps erupted along my arms as I watched what was coming out of the clouds with shocked horror.

Lightning dragons?!

Massive golden dragons shot down from the sky, their movement only slow for their reveal before they crashed into the waters and sent intense electrical currents all around.

I worried the shocks would reach us in no time, but Zeke lifted his hands up, which created a white-and-black dome around us and blocked the shocking currents from harming us.

As if the lightning dragons weren't enough, flaming meteors began to fall from the sky to scramble crowds of dark beings that were attempting to retreat. All we could do was watch in amazement as the two raging elements raged on with the very motivation of leaving no survivors behind.

Zeus let out a grunt and clapped his hands above his head. The sound boomed around us, and it seemed to silence the destruction happening all around.

The barrier around us shattered into glistening petals of black and white while the winds and swirling waves calmed. The cloudy skies were the last to depart, revealing the starry sky.

Zeus crunched over to put his hands on his knees as he fought to catch his breath. Zeke ended up going back over to him, quickly checking if he was okay while Zackery and Zion took a final cautious look around and helped Jade to reunite with their brothers.

I stood where I was, watching the five of them as relief swarmed their faces when they looked at Jade's proud smile. Her whole expression seemed to light up like lighting a match in complete darkness.

She had to be completely drained, her body, mind, and soul far too tired after the intense battle we just survived, and yet she couldn't help but admire each of her boyfriends. The four of them pulled her into a group hug, leaving my heart to ache a little as I lowered my gaze the floor.

I remembered those days when a mission would be accomplished and I'd be surrounded by Rock, Rick, Ruke, and Royce. We'd cheer and dance after each mission was accomplished, our enemies knocked out on the floor or being put into handcuffs by our head department officers.

We'd all go out to eat and spend the night relaxing and recapping the experience all over again. Funny how it was eons ago, years passed, and I was easily replaced like anyone else in this world.

I was replaced...so I shouldn't crave that affection anymore. I shouldn't want them back. Not when I'm not the same person they once admired and loved.

We could have all been dating by now. Be a bonded group like Jade was with her Trouble Four.

Charlie Fucker ruined that for me, ruined my whole damn life, and I couldn't stop him from running away.


I blinked and lifted my head to see Jade's small grin as she outstretched her hand.

The same way she had as we sank deeper into the ocean's grasp.

Why did the gesture make my heart flip with joy? Or cause shivers to run down my spine, arms, and legs? Why did she make me want to feel again? To be loved again. To be accepted...again. Why?

I noticed the other four were waiting for me to come to Jade, their expressions identical as they looked at me with encouraging eyes and promising smiles.

Aren't they afraid I'll take her away? That I'll sweep her right off her feet and never allow anyone to steal the happiness I've had ripped out of my clutches a good chunk of my life? How could they trust me so easily? Was I even worthy of it?

As my mind buzzed with millions of questions, my body was already moving ahead and walking towards the smiling woman. I lifted my arm, my fingers spreading outward as I prepared to grasp hers.

Without a pause in movement, I arrived before her as my hand pressed against the palm of her hand and our fingers entwined in a tight hold.

"I promised I'd come back," I mumbled, which made her eyes grow glassy as she slowly nodded and said, "I knew you would."

Instead of me pulling onto her, she tugged on my arm and pulled me into a hug. It was so simple to her. No need to worry about the unnecessary things like why it was okay to do this or that.

With Jade Storm, it all didn't matter as long as our bodies and emotions connected with one another and we were all striving to some sort of level of happiness.

I felt the others close in, hugging us, and there I was, in Jade's arms as the four Maxwells wrapped themselves around us. The connection I was just craving was now right here, and I couldn't be more grateful.

I couldn’t be more thankful that I had escaped and decided to follow my heart and not the pain and scars left behind.

"I know you all are having one of those rare loving moments, but the battle ain't over."

We pulled back at the familiar voice, and there was Calvin, cleaning his glasses. Behind him was Tanner.

"Calvin. Tanner," Jade acknowledged. I released her so she could go over to them, but she took two steps and paused to look at her legs.

Zeke was there in a second and lifted her up like they'd just gotten married.

"I didn't ask for help," Jade pointed out.

"As if I'd wait for you to before proving myself to my sexy queen," he purred and even kissed her.

"Tease," she mumbled but seemed to ease into his hold before he lowered her in front of the two new arrivals. She immediately moved to hug Calvin, who held her tightly and kissed her cheek.

"You're alright?"

"Delightful," Jade replied. Her response really pleased Calvin as he nodded and they both looked at Tanner. I had to admit, the poor guy looked beat.

"Is Bianca-"

"Stable," Tanner reassured Jade and reached out to stroke her head. "We had to put Alaric in an induced coma."

"What?!" we all exclaimed, and he quickly followed up with, "If we didn't, he wouldn't rest and was short-circuiting the equipment. That wouldn't be good if he got anywhere near Bianca, so I knocked him out."

"Oh, he’s gonna kill you," Jade said with a gasp before she moved from Calvin's hold to give Tanner a tight embrace. "And you look like shit."

"Thanks." He sighed and allowed his head to rest on her shoulder as he hugged her tightly. I could tell how Tanner cared for Jade like she was really his daughter of blood.

"You look like you haven’t gotten into some crazy shit in another universe," he acknowledged and pulled back to analyze all of us. "Everyone alright?"

"Just barely," Zackary complained. "Why were you saying the battle ain't over yet?"

"Oh," Calvin replied as he put away his glasses in the inner pocket of the leather jacket he was wearing on top of his black combat gear. "Look around."

We all seemed to do the simple deed, and I gasped like everyone else at the new crowd of dark creatures prepared to embark on a new set of boats.

"You’ve gotta be kidding me," Zeus huffed, but I noticed Zackery and Zion were a little breathless.

"What's wrong with the smart brother and the playful brother?" I asked in seriousness. Everyone seemed to have gotten what I meant since they looked over to Zackery and Zion.

"We're fine," Zackery breathed.

Zion bobbed his head, but he couldn't even speak up to comment.

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