Home > Exist : Beyond the Thaw(14)

Exist : Beyond the Thaw(14)
Author: Heidi Catherine

Grace moves for the first time since they entered. Her hand flickers, and if everything wasn’t so still and tense in the hut, Sam’s not even sure she would’ve seen it.

But nothing happens, meaning the tension is now thicker than the smoke. Sam can feel the energy vibrating off Hawk. He’s ready to defend her. She’s hoping Corbin understands what an advantageous arrangement this could be...

Corbin lowers his spear, thumping the base into the ground again. “Very well. You may build a shelter at the edge of our village. We will see how useful you will be.”

Sam blinks. They’ve done it?

Raiden steps forward. “And to celebrate your arrival, we shall have a feast tonight!”

The spears around them thump the ground in an uneven frenzy. It seems the people of the village are glad to hear that.

Sam’s gaze flies to Hawk’s. They’ve done it!

Hawk doesn’t move, but his eyes smile in a way that has Sam’s heart rate tripping all over again.

Stepping back, she slips her hand into his. For some reason, this moment feels…more because they were here together. As if this was the first step in the future they’re building.

And it was a success.

Mercy nods. “Thank you, Commander. We’re grateful for your hospitality.”

“I’ll give you a tour,” offers Raiden.

Leaving the bucket where it is, they exit the hut, following him into the sunshine. Once they’re outside, Sam pulls in a deep breath. Sweet, clean air fills her lungs and she can just imagine all the smoke particles already coating her entire respiratory system. And each of those flecks of ash were once a living fragment of a beautiful tree.

There is much these people can learn from them.

Raiden turns to them, not smiling, but not looking unfriendly either. “Are you sure you can dig more wells? Ones that will have water we can drink?”

Sam nods firmly. “Once you find the right spot, it’s just a matter of digging.”

“Says the one who didn’t have to dig,” grumbles Luca.

Sam raises a brow. “I would’ve been happy to dig,” she says archly.

Raiden looks among them. “You are all family?”

Mercy shakes her head vehemently. “Hawk and Sam aren’t related, neither are Luca and I.”

Sam opens her mouth to clarify their genealogy, but Mercy has already pulled up a blinding smile. “A tour sounds lovely.”

With another quick scan of their foursome, Raiden turns and walks away from the hut. They’ve only followed him for a few yards when he turns and extends his arms. “This is our village.”

They all turn around to look out over the motley scattering of huts radiating out from the central Round House. This village is their new home. A village built from the trees that used to stand here, desecrating the ecosystem that now doesn’t exist. There’s nothing but beaten dust between each of the huts. The place must turn into a giant mud pool when it rains.

Raiden sweeps his arms in the direction of the small shelters. “Each family now has one of their own,” he says proudly. “And they’ve withstood every storm since we’ve arrived.”

Sam can already see Luca assessing the joins holding the huts together. Knowing they need to learn as much as they can about their new home, she smiles at Raiden. “And your kitchens? The dining hall?”

Raiden looks at her quizzically. “Each family cooks for themselves. And eats in their hut.” He grins. “Which is why this feast is so special.”

“It’s very generous of you,” murmurs Mercy.

Sam turns back to surveying the huts. “So, each hut has its own kitchen? And some sort of plumbing?”

Raiden frowns. “They have a cooking fire. And we have the forest to use for our…personal needs.”

“There’s no sanitation?” Sam tries to keep the horror out of her voice, but she knows she fails when Hawk moves closer to her.

Raiden’s brows sink even deeper. “We’re too busy hunting for food and collecting water.”

Realizing she could be about to offend the very people they’re trying to befriend, Sam places a hand on Raiden’s arm. “It would’ve taken a lot of hard to work to build what you have here.”

Raiden glances down at where Sam’s touching him, then looks at her with a sudden smile. “Cutting down the trees with the few tools we had was the hardest.”

Sam holds her smile with concerted effort. They’ve made good progress today. Next, it’ll be a matter of making this village sustainable. Of caring for Earth just as much as themselves.

She turns back to Hawk to see if he’s proud of her. He’s the one person who understands what she’s trying to do.

But Hawk’s not smiling. In fact, he has that look when he’s trying to suppress a frown. He glances away before Sam can get some idea of why.

A commotion on the other side of the village has them all turning toward it. Hawk’s instantly by Sam’s side, Luca glued to Mercy. Sam understands their caution, but surely Corbin wouldn’t allow them to stay only to attack them?

Not when he’s realized how useful the Seekers can be.

Several people exit the forest, spears in their hands as they shout and brandish them.

Sam’s hand flies to her throat. She could tell Luca was thinking this was too good to be true. Maybe he was right.

Raiden grins. “Our hunters have returned.”

Sam’s breath whooshes out, feeling foolish at the conclusion they just jumped to. If they want the people of the Newlands to trust them, they need to trust them, too. “They look very pleased with themselves.”

Corbin exits from the Round House, having heard the commotion..

A woman in the front holds up a bundle of dead hares. Although there doesn’t look to be more than three or four flopping sacks of fur, she’s smiling broadly. “Our most in a day, yet!”

Corbin throws his arms out wide. “Let’s have a feast!”

His answer is more whoops and spear thrusting.

Suddenly, Raiden spins back. He steps in closer to Sam. “I’d like for you to sit with us, at the head table.”

Behind him, Hawk imperceptibly shakes his head. Luca opens his mouth to object. Mercy’s about to do the same.

Sam’s smile grows. Don’t they realize what an opportunity this is? She’d be talking with Corbin directly! “That would be wonderful. Thank you, Raiden.”

Raiden’s grin is blinding as he sets off to join the hunting party talking to his father. Grace must’ve stayed in the hut because she’s nowhere to be seen.

Mercy lets out a breath through pursed lips. “I suppose that went well.”

Luca frowns. “I’m not sure you should sit with them, Sam.”

Sam looks at the three faces staring at her. She thought they’d be pleased! “But this is what we came here for. I could talk to Corbin.”

“Aren’t you a little suspicious as to why Raiden invited you?” asks Hawk quietly.

Something spears down Sam’s spine. “Because his mother calls me the clever one.”

Hawk’s mouth settles into a thin line.

But before Sam can ask him what’s going on, a cramp rips through her stomach. As her gut contracts, demanding she double over, she spins on her heel. “Someone’s going to have to go get the others,” she calls over her shoulder.

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