Home > Shadow in the Empire of Light(32)

Shadow in the Empire of Light(32)
Author: Jane Routley

“No. Blazeann tried to poison your mother and I’ve been busy trying to sort that out.”

Her eyes widened. “Really? Do tell!”

“Well, not poison exactly. More like drug.”

But, of course, I had to tell her everything.

“That was a narrow escape,” she said, when I’d finished. “Toy’s a real rat. And Blazeann is just plain stupid.”

“You know Toy wants to take Lucient as her consort?”

“Lady of light, poor old Lucy. Why on earth must she torment him like that? Now what about my letter?”

She seemed much more anxious than she had been before. She kept rubbing her hands as if she were washing them. What could it be? Something as serious as crystal-smuggling. What else could be that serious? Curiosity was eating me up.

“We need the combination to Toy’s treasure box,” I said.

“Does it need to be the right number, or can you try a few on the chance?” asked Shadow.

“No. Those things are built to be touchy,” said Klea “It’s the right number or nothing. Sometimes you set them off even with the right numbers. Maybe Lucy would know the combination. Ask him, will you? And search Toy’s maid’s room. Toy sometimes gives her things to mind.”

“Very well,” I said, irritated at being ordered about so heedlessly. Elders are one thing, but your cousins... That’s annoying. “But you need to keep your side of the bargain. This is no place for Shadow. What if Illuminus had let his hunting cats into the garden?”

“I’ll put him on the roof next time, if you like. There’s lots of places to hide here. There were all these weird mice at the hut. They gave us the shivers.”

“You didn’t think to kill them?”

“Yes, I did, but there might have been more. Those woods are scary. There’s a tree that moves, just by the clearing. And something is talking. I’m not sure what. It didn’t actually make any sense.”

“It’s probably a night spirit. You know, those tree-climbing things with the big ears. They make a sound like talking.”

“It’s not fair on Shadow to leave him there alone. He wanted to come.”

It seemed so ridiculous that a mage like Klea should be scared of the woods, but I thought of the Mooncat that might still be out there and decided to stop being difficult.

“Well, you might be best to go back to the hut now,” I said.

“I guess. I wish I could help poor old Lucy.”

“Maybe you should get him to come and live with you.”

“Not unless he’s willing to lose his allowance. Impi insists everyone lives under the same roof. He says it keeps us respectable. As if.”

“So why hasn’t he cut your allowance?”

“He did. And Mother let him, too, damn her. But my dear friend Fabi Trudison got me work as a singer at the Golden Bubble in Crystalline. So I don’t need my allowance.”

“Do they pay a lot?” I asked. Her boots were the very finest leather.

She laughed. “Not much but, oh, darling, it’s lovely in Crystalline. Everyone’s so excited to meet a member of the Imperial Family. And be seen out at the best eating houses with one. And have her wear their clothing. And as for loving... The place is full of rich merchants who would adore to have it whispered that they’re my favourite, and if I bloom because of it...?” She threw out her hands. “Think of the kudos for them.”

The lucky beast. Magic, looks and all this too.

“Oh, look at you, all envious,” she cried, surprising me with her perception. She pinched my cheek lightly. “Come down to Crystalline and join in. You’re a member of the Imperial Family too. A ghostie girl like you would be a big hit there. Everyone’s crazy for ghostie things at the moment.”

“Small problem of how I’d eat,” I said.

“Oh, nonsense. We’d find you something to do in the theatre and my friends’ll pay for your food.” She patted my cheek. I didn’t believe a word she said, but I couldn’t help smiling at her. “Come on. We’d have lots of fun. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

“I can’t leave Eff,” I said. “This place would go back to rack and ruin.”

A door slammed and people started laughing on the other side of the garden.

“We should go back to the hut,” said Shadow.

“I know, I know. Don’t worry, little Shadow. I’ll look after you,” said Klea.

She put her arm round Shadow’s waist and pulled her hat down low over her head to dim her crystal light. “Shine, find that letter or I’ll be unable to help you. Let us return to our elegant abode, Sirrah Shadow!”

With a rustle of leaves they shot up into the air and very quickly her light was gone.

I called Katti a couple of times, but in typical cat fashion she had got interested in something else and gone off. I knew I should go and talk to Eff, or at the very least go to bed, but it was hard to leave the warm fire. I lay down on the bench feeling drowsy and cosy, thinking I’d lie here and get really warm before going up to my chill room.

It only seemed like a moment later that I was woken up by someone shaking my arm.

“You should go to bed,” said Hagen Stellason. “Preferably with me.”

“Oh, don’t be such a pepper groin,” I said, rubbing my eyes. I thought about Klea and the ghost, and scanned the winter house for any sign that they’d been there. No sign. It looked like Hagen had safely missed them.

He sat down on the bench and offered me a drink from a flask, which I declined. I didn’t need to feel any sleepier.

“So who put you up to changing your aunt’s smokeweed this evening?” He’d taken hold of my arm.

“No one!” I cried. “This is not your business. Will you unhand me, man?” I slapped his hands away.

“Now come,” he said. “Tell me who. And why.”

This was getting annoying.

“Nobody. Do you think I can’t think for myself? I overheard... some people talking and decided to do something about it.”

“Why not tell Lord Impavidus?”

“You’re joking. He doesn’t like me. And how do I know he’s not involved? I’ve no time for the mages’ petty politics. The only thing I care about is the Blessing. If Splendance had been taken ill... It would be a nightmare. No crops for the next year at least.”

“Nothing to you. You’d eat.”

“That’s a selfish attitude. You’re a town dweller, aren’t you? Here, people go hungry when the crop fails.”

“Yes I’ve heard you radicals are very close to the peasants.”

“All good estates are run with the peasants in mind,” I retorted.

“So no one put you up to it? I’m not sure I believe you.”

“Believe what you like. It’s hardly any of your business.”

He stroked his chin thoughtfully.

“You are a remarkably clever little person,” he said. “So what’s going on with you and Illuminus? He’s spending so much time in your room I’m beginning to think you are having a Blessing affair with him as well.”

I couldn’t help laughing. “Illuminus! I’m not doing anything with that stupid dog. Hey, I’ve heard a rumour that he’s a crystal smuggler.”

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