Home > Hades (Contemporary Mythos #1)(27)

Hades (Contemporary Mythos #1)(27)
Author: Carly Spade

“Yes.” I gulped.

“And yet you’ve managed to coax me into it for the second time since we’ve met.”

I chewed on my lip, and my gaze dropped to his chest. “A sick, sick ploy to continuously get your shirt off.”

“How naughty.” His lips brushed my ear, and he whispered, “Careful. I may need to punish you in Tartarus.”

Goosebumps littered my skin, and I tried not to squeak again.

“Umm, should I leave you two alone?” Sara asked.

He stepped back, and I quickly stuck my tongue out at Sara.

Hades leaned on the bar beside me and jutted his chin at the bartender. “Whiskey. Neat.”

“Well, look who decided to join the crowd,” Rupert said.

“Oh, boy,” Sara mumbled, pulling on the brim of her floppy hat.

Hades cocked an eyebrow. “Something I should know?”

“Rupert’s been a bit of a pill lately. He insists on drinking like a fish and doesn’t like it when Michelle tells him he shouldn’t,” I whispered.

He narrowed his eyes, staring at Rupert over the rim of his glass.

“I thought they were going to bloody well carve your name into that stool at the other bar,” Rupert said to Hades, chuckling.

Michelle batted his shoulder. “Be nice.”

“Well, I’m surprised they haven’t etched your name into every bottle across the resort,” Hades retorted, casually sipping his drink.

Rupert slipped his sunglasses onto his head with a glare. “What did you just say?”

Michelle grabbed Rupert’s shoulder. “He’s just a bit antsy about the dance contest is all.” She patted him.

“Oh? Did you two enter?” I asked, scooting back on my stool. I would’ve fallen off if it weren’t for Hades’ hand pressing against my lower back, steadying me.

“We did! It’s a shame it’s for Valentine’s Day, being couples only and all. You love that movie, don’t you?” Michelle asked.

Hades’ arm slipped around my waist, his hand resting on the top of my thigh. If I’d been capable of melting into a puddle, I might have. “She is here with someone as luck would have it. Just established last night. Isn’t that right, darlin’?”

I leaned into him and awkwardly patted his very bare shoulder. “That’s right!”

Sara gave me a look over the top of her sunglasses. I wanted to kick her in the shin.

“How bloody convenient,” Rupert muttered, leaning on the bar near Hades.

I forced a laugh and tugged on Hades’ arm. “Can I talk to you for a second?

Once we were out of earshot from everyone else, I swatted his arm. “What are you doing?”

He eyed me sidelong. “What do you mean?”

“You just told everyone we’re together.”

He squinted. “How else would we enter the contest?”

“I figured they just meant two people.”

“For Valentine’s Day? A holiday that’s known across the globe for its romanticism?” He raised a brow.

He had me there.

“Would you be more comfortable entering the contest with someone else?” He asked.

No, I really wouldn’t. I wanted it to be him more than anything.

I shook my head.

“Good.” He took my hand and led me back to the bar, slipping his arm around my waist. Hades cocked his head to the side until Rupert looked at him. Neither man said a word, but Rupert’s eyes widened, and his bottom lip quivered.

“You’re looking a little pale there, Rupe,” Hades said, still staring him down.

I lifted my sunglasses. Rupert was more than pale. Talk about downright terrified.

Rupert reached behind him for Michelle, grasping at nothing but air the first several tries before latching onto her arm. “Let’s uh—let’s go to the other side of the bar, eh?”

“What? Why?” She asked as he pulled her away.

I narrowed my eyes at Hades. “What did you do to him?”

He finished his drink. “Nothing he didn’t deserve.”


He planted a quick kiss at the corner of my brow and moved to the open space of the pool. “You ready to try this lift?”

It happened so quickly, so naturally, I was at a loss for words. I traced my finger over the spot he kissed, staring down at my legs.

“Hey, space cadet. Hades is calling for you,” Sara said, nudging me with her elbow.

I tossed her a glare and hopped off my stool. She forced her grin so wide it made her look like a crazed clown. Hades stood in the middle of the pool, his arms stiff at his sides.

“You should probably make this look somewhat difficult for yourself,” I said.

His brow furrowed. “By doing what?”

“I don’t know. Drop me a few times?”

“You want me to drop you? On purpose?”

“Yeah. It’s a pool. That’s why the creators used a lake in the movie. So no one would get hurt.”

He dragged a hand through his hair, slicking it back with water. “Whatever you say, darlin’. Am I just liftin’ ya over my head and holding you there?”

“Right. You haven’t seen the movie. Yes. Lift me over your head by my hips. That’s it.”

“I can handle that.”

My heart raced with excitement as I moved to stand in front of him. “Ready?”

He lifted his hands out of the water, making come hither gestures. I took a step forward. He used both hands, gripped my hips, and hoisted me up over his head. I sported my best superman pose, ready to balance, and he let go. I belly-flopped into the water with a loud clap. The gasps and laughter from people sitting at the bar were so audible I could hear them underwater. Mortified couldn’t begin to describe it.

I sputtered water and parted my wet hair away from my face. “Why did you do that?”

“You told me to drop you.” His eyes shifted.

“Yes. Yes, I did. But that doesn’t mean to simply…let go.” I flicked my wrist, spraying water.

“So, you want me to drop you, but not by letting go of you?” One of his eyes squinted.

“No! Well, yes—in a manner of speaking?”

He continued to one eye squint.

“You know what? Forget it. Just lift me.”

He didn’t give me time to prepare myself. His hands gripped my hips, and he lifted me over his head. His arms weren’t even shaking. I was so giddy, I forgot to strike the pose, but didn’t care. He let go, while simultaneously turning my body. I fell into his arms and let out the girliest squeal. Biting my lip, I draped an arm around the back of his neck.

“Was that about right?” He asked, tantalizing me with his gaze.

I nodded.

He let go of my legs, and I quieted a whimper, already missing the feeling of being cradled in his arms for the second time. Michelle abandoned Rupert on the other side of the bar. She stared at Hades, biting the plastic straw in her drink. Rupert hid as far away as possible.

“Tell me, Hades, what do you do for work?” Michelle asked, turning her body to face him.

He leaned on the bar. “Odds and ends. I work from home now, but before that, I was mostly the carrier and divider of souls.”

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