Home > Lord of Life(15)

Lord of Life(15)
Author: Charlene Hartnady

Miss Stubborn leans forward, her large eyes on mine. She puts one hand on the table. The other one is still under the table. “No, I wasn’t an only child. There, I shared, now your turn. What are you?” she whispers, making the hairs stand up all over my body.

“Come again?”

“Let’s cut the crap, Doc. You’re not human. Not even close. What are you?” She talks under her breath even though there are no occupied tables near us.

My heart beats faster. I feel it thumping in my chest. My hands go clammy. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I swallow down about a hundred counter-questions. How the hell does she know? Who is she?

What the hell!

I suck in a breath when I feel something cold and hard slide down my inner thigh. It pushes up against my cock.


The mystery woman leans forward, her breasts just resting on the table. Her eyes are hard and very focused. “Meet my Glock 18. It’s fully automatic and loaded. Capable of not only taking your dick clean off but leaving a sizable hole where it used to be. If I was you, I would start talking.”

“Not here,” I manage to push out. It’s hard to talk when a person is threatening to blow your dick off.

She presses the muzzle of the gun a little deeper into my crotch.

I swallow thickly, lifting my hands in a gesture of surrender. “You wouldn’t,” I say, lowering my hands because, otherwise, I’m going to draw unwanted attention to us. I’m not sure how I would explain this to my superiors and colleagues.

“You willing to take that risk?” She looks like she means it.

I have superior healing skills. I’m not sure if they extend to growing back limbs and appendages. I’m not willing to take the risk. “I’m a dragon demigod.”

“A what?” She frowns.

“I’m part dragon shifter and part god.”

She gives me a dirty look. “Bullshit!” Then she presses her gun so tightly against my cock it hurts…just a little.

I grunt.

“Demigod my ass.”

I growl low, an almost inaudible rumble from deep in my chest. “So you buy the dragon shifter part then?”

She nods once. “Maybe. That would make you a relatively peaceful species. We leave the dragon shifters alone.”

“We?” I raise my brows.

“I’m holding the gun. I’ll ask the questions. I know that dragon shifters exist, but I’ll need you to prove that you are really one.”

“Right now?”

“Make your eyes glow for a second or show me some scales.”

She knows her stuff. “I’m at work.” I look around the room, my eyes locking with a nurse who works on my team.

She smiles as I look away. Shit!

“Hi, Doctor Jennings,” she says. “Everything okay?” She stops at our table. “You look worried.”

“I’m fine, Louise.” I smile at her. “My girlfriend came to visit. How sweet is that?” I put my hand around Miss Stubborn’s shoulder and rub her back lovingly. Her whole body tenses.

“Oh, you have a girlfriend.” Louise’s brows go up. “I wasn’t aware. I’m Louise.” She holds out her hand to the mystery woman.

I pull back, giving Miss Stubborn space. She narrows her eyes at me, her jaw tightening. “I’m Andy,” she finally says when it starts to get awkward.

Louise can be annoying. A little too nice. Too in your face. She’s asked me out at least half a dozen times. Right now, I love Louise because she stretches her hand further towards Miss Stubborn. There is no way she gave her real name. Andy? Forget about it.

The gun leaves my crotch, and I have to hold back a sigh of relief. Miss Stubborn puts the gun in her lap and takes Louise’s outstretched hand.

Miss Stubborn’s other hand is disappearing under the table. She strikes me as the type of woman who can handle a weapon with both hands, and easily. I happen to be fast. I’m not human. Miss Stubborn was right about that. I get to her gun before she does, so I’m assuming she is.

“It’s so lovely to meet you,” Louise says as she lets Not-Andy’s hand go.

Miss Stubborn makes this strange noise, then clears her throat, smiling back at Louise. “You too.”

“Did you come to the hospital today to surprise your man?” Louise asks.

“Um…yep…that’s exactly what happened.”

“My lady is full of surprises.” I chuckle. “Good thing I have a trick or two up my own sleeve, right sweetheart?”

“Seems that way,” Miss Stubborn says, her voice stilted.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say to Louise. I’m starting to get worried she might join us. That’s how she is. A pain in the ass. A gossip. Now that I have the gun, I need her gone.

“Oh yes, for that valve repair?” She lifts her brows.

“That’s right.” I smile broadly.

“See you then.” She turns back to Miss Stubborn. “Nice meeting you, Andy.”

“You too.” Not-Andy sounds bright and breezy. “I should probably get go—” She starts to get up.

I put my hand on her leg and squeeze her thigh. “Not so fast, babe,” I say. “I missed you today. We still have time.” I put the gun between her legs as Louise walks away. Two can play at this game. I don’t push the muzzle into her crotch, although I’m sorely tempted. I pull my chair a little closer, using my body. To the others around us, it would seem like we are lovers who can’t get enough of each other.

“Let me go, or I’ll start screaming,” Not-Andy says between clenched teeth.

Fuck that! I’m done being a nice guy.

She hisses as I push the gun deeper into her privates. The muzzle is now firmly against her pussy.

Miss Stubborn’s eyes widen. I see a flash of fear in her eyes before she schools the emotion. “What was that about this gun making big holes?” I ask her.

“You wouldn’t,” she murmurs.

“Try me! You come into my place of business and threaten to blow my dick off. You want me to give you information but won’t tell me anything in return. That’s bullshit. I’ve been nothing but nice. Nothing but patient. Well, my patience is all but done. Speak. Tell me what you know.”

“Lilith put one of my best friends in the hospital. He’s fighting for his life as we speak. I want to find her and make her pay. It’s as simple as that. I need to know what happened with the two of you in order to do that.”

“No, it isn’t as simple as that. You must have more. Why are you so sure she didn’t steal from me?”

“Lilith doesn’t need money. She’s very well off. Material things don’t interest her.”

“How do you know her…because you clearly do? Who is she to you?”

“I don’t know her! She’s nothing to me.” I catch a flicker of something in her eyes.

“You’re lying. Why not just come clean? Why not just tell me. You can start with who you are.”

“I don’t know you. I don’t trust you.”

“Trust this.” I push the muzzle more firmly against her pussy.

She makes this little groaning noise that shoots straight to my cock, which is grossly inappropriate in a situation like this. I’m sure that groan had nothing to do with anything pleasurable regardless of how it sounded. I pull in a noseful of air, but her perfume is too strong to tell if she’s aroused. What the fuck am I doing? Of course she isn’t aroused. What kind of woman would be in a situation like this? I need to get my head out of my ass.

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