Home > Hades (Contemporary Mythos #1)(34)

Hades (Contemporary Mythos #1)(34)
Author: Carly Spade

“Yes?” I asked through a cracked voice.

“Can you please go get someone? Tell them what happened to her.”

“What about you?”

His brow creased. “What about me?”

“What if they…” I lowered my voice. “What if they think you killed her?”

“They won’t. Trust me.”

He kept my gaze and waited for his words to sink in.

I gave a firm nod and turned away. His hand caught mine.

“I’ll see you tonight,” he said.

Tonight. The dance.



I sat on the couch in my pink chiffon dress and nude-colored flats, waiting for Hades. Sara had been rather proud of herself when I got back to our room. When she asked how it went, I left out all of the steamy details. He wasn’t going to be around forever. It was just as unfair to her to make it seem otherwise. She helped me with my hair and hurried off to claim her front-row seat in the atrium. Thoughts of the older woman consumed me. It was a grim realization of who he was.

A light knock sounded at the door. I stared at the peephole before opening it to reveal Hades leaning against the frame with his hands in his pockets. He wore a black silk collared short-sleeve shirt with several buttons undone and black pants.

I sucked on my lower lip. “You’re going all out. Same outfit and everything.”

“Figured you would appreciate it.” His eyes dropped to my dress.

My body hummed. “Oh, I do. Very much.”

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Heat flushed over my cheeks. “Is everything alright? With the woman, I mean?”

“Yes, but you shouldn’t have to think about that right now. Tonight is for you.” He reached for my hand and curled it around his arm, escorting us to the atrium.

“What happens to all the souls when you’re not in the Underworld?”

“They remain in the river Styx until I’m there to guide them in the right direction.”

My grip tightened on his bicep. “That’s awful. It’s like a sort of limbo?”

“Time works differently down there. They don’t know how long they’ve been there. But, it’s also why I can never be on the surface for a prolonged time. They might not know, but I do.” He squeezed my hand.

“That’s quite the burden you have on your shoulders.”

He shrugged. “You get used to it. I was never meant to lead a normal life. No waking up, brushing my teeth, and brewing a pot of coffee.”

“You’d take your coffee black, I assume?”

“Naturally. And I’d guess you have a little coffee with your sugar?”

I laughed. “And two creams.”

His eyes twinkled, peering down at me. My breath hitched. The murmurs from the inside crowd muffled through the atrium doors once we reached them.

“Ready to win this thing?” he asked, pulling the door open for me.

“I have full confidence in you. I just hope I don’t trip and fall flat on my face.” Nerves prickled my skin.

“You know I wouldn’t let that happen, darlin’.” He pressed his hand against my lower back, steering me toward the table with sign-in sheets.

The woman looked up at us unenthused. Her gaze landed on Hades, and she smiled wide. “You look amazing.”

Hades was a juicy steak, and I was a window.

My hands trembled as I picked up the pen. Hades touched his fingertips to my arm, gently taking the pen from my grasp.

He nodded at the woman. “Thank you kindly.”

After he signed our names in that gorgeous scroll of his, he led me past signs reading “Contestants This Way.” We went backstage where a man stood, holding square pieces of paper with numbers on them. He handed us a number six and pointed to a far corner. I shuffled my feet forward, Hades still leading me.

“Are you okay? We got this. Not sure why you’re so nervous,” he said, massaging my shoulders.

My eyes closed, remembering the feel of the fog pooling over my chest.

“I’m fine. I’ve only wanted to do this pretty much my entire life. I have the perfect partner, the perfect scenery. Hardly seems real.”

“Perfect partner?” His breath breezed against my ear.

I tensed and turned around to face him. (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life blasted through the speakers as the first couple took the stage. “Guess we should watch our competition?” I moved to the wings.

Several couples went before us, most of them messing up one move or the other, and none of them were able to complete the ending lift. Rupert and Michelle were next. I secretly hoped Rupert broke a leg.

Okay, not really. But still.

Hades stepped behind me, gripping each of my hips. I watched them go through the routine flawlessly, and my heart raced.

“They won’t be able to do the lift,” Hades whispered.

“How can you be so sure?”

“Trust me.”

Rupert trotted to one end of the stage, motioning for Michelle. He planted his hands around her hips and hoisted her straight into the air. She remained suspended until Rupert winced, clutched his stomach, and she landed flat on her butt. She was lucky she didn’t land on her head.

Several resort workers ran on stage, helping Michelle to her feet. One bent over to help Rupert, but he slapped their hand away. Michelle cried as they led her off stage, Rupert following behind, still clutching his side. Hades’ expression turned predatory as Rupert passed us. When he spotted Hades, that same look of pure terror engulfed Rupert.

Hades’ expression softened. “We’re up darlin’.” He took my hand and led us to the dancefloor, but I couldn’t help look over my shoulder at Rupert.

Why was he so scared of Hades if he didn’t know who he was? And what was he hiding? Or was Hades the one hiding something?

The song started up, and as we practiced, he wrapped a hand around my back, dipping me. Sara gave an enthusiastic “woo” from the front row. I turned my back to him, draping my arm around his neck, and right before he gripped my hip to spin me, he kissed the tip of my nose. It threw me so off guard I almost didn’t move my feet with the turn.

As we went through the cha-cha moves, spins, and dips, we made eye contact whenever we faced one another. I got lost in his gaze several times, staring at amber-colored eyes. Did his true form have the same color? He wrapped a hand around my waist, lifting me, and spinning several times. It was the first of two times I’d be entirely at his mercy during the dance.

When we neared the end, ready to perform the final move, he squeezed my hand, backing up to the edge of the stage. Was he going to—? His eyes flashed before turning as he leaped off stage. I stared dumbstruck, pressing a hand to my chest. Sara sat between Keith and Guy, and she elbowed them both, motioning toward me. Begrudgingly, they both got up to help me down from the stage. I thought I was about to cry.

I ran at Hades, his hands wrapped around my waist, and with no effort in the slightest, I was up in the air, doing the best Baby pose I could. The crowd went wild, but I was far too preoccupied with Hades lowering me back down. I gulped, staring at him as I slid to the ground. He searched my face, looking about as confused as I felt. At some point between the feel of my chiffon skirt floating like a cloud around me and the longing in Hades’ eyes every time we drew close, a realization crept over me like a flame on a lit match. Whether we won the contest or not, I couldn’t be sure because my mind caught on the fact that I’d fallen for the god of the Underworld.

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