Home > The Hunter and the Mage(48)

The Hunter and the Mage(48)
Author: Kaitlyn Davis

"That guy was a jerk," she snarled as they stepped into the hall, well aware they were in a foreign house where their every move would be watched, and not caring. King Sylas had spent most of the night mentally dissecting her, making Cassi feel every inch the strange owl girl raised by doves as he searched for her secrets. It was best to pretend she had nothing to hide.

"What did you expect?" Xander laughed softly, subtly shaking his head. "Lyana dishonored his daughter by picking me at the trials and breaking our match. His son was made a fool by coming home without a mate. We're lucky he agreed to let us into his city, let alone invited us to dinner. The least I can do is bear the brunt of his frustration. It’s the first step to smoothing things over."

"Can you please, just this once, not see the good in everyone?"

He cast a sidelong glance in her direction. "Would it make you feel better if I called him an arrogant ass?"

"Yes. It would."

"Very well. He's an arrogant ass."

As she opened her mouth to applaud him, Xander continued.

"But he's also a king, which means he's an arrogant ass whose wrath I have no choice but to suffer. It's one of the pitfalls of diplomacy—you don't always get to choose whose feathers you need to preen."

"Then thank the gods I'm not royal."

"I shudder to think what would happen to the kingdom if you were."

Cassi rolled her eyes and elbowed him gently in the ribs. "Lyana would've thought the same as me had she been here, and she would've said as much."

"I know." A frown passed briefly over his lips before the edges twisted up. "But Lyana would've done so in such a charming manner the king would've walked away not knowing if he'd been deeply insulted or heartily praised."

"Are you saying I lack charm?" Humor colored her words.

Xander stopped walking and turned toward her. "I'm saying you're honest, and I mean that as a compliment."

If you only knew.

It took every ounce of strength she possessed to hide how his words struck like a well-placed dagger, cutting straight to the core. Before her façade cracked, she turned to the side and stared out the window at the city of Rynthos. It was so much more vibrant than she recalled, her spirit body not quite able to experience the richness of the world the way her true body could. Amber light flickered over the stone formations, stalactites and stalagmites created from water long since dried by the isles rising into the sky. The flutter of wings sent a warm vibration through the air, the sensation wrapping around her like an embrace. No matter if she'd grown up in another house, no matter if she'd never before stepped foot in this underground world—something about this place whispered to her soul. For the first time in her life, she was an owl among owls. She belonged. Perhaps most importantly, the musty smell of books called out to her, murmuring of stolen lives and borrowed adventures, a scent that almost felt like home.

An idea sparked as she stared at the winding staircases of this hidden library, almost as though Lyana were standing right next to her, poking her in the ribs.

She turned to Xander. "Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

With two steps and a leap, Cassi soared out the window. Her wings caught her, and she glided over rooftops, making for the column nearest to the castle. She landed easily on the steps carved into the stone, smiling when she heard the scuffle of feet on the stair behind her. She hadn’t been sure he'd follow.

"Cassi," Xander hissed, voice alarmed.

Oh, Xander, you sweet, rule-abiding prince, welcome to my world.

"Cassi, what are you doing?"

Instead of answering, she raced up the steps to the first platform she came upon and tested the door. The knob didn't budge.


Cassi bit her lip, darting her gaze left then right. No one from the castle had come running after them, though they'd undoubtedly been seen leaving. It was as much permission as she required. Cassi slipped her hand into one of the pockets hidden along the seam of her gown, pulled out a thin needle, and stuck it inside the lock.


"What?" She wriggled the pick. "Don't you want to see what's inside?"

"Yes, but…" A battle took place within his eyes, the good boy versus the eager scholar, two warring sides of equal strength, though a little push from her might tip the scales.

"Haven't you ever done anything you're not supposed to?" Most of her life had been defined by her doing things she wasn't supposed to, usually with Lyana by her side.

"I— I'm not—" His brow furrowed into a deep groove.

"Come on, a little rule-breaking can be fun."

"Fun?" He curled his lip as though a foul odor laced the air. "Fun? The last time I broke a rule it was to let my brother pretend to be me during our most sacred ritual, and we both know how well that turned out."

"I said a little rule-breaking," Cassi scoffed. "Not challenging the gods."

Xander sighed heavily. "I'm already in thin air with the owls."

"Well, I'm an owl, and you’re not in thin air with me."

He opened his mouth to respond, but a gentle click sounded, stealing his words. The uncertainty on his face turned to excitement, and she grinned. With a little push, she eased the door open and slipped inside. Xander paused at the threshold, but with the light seeping in through the gap, illuminating a wall of leather-bound spines, it was only a matter of time before he relented.

One second passed.

Then two. Then three—

Xander gulped audibly and entered. Cassi closed the door behind him, shrouding them in darkness. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but when they did, she stepped easily across the room toward the sheen of glass in the corner. Her spying had taught her how to light the special lanterns used in the library. Instead of requiring a candle or torch to ignite the wick, the metal tops used miniature flints, which contained the fire inside the lantern and kept the collection protected.

A bang drew her attention, followed by a hastily whispered, "Ow!"

Cassi glanced over her shoulder to find Xander hopping on one foot, his wings flapping to keep him upright as he clutched his toe. The air circulated, rustling pages and tossing up dust. She laughed softly and spun the dial to light the lantern. Within seconds, a warm glow revealed curved walls lined with books. Three worktables sat in the middle of the space, one of their legs having been his invisible attacker.

Xander froze.

With as much dignity as he could muster, he slowly dropped his foot back to the floor and folded his wings against his back. "How much of that did you see?"

"I have perfect night vision."


"Your toe all right?"

"Never better." He pursed his lips and sucked in a breath, then slowly expelled it. "Anyway…how'd you know how to use the lantern?"

"Woman's intuition."

He stared at her, unconvinced.

Damn you and your frustratingly attentive mind.

"There was one in my room." Cassi shrugged and turned to the shelves, hoping that was explanation enough. "I'll take this side and you take the other. First one to find something interesting wins. Deal?"

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